“If I had a hammer,
I’d hammer in the morning,
I’d hammer in the evening,
All over this land”Pete Seeger and Lee Hays
People with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are by definition limited in how much they can do. Many are too limited to take on anything extra. Others have some energy they could devote to something, but lack the opportunity to do so. Some healthy people would probably love to help out but they don’t know how to either. Those are the people this blog is focused on.
The question is if you had a partner or partners what might you do?
What kind of project would you love to take on if you had the means to do so?
What skill set would you polish off if you had the chance?
If you’re healthy what would you contribute if you had the opportunity?
The Microbiome Discovery Project is an example of what’s possible. It was done entirely by people with ME/CFS. You’d never know very ill people created a beautiful, professional looking website that ended up raising over $220,000 for the Lipkin/Hornig microbiome study. Now they’re moving onto other research projects.
It doesn’t have to be a large project and it doesn’t have to be an ME/CFS/FM project.
Or maybe you have a skill but no place to employ it. You can’t take on a full-time job but you can work 5 or 10 or so hours a week. You’d love to use some of your skills, but just don’t have the opportunity. Speaking closer to home Stavya Grover is good example. He has ME/CFS and he works 1-2 hours a day on Health Rising. He’s had an enormous impact on this website.
I have the idea that if we could put our old ways of working aside and replace our tendency to work hard, hard, hard at a project with an emphasis on patience, understanding and having fun we could get more done.
Health Rising is exploring creating a marketplace for projects and people with skillsets (volunteer or paid) for people with ME/CFS/FM and their healthy supporters. A place where the community can come together to work and support each other.
It’s an idea I’m exploring. Is it worth doing? Let me know….
- Do you have a project you’d like to take on but need partners to do it?
- Do you have a skill you could contribute if the right project was available?
- Do you have a skill people might pay you to use?
- Do you know healthy people that would volunteer their skills if the right project was available?
Count me in. I am an RN case manager and would love to connect with others. Have a little more energy these days and want to do advocacy work for CFS/ME.
I,m in,
Cool – Thanks Wendy – obviously a need there – particularly right now. 🙂
Anyone in Northern California?? This is very exciting and I agree we need a brainstorming session. Perhaps someone could organize a Skype session!
Wendy wrote: Anyone in Northern California??
Hi Wendy 🙂 I am in Northern California as well (San Francisco area). What ideas were you thinking or re: people who live close to you (and you may not, as Eureka is also Northern California and certainly not close to San Francisco) ?
My email is BeKindBecause@gmail.com
Hi Wendy, I am in Northern California as well, in the San Francisco area. I already posted this, but it didn’t show up (perhaps because I included my email address).
Sorry! As you can see, my reply DID show up!
Count me in.
Cort: I appreciate the vision.
Yes, I believe it’s worth developing the idea. I may be able to contribute my research and writing skills for the right project.
Thanks Glen.
I would love to find something I could do. I worked as an EMT for 26 years and have extensive office experience. My office experience includes: customer retention, accounts receivable, collections, transportation (routing material for a $10 million company). My favorite part of my old job was research ex: a customer pays an invoice short and I would have to backtrack through the transaction to find out why and who was at fault. I was the Customer Retention Manager as well as the Office Manager.
I would love to find something I could do. I worked as an EMT for 26 years and have extensive office experience, managerial experience, as well as transportation pricing and routing to get our goods to the customer.
Be great to put those skills to work. 🙂
Brilliant idea! Count me in, almost any project on health and ME/CFS/FM. A clinic for integrated health including alternative care for ME/CFS/FM. (as there are for other illnesses, and free). Mind-body connection.
I am a licensed marriage and family therapist (license now retired as I’ve not been able to work). Before the LMFT I worked for a University Cooperative Extension system focused on developing and teaching programs in holistic stress management and alternative healing methods. Love your integrative medicine clinic idea Monica!
I would love to find something I could do. I have extensive office experience, managerial experience, as well as transportation pricing and routing to get our goods to the customer.
I am not 100% well still but I have gone from being bed ridden to now being able to run up stairs – I would really like to use my new found energy to help others with M.E -I have some ideas especially around disability issues and I would love to speak to like minded people
Huge needs in disability – from getting it to managing it.
