Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


We rarely put mold in the ‘pathogen’ category, but mold is an organism – a fungus – that produces toxins that can evoke strong inflammatory responses in our bodies and even in our brain. Earlier this year we heard how extreme mold avoidance helped Joey Tuan.  (I saw and shook hands with Joey at the IACFS/ME conference – he’s definitely been lifting weights :)).

Black and related molds

Black and related molds

Last year we presented the results of  a study suggesting that mold exposure could be high for some people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but little other published research has been done. Mold, like mercury, and the MTHFR mutation remains a kind of ‘underground’ topic in ME/CFS; it’s of intense interest to a significant number of  patients but rarely makes it to the scientific journals.

But here comes another mold  avoidance success story, this time in a video from Giles Meehan. Giles tells how avoiding mold has made a significant difference in his health and explains the basics of mold and mold exposure in easy to understand terms. The video is a great beginners guide to mold.

Mold and ME(CFS): A Different World

Mold Resources

outside the box

The Paradigm Change website asserts mold should be taken much more seriously in neuroimmune disorders

With the development of ParadigmChange, a website devoted to understanding the effects of mold on neuroimmune illnesses, we have a go-to place to learn about mold. You can find video’s and white papers from professionals in the field, a free ebook (‘Back from the Edge’), mold recovery stories, and more.

While it’s not clear what if any role mold plays for many people with ME/CFS/FM, it’s very clear that mold avoidance strategies benefit some people greatly.

When I think of mold and ME/CFS I think of people making dramatic lifestyle changes such as moving out into the desert, but in this video I learned that simply changing your clothes and washing your face and hair after mold exposure can be helpful.

There’s a lot of learn about mold and ME/CFS and FM; I don’t know a tenth of it, but I do know that for some people mold is definitely something to consider.

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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