When we think of immune problems we often think of the immune system going berserk and attacking healthy cells, but recent studies suggest that for many people with ME/CFS and FM the opposite problem – immune exhaustion – may be more of an issue.
Find out how in this Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog
Is anyone exploring whether the HIV/AIDS cocktail would benefit CFS?
I know of one person who they helped quite a bit; unfortunately at some point she had a bad reaction and had to stop them.
It is my understanding that CFS is called a “syndrome” because patients present a variety of test results, including a variety of viruses. I believe there is a battery of tests given for viruses (including Lyme, several types of herpes and HIV), and treatment with this type of drug can be appropriate based on that. Some people with CFS have tested positive in a way that has resulted in some HIV drugs being given — my understanding is that it has not proved the “magic bullet” some were hoping for.
What is the current thinking that they are both the same illness? There is so much crossover of symptoms it seems very presumptive to call them two distinct illnesses.
And notice how much more legitimacy is offered to fibromyalgia vs cfs. This must be due to the names given to them as well as all the ads for lyrica/fibro.
No, they are not they are ‘undiagnosed’ Ehlers Danlose Syndrome with POTS/Syncope autonomic dysfunction the fatigue is a symptom of a connective Genetic Born mutation nothing to do with Viruses or bacterias these are all ‘activated antibodies’ that’s all