Hi Cort,
There are many things I would like to do if I felt better and had the sustained mental and physical energy for. I did go to art school many years ago and its something I still enjoy however its hard to market oneself etc….when all energy is reserved for visits with my son and working 3 3-4hr shifts a week @ a grocery store which takes really more energy than I feel I have to give, it feels as though im constantly surviving on adrenylne, its not a pleasant sensation at all.. Its very hard @ work with the lights, noise and standing upright,it takes a lot to just keep going and is also very overwhelmingly confusing at times. The summer is the worst time for me as I live in a touristy summer location, it is extremely busy plus the summer weather impacts me greatly esp. heat and thunder storms causing much,much worse symptoms, but on a positive note, I realize I’m much more fortunate than many. I’m not bedbound but pretty housbound beyond the part time work that I’m struggling to do. I would
like to find some ways to use my skills for children, and would consider using my arts background for me/cfs awareness if there was a project that could use my input? my websiie is http://www.jlmarotta.com and I also donated the use of some of my imagery to redbubbles “art4me’ website
I have a little “surplus” energy (usually) and I am interested in protecting animals from abuse and exploitation. This is where I put all my “extra” energy (what little of it there is) anyway and I would LOVE to join forces with a like-minded person who happens to have M.E./C.F.S. I have a background in clinical psychology.
I have opportunities available for teachers or people who have experience with books for teens or children, and/or writing and editing experience. Also website design and filemaker database manipulation. I’m a severely ill ME/CFS/SEID patient who has been running a high traffic children’s literature site for 19 years with a target audience of teachers. It’s in need of more tender loving care than I can give it. Positions are volunteer at least at first. Site is completely free to visitors. Carolhurst.com
Hi Rebecca, it’s Rebecca. I’m a teacher with ME/CFS/SEID & FM. I am currently working (my school finishes at 12.30) and I am an experienced translator/editor. Plus, I love to read! I would love to help out.
Can we talk? 😉
To Rebecca Devaux and anyine else who’s interested in this volunteer opportunity. I already posted this, but it hasn’t shown up so I’ll post it again:
Contact me through the website. Go to Carolhurst.com and click on the “Contact Us” link on the top navigation bar. All comments come directly to me. Mention this blog ( so my addled brain can remember what you’re referring to) and leave your email address so I can contact you.
Thank you so much!
Rebecca Otis
Many years ago I was so happy that CFS had a wonderful web site – an advocacy hub with brochures, etc. and many articles for everyone with CFS. But then the direction of the CAA changed and the hub that people with ME/CFS had gradually went away. The new direction is a good one. However, nothing has taken its place.
I edit a newsletter for the Charlotte, NC support group. I know how very difficult it is to find volunteers to turn the group into a dynamic support group. Part of the problem is that so many don’t believe the disease is real.
So what I’m getting at is we need a national hub desperately for those who have nowhere to turn. A help desk, for example, for those who need to know how to find a doctor. For a while, the CAA was doing that but again… that went away. I answer questions for many people in my roll of editor.
I’m not sure how a national support group/hub could be put together. My 75-year old mind is not what it used to be when I was an editor and so much more at IBM. I loved my work. Because I was “moderately” ill back then, I was able to continue working for 8 years until I was forced into retirement.
My family doesn’t support what I do and consider my reading articles by you and others as a waste of time. And they regard referencing those articles in my newsletter even more of a waste of time. My therapist says its my “calling.” So I’d like to help do this sort of thing. But naturally I could not do it alone. It would take many people with knowledge and expertise to accomplish this feat.
I’m moving from my home that I can no longer take care of into a retirement setting. Once I get settled in, I’d “make” a few hours a week helping in some way. For example, if someone who had good IT skills could teach me how to create a table of doctor’s names and if gradually I could be fed the names of doctors who really believe in ME/CFS and treat patients, then we’d have one piece of the puzzle. I’d create the table and maintain it.
Perhaps something like this is already being created but if it is perhaps most ME/CFS patients don’t know about it. It might take some investigating to determine what’s going on. Even so, there’s not one current brochure to hand to a doctor or patient who thinks they may have ME/CFS. There’s no brochure that directs patients or doctors to a national support group.
No they don’t. I didn’t. I just found some databases by the way…You can find them here- http://cortjohnson.org/forums/threads/large-databases-for-finding-me-cfs-and-fm-doctors.2190/
I’m hoping that the practitioners review section of the Health Rising Forums will grow into a major asset in this area.
