Wyller recently proposed that herpesviruses contribute to ME/CFS and plans to examine B-cells – the same cells that Rituximab is whacking in ME/CFS patients. Find out what’s happened to change this CBT proponent’s mind about ME/CFS in a Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog
Onestly I do not belive that this doctor have turned, from being a talesman for GET and CBT. Last year he sent an application to The Research Council of Norway (Norges Forskningsråd) on a studie on a course that have made a lot of MEpatients worse, even beddriven. Luckily the Council choosed to support good science instead. And he know so well all the problems caused on families from the medical and sosial services with pressure and misbelives. I fear he will use and adapt whatever he finds to his basic belives, and promote later even stronger CBT. Yesterday I came across an article dated back to 1990 about ME, at that time I was in the beginning of my 20ths and had just stopped sleeping, because of ME. 27 years later and no more help. How could the life had been today for me and many other suffers if Wessely and co had not done decades of harm…..