After the FDA nixed its approval for Ampligen and saddled its producer, Hemispherx Biopharma, with paying for a large new trial, it looked like Ampligen was dead and gone.
Francis Collin’s promise to increase ME/CFS funding, however, caused a seismic shift in the drugs outlook. Hemispherx Biopharma’s board quickly fired its controversial, longtime CEO, William Carter, and appointed Thomas Equels to the post.
In an interview Equels said he had one and only one priority: get FDA approval for Ampligen. Find out more in a Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored post:
New Hemispherx Prez Says Getting Ampligen Approval Top Priority
“In 2011 Hemispherx joined with a biotech company called Chronix to develop a diagnostic test for ME/CFS using gene analysis methods it believes will also be able to highlight patients who do well on Ampligen.”
Is there any recent info on this?
(Tried to put comment on Simmaron site but it wouldn’t take my name & email.)