Nancy does a dynamite job with her newsletters and arranging various speakers. Cudos to her! And someday I’m going to get to Charlotte to attend one. marcie
I’d love to help
Hii Cort,
I think this is a wonderful idea! I don’t have a lot of energy, but would love to give 2-4 hours a week to a cause…I need to feel I have a purpose. I taught science and was the person responsible for getting recycling begun in my county’s schools. I’d love to work on something related to environmental ed.
Thanks Nancy
I think this is a great idea! Would love to help. I’ve been a poet and a stand up comedian. Any ideas of how I could be of service?
I am on SS Disability. But in my prior life, I was a Child Development Specialist, called the The Toy Lady, because I taught parents, mostly single disadvantaged women how to increase their children’s development through play. It was joyful, because I was also a Family Support worker who believed when I visited their homes, yes I went to them, my job was to find the Mother’s strength’s. That’s my God given super power I encourage people to find their strengths and grow. I loved every day of my work. I did from 1989 -2007, when I couldn’t drive any more because of the pain, the agency asked me to come to work in the office which was in the areas Housing Authority for 20 hours a week until I couldn’t at 49. I believe that the problem with a lot of Social Workers is they look for problems to solve instead of strengths to build on. Because people need strength in order to change their lives. I don’t know how that skill could fill in somewhere as volunteer for a few hours. I, also, was the one when it came to fundraising that wrote narratives’ and gave presentations because I could get donors to cry. LOL.
Cort, I don’t know where you get your energy! Your environment must have many pillars of support.
If others afflicted with the burden of ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia are like me and many whose stories I have read then caution is advised when it comes to committing a specific number of hours weekly. I have just come though a down period that lasted about 10 days. I might be ok for the next 2 weeks. It’s very uncertain.
That said, if my 20 years of experience in education management and teaching (also writing and editing) or my 12 years in an international marketing business or 10 years in various roles in the performing arts could be put to use without constraints of time expectations, then, of course, I would love to help. I think most of us miss the sense of purpose and contributing that our work gave us.
What a wonderful idea Cort to expand the site by offering opportunities and making it even more of a community. I’ve often thought it’d be nice if there was a site where folks with CFIDS could find others near where they live, offer up housing if they had an empty room, especially those near specialists, exchange pet care for those who function well enough to travel – stuff like that. 🙂
Great idea Betsy – that’s a project we have on the books and look forward to doing in the future.
I’ve had fibro and CFS for several years. I raised my two daughters alone (my youngest passed away 3 yrs ago from heart issues and my health has taken a nose dive since that time). I’ve also helped raise all of my 5 grandchildren — while working full time, for the most part. When my Mom passed away in 1995, my fibro symptoms worsened and I began working part time a few years later. I tried to feel useful by helping with my grandchildren – when I could get out of bed. I eventually couldn’t work at all – depression, flu like pain, debilitating fatigue, inability to concentrate, headaches and intense sensitivity to noise and bright lights. My youngest daughter was only 37 yrs old when she passed and coping with her passing has taken a major toll on my health. I’m hyper- emotional, still fatigued, barely leave my home – and when I do I experience a lot of anxiety (it’s a huuuge effort in my part to get dressed, put a little make up on, brush my hair and go to doctors’ appts., grocery stores, etc….. I used to always have dogs and also fostered many dogs about 10 years back. It was such a feeling of doing good for their sake. My energy level is very very low and my immune system seems compromised (I seem to catch whatever is going around). My grandchildren are all teenagers and older now. They don’t really need me as much anymore.
I miss having a dog – but where I’m living now there’s no fenced in back yard area. During the winter months, it’s difficult for me to walk a dog. I adopted a cat (and I love her dearly) and do feed the feral cats in the neighborhood. I would love to do anything that would benefit animals. Help them in some way. The nearest SPCA is too far a drive for me (almost an hour). Anyway – if I had the money, a large enough piece of land, and energy and strength – and felt better – I would adopt about 5 dogs and 5 cats – maybe a few chickens and even a baby piglet. Being around animals and helping them and loving them would be wonderful. I’ve come to accept that I have limitations now. But it doesn’t stop me from (sometimes) wishing I were not chronically ill.
I am based in the UK and would love this idea to extend Nationally and Internationally…so many skills we all have, which can be used to develop a better understanding and improve each others lives. I have extensive customer focussed skills and a keen eye for details and would love to be able to work with people who understand the limitations, as well as the prospect of utilising many skills .
Fantastic Sharon.
Is it worth doing? Absolutely! What a great idea Cort. Judging by the response here there is a wealth of experience to be had from this community if allowances can be made for individual limitations.
Yes indeed.
Hi Cort,
My background is in journalism and communications, sales and marketing. I like doing advocacy work as I’m able but was shocked to learn there is no national advocacy organization for us, just well-meaning ad hoc people and small groups without coordination.
Among my goals are national advocacy, working to bring medical care for our patients to Nashville where I now live, spending time with my grandson and fighting for more research monies through lobbying Congress.
One idea I have is starting an on-line/phone 12-step support program for people with illnesses like ours to help people cope with being ill and give them a personal,I spiritual support group.
For years I’ve thought about building an independent/assisted living place for people of all ages with ME/CFS to live in and/or retreat to as needed that would relieve us of living in isolation. Perhaps such a place could become a place for physicians and researchers to see those of us who are too ill to come to them as well as those of us who are more moderately ill.
I’m also very concerned about addressing the problems of young people who are ill and isolated. And I would love a forum to just make friends because I find the lonliness brutal.
It sounds like we’d all love to find some way to contribute and to add purpose and meaning to our lives. Thanks, Cort, for all you do that helps so much. Esther
Your ideas are spot on! I live alone and the isolation of this illness has really gotten to me of late. (I’ve been in a bad relapse for the past year and a half). I like the idea of a 12 step phone/online support group for us. I did Al-anon for many years back in the day and it was very helpful. I still try to remember to employ much of what I learned there. Sometimes it’s the only thing that gets me through.
I would also kill to have a sense of purpose. So if you get something started I’d love to help. (As long as it is online or on the phone. Driving exhausts me these days.)
The project is already happening.
There is actually a website called healclick that, while not strictly for CFS sufferers, is basically an emotional/practical/treatment based help site. I have found it immensely helpful in my condition and addressing some of the issues that I have been dealing with. It might be along the lines of what you are thinking of.
I am using some of my spare time to post hopefully helpful suggestions for others based on how I am improving from fibro, on this forum, especially as such amazingly relevant new medical research keeps coming out. I hope others experiencing improvement make sharing their means of improvement a priority too.
20 years was too long for me to spend waiting to discover a mix of protocols that worked! Better late than never, but I hope young people coming down with fibro now get onto what works straight away and minimise the loss of life progress.
A previous poster mentioned how he was offering helpful fibromyalgia information as to what work and what doesn’t to help save time for those newly diagnosed.
Interestingly, I went to the fibro site at FMAWARE.org and looked under treatment and did not see anything about meds or supplements. Perhaps laws prohibit it but I don’t understand why collecting patient testimonies and consolidating the info, etc would be lawful.
The same could be true for ME/CFS – many are chemically intolerant and few things work for them. The other folks get great help from meds and supplements but its different for everyone. I think we all have the right to know what “might” work from other patients.
Has their been a legal volunteer?
One of my post in the forum – quote :
“One of the most valuable gifts you can give – doesn’t cost money. Giving OF yourself to someone else is a gift you give to yourself. Time cannot be bought with money. But what you do with your time could mean more than any wealth that is tangible. It could mean helping someone else HAVE a life, while helping you to LIVE a life.”
Good idea Cort.
Yes Yes Yes!
Please let’s do this.
On thing I know is that I would love to be able to work at home.
But also would do what I can to help on going projects.
I’m graduated in Advertising and Marketing.
My Thesis was about Emotional and Persuasive Text from Commercials.
I feel the 2 most important things to do are obvious: Get money and Get attention.
To get the first we need the second.
The 2 best ways to call attention nowadays are: Guerrilla marketing or going Viral. And the best situation is when Guerrilla goes Viral. (and both of them might be very cheap)
I may sound like a broken record but I really think we NEED to go viral.
I play guitar, sing and compose, and have had in the past some experience with writing jingles if we come to a point where that would be interesting for whathever the project is.
I was also writing a novel about pain, but my relationship with the editors aren’t the best at the moment cause I said it would take too long to finish it the way I want (and it will).
So that’s it, I also am now going to Philosophy University, but I don’t think on would pay anything for that skill haha
Btw, I think we should have a group to Brainstorm possibilities and ideas till we get to one.
Brainstorm possibilities – I love it.
Great idea!! I would kill to have a sense of purpose! I worked in corporate finance back in the day. Though I hated corporate life, I am decent with numbers. I’m also a bit of a research-aholic. I’m constantly online researching one thing or another (usually health stuff). I can also proof read a bit since I’m pretty good at spotting typos that word processors miss.
For those of us who can’t be sure of when we’ll have energy, perhaps we could offer a certain number of hours per week. And when we’re too ill, we could have a list of substitutes to call on.
As always, Cort, thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Yours is a fabulous site!
Great ideas, Kira…:)
I’m great at finding lost phones 🙂 🙂
Great idea! Lot’s of talent out there and lot’s of people needing help. If you can bring the two together…awesome!
Well you are the funny one aren’t you? (Corinne has found two of my cell phones on our trips to Dr. P – one of which lay in the snow overnight – and still worked)…
Another thing Corinne is great at is bringing people together…
To me, the biggest issue still remains advocacy and building the connection between doctors and CFS patients, with researchers and scientists thrown in there for good measure. The medical community at large is still not well equipped to assists those with CFS and mostly it is due to misunderstanding of what the condition entails. A lot of chiropractors and alternative practitioners are far more in tune with what is truly at fault in CFS, but they often lack access to effective and costly equipment or diagnostic tools.
Hi Nancy, I would be glad to meet for lunch sometime and see if I could be of help. I have a lot of experience with data and writing. I work full time at the moment.
Jody in fort mill sc
Hi, Jody. I can remember when the nearest CFS support group from Augusta, GA was Fort Mill. Was that you? marcie
I would send out an educational letter re: recent research findings to every PCP, Internal Med MD, Rheumatologist, and Immunologist in my area. I’d encourage someone with the skills to develop another Public Service Announcement for local TV stations and assist in dispersing it. I’d try to get one of the advocacy organizations to once again consider billboards used as PSA’s which is “cost only” (about $250 for more than a month) and place them near medical universities and hospitals. And I’d go to the beach and chill out like no other. For sure. marcie
Wow, put us all together and you have a highly educated dynamic group of willing people with ME/CFS to move our cause forward.
Today I have bronchitis so I’m not feeling any energy what-so-ever but I’ve worked for years as an RN and taught and counselled in the health field.
Last year I was chosen by a health care group at an university to help educate up-coming doctors, and other health care members, on conditions such as ME/FM etc. Unfortunately I live 100 km (60 miles) away and the teaching was done in the evening when I really have no energy.
I think the more up and coming health care members of our society need to be taught right from the start about these horrific conditions that have little support or belief in the medical community. As I learned through my own research student doctors (interns/residents) are taught far less on the management of chronic pain than are veterinarians. Sad.
Hi Cort and others!
I formerly worked in medical research, and did a lot of writing and editing of research reports. I don’t think I can write anymore, but I certainly can edit.
I have a background in science and public health. I’ve also served on the board of directors of my state CFIDS/FM association and produced (often wrote) our newsletter for 2 years or so.
I’ve always said that if I got well, I’d become a veterinarian. Well, Dr. Bell told me some years ago that I appear to fall into a smaller group of patients that get worse over time, and that has been the case.
However, I really do miss doing something not only useful, but helpful to society. I don’t know that I can get out and do very much, but I have a driving sense of purpose to give back to the community, be it the patient community or the larger community.
This is an awesome idea, Cort! Imagine the dormant talent resources in our community!
I am on ss disability as well, just turned 41, but was previously a paralegal in the Myrtle Beach, SC area for over fifteen years. I would love to feel like my life had purpose again, I still struggle with the loss of my former self, the one that was very good at so many things. I am looking for a knowledgeable doctor for fibro and CFS still since being diagnosed more than 6 years ago, my pain doctor is very challenging to get along with and he refuses to listen to any new ideas, he only wants to scold me for being on pain meds which he prescribes, acting as if I should not be entitled to them due to the pain receptor issues with fibro, my rheumatologist is not up to date with anything new, although he has a good intentions, and my endocrinologist is worthless, refusing to treat my thyroid or hashimoto with anything other than synthroid, and my thyroid has never been under control yet. My thyroid antibodies are at 770. Sorry to get off topic. Anyway, I would love to help if I can,I have checked the site Cort for doctors, nothing posted in my surrounding area. So, I thought I would throw it out there. Thanks, please let me know if I can do anything. I am not above doing whatever I can to help, so please let me know if I can assist in any way. I find what you do Cort to be a blessing to me and so many others, I am happy to give back the opportunity.
Did you see these databases – http://cortjohnson.org/forums/resources/large-databases-for-finding-me-cfs-and-fm-doctors.120/
Also feel free to review the doctors you didn’t like – so others can stay away – in our practitioner review section – http://cortjohnson.org/forums/reviews/practitioner-reviews/
Since the IOM report I’ve been doing a bit of advocacy. I learned one of my state’s US Senators is on the committee and subcommittees that oversee HHS etc. I connected with a staff member in her office and have provided follow-up information. I plan to stay on the staffer’s radar and trust it will make a difference. Works well on those days when I have a bit of energy to spare and a mind that an formulate a few sentences! Sure appreciate the comments that have mentioned the uncertainty of the energy and the desire for purpose again!
I would so love to be able to work in my field, advertising design, again. I cannot commit to even part time employment, I just cannot seem to get this monster under control. It is sad, I have so much to offer, but my physical self and mental self can’t get on the same page. 🙁
Good luck in getting better Glori!
I have a huge project.
I have come up with a testing protocol and supplement protocol that has
helped me begin recovery from ME/CFS over the past year (I was a family practice doc in my former life). Talking about going from working 8 painful hours a week and being in bed most of the time, unable to walk stairs, constant pain, etc. to working at least 20 hours a week, getting back to the gym, running 2 miles several times a week, and recovery of hope…
I want to spread the word and help others, but I am having a hell of a time just
working 20 hours a week to support myself and my continued recovery. I feel it is so important
that a health professional who has experienced this be able to communicate with other patients
searching for answers.
I am not selling anything, just want to spread knowledge and the spark of hope.
Anyone interested?
I would be very interested to hear what you have found useful and restorative in your venture into and gradually moving outward from the CFS abyss. I am not a medical professional, but am a research nerd who has had to advocate for myself.I have been diagnosed with CFS,and EDS Type 2 (both by a medical doctor who is highly recognized as a specialist in the research and diagnosis of EDS 3/hypermobility syndrome)The diagnosis of EDS3 also carries a comorbidity of CFS. But, prior to the diagnosis, I was treated as if my symptoms were psychosomatic. Now, I am believed, but my professionals really don’t quite know what to do with me. It would be rather amusing, if it wasn’t so problematic.
Any info you could share would be very appreciated!
Hi Gayl,
Yes, I would be very interested to hear what is facilitating your recovery and I can only imagine that I speak for many others!
I’m in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, Canada & surprised by the lack of consolidated support, peer or professional in my area. A forum like this is needed everywhere!
I have had fibro for decades & struggled through mainly administrative & retail jobs. Between the loss of my both parents, the breakdown of my marriage & menopause all within 4 years my fibro became disabling. I feel that having no sense of purpose is not helping yet struggle with being able to commit to a job. I have skills not being used but am challenged to find something that would work with my fibro. So many wonderful ideas being presented here!
I am a Naturopath who can no longer work the hours my practice once entailed. I would love to be able to put my skills to use again in some beneficial way. perhaps, I could team up with Gayl Hamilton? Gayl, where are you located?
I’m applying for a job, but if I don’t get it, I have good writing skills for a CFS/Fibro mission.
I like the idea of helping with a project or just being assigned a project and running with it. The last 16 years of my employment were at a billion dollar company that was listed in the Forbes top 500 best companies to work for at that time. I worked in Human Resources with positions over the years in employee benefits (insurance) compensation (establishing a pay scale for both hourly and salaried paid employees based on market analysis) and staffing. This involved the interviewing, recruiting and establishment of hiring practices. While employed there I traveled extensively to our subsidary locations and sales and marketing offices located throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Prior to that I was an insurance underwriter and service representative that worked with large insured group accounts (businesses) for 10 years.
I have a natural talent for writing and love to write, and although I have never had a blog, I do have a WordPress account.
My biggest issue is that my health is not good. I have good days, but then I may be down for days, sometimes longer. So to commit to so many hours a day is not possible or I would still be working because I loved my job! But if you can be flexible and feel any of my skills could be of value, count me in!! I would love to help in any way possible.
Hello there,
If anyone out there is interested in making money online – however many hours a week they can work – I may be able to advise on the best opportunities for you. I may even have work for you. I’ve been making money online in a variety of ways for 2 1/2 years, entirely with CFS. linn.cole@gmail.com