Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


Dr. Dan Peterson (Sierra Internal Medicine, Incline Village, Nevada)


A seminal figure in the history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr. Peterson uncovered the Incline Village outbreak that helped put the disorder on the map

A seminal figure in the history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr. Peterson uncovered the Incline Village outbreak that helped put the disorder on the map

Dr. Dan Peterson was at the epicenter of the Incline Village outbreak in the mid 1980’s that helped put Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on the map.  Stunned by the depths of distress his patients were experiencing and frustrated at the level of support from the medical establishment, Dr. Peterson has made Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) a focus of his practice at Sierra Internal Medicine and research for over 3 decades.

A past Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board member of the HHV-6 Foundation, a founding Board Member and past President of the IACFS/ME and a founding member of the Whittemore-Peterson-Institute Dr. Peterson has been involved in many seminal events in ME/CFS history.

Dr. Peterson left the Whittemore-Peterson-Institute in March, 2010 at the height of the excitement over XMRV; his later study with Dr. Jay Levy suggested  XMRV was a laboratory contaminant. An engaging speaker, Dr. Peterson has given ME/CFS lectures from Norway to Australia.

A frequent collaborator and the lead  researcher for the Simmaron Foundation, Dr. Peterson is working with the Chronic Fatigue Initiative  on a pathogen and spinal fluid study, with the Open Medicine Institute and CDC on a diagnostic study, with PHANU – the Australian ME/CFS research effort – on natural killer cell and spinal fluid studies. Simmaron’s spinal fluid data enabled PHANU to get a large grant and sparked praised from Dr. Mady Hornig at a recent conference.

Dr. Peterson received the Rudy Perpich award in 2003, and the  Nelson Gantz Outstanding Clinician Award from the International Association for CFS/ME in 2007.  Dr. Peterson was appointed adjunct professor on the faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at Bond University in Queensland, Australia in 2011. Dr. Peterson opened a new office in 2012 in Incline Village .



The Treatment Blogs! Corinne on Dr. Peterson


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