Kunisha Miwa has published no less than five studies on the small heart findings in ME/CFS. Now he moves onto a related puzzle – why the blood volume in ME/CFS is low? Health Rising takes a look at his present study, combines his findings with some others, and comes up with a possibility.
Plus, get the latest on blood volume research in ME/CFS, and a new formula to increase it in
The Blood Volume Paradox in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and POTS
Is it “Kunihisa” or “Kunisha” Miwa? This page says the later but the link says the first.
The page is probably the correct one.
I think it’s Kunihisa.
Cort, link in this post is broken fyi.
link is broken
Thanks for letting me know – it’s fixed and here is the correct link – https://www.healthrising.org/forums/threads/the-blood-volume-paradox-in-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-me-cfs-and-pots.4704/
It’s an interesting article!