Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


The Fibromyalgia Summits are multiplying. We just had one a couple of months ago and now here’s another one. The world of alternative health is a vast one, though, and this summit provides some different approaches to FM.

FIBRO16_logo-500The FibroFix Summit starts in five days and lasts from June 20-27. Like the other summits once you register you can view the presentations for free on the day they are given. If you want permanent access to them and materials associated with them you can buy the complete package.

If you’re into alternative approaches to FM and are interested in the following you might want to check this summit. Here are some of the talks

  • Dr. Hyman – Internationally known functional MD and author talks on disorders that masquerade as FM and medicines, supplements and foods he uses to treat it.
  • Kelly Brogran M.D.  – the author of “A Mind of Your Own” asks if the depression/anxiety found in FM is really the result of chemical imbalances or if it’s caused by something else, and offers ways to heal from depression naturally.
  • Ronald Hoffman M.D. – focuses on probably the two hottest alternative treatments for FM – low dose naltrexone and medical marijuana –  and asks if FM patients should be using CBD oils.
  • SupplementsGerald Mullin M.D.  – otherwise known as “The Food MD” and the author of the Gut Balance Revolution – asks if gut bacteria (and metabolites) are causing widespread pain in FM and then provides ideas on how to clear up IBS and bacterial problems.
  • Michael Schneider PhD – tells you if you have “classic” vs “pseudo” fibromyalgia and how to treat them.
  • Julie Matthews, CNC – explains how oxalates in your diet could be causing your pain and how to determine if they are.
  • Jay Davidson DC – Talks on how Lyme disease can masquerade as FM and then how to accurately test for Lyme.
  • John Immel – an Aryuvedic practitioner and creator of  “The Joyful Belly” website will speak on what kind of constitution or body type you have, and how to reduce “subconscious psychological tension” found in FM using Aryuvedic techniques.
  • Herbs-and-spicesEugene R. Zampieron, ND, MH, AHG & Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, AHG, AHN-BC – provides information on herbs to control inflammation and reduce pain in FM.
  • Razi Ann Berry – on her recovery from FM and how to find the right doctors for you.
  • Joe Tatta  – on the differences between fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome and the connection between the emotions and the body in FM.
  • Niki Gratrix – how adverse events in childhood can come back to haunt you and contribute to chronic illnesses in later life and how to  successfully deal with them.

Check out all talks and register for the event here.

To take advantage of the early bird sale click here.

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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