Long COVID Invasive Exercise Study Suggests Purine Inhibitors May Help
A long COVID invasive exercise metabolomic study found reduced energy production and recommended purine inhibiting drugs.
Plasmapheresis Possibilities for ME/CFS and Long COVID Pt. 2: Immunoadsorption, BC007 and H.E.L.P.
Check out how blood cleansing techniques to remove pathogenic factors in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID may (or may not) be helping in these diseases.
The Plasmapheresis Possibility for ME/CFS and Long COVID: Pt. I TPE and INUSpheresis
Plasma apheresis presents the enticing possibility of removing pathogenic substances from the blood of people with ME/CFS, long COVID and fibromyalgiz
The Immunome – Could an Immune Breakthrough Help Explain ME/CFS and Long COVID?
An artificial intelligence trained system that captured the "immunome" is a "perfect application" for diseases like ME/CFS and long COVID.
Post Coronavirus Vaccination Study Sparks Controversy – and Finds Immune Breakdowns
Post coronavirus vaccination study finds immune breakdowns similar to those found in chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID
Long COVID, ME/CFS and the Trump Administration: Where We Stand Now
Geoff's Narrations The Blog The GIST The GIST is on the bottom right "May you live in interesting times" Apocryphal Chinese curse We're living in interesting times, that's for sure. This blog attempts to gauge the state of ME/CFS, FM, long COVID, and similar...
Nalmefene: Has Jarred Younger Discovered a Better LDN + an LDN / Rapamycin Osteoporesis Connection
Nalmefene may work better than low-dose naltrexone in ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, and long COVID, plus LDN and Rapamycin may help with osteoporosis.
Major Long-COVID Muscle Study Affirms ME/CFS Findings … and Sparks Dissent
A long COVID exercise study finds dramatic muscle abnormalities and sparks some dissent.
High Default Mode Network Activity in ME/CFS Associated with Decreased Alertness, Difficulty Carrying out Tasks and More
Alertness, the ability to carry out tasks, sleep and others in chronic fatigue syndrome are impacted by activation of the default mode network in the brain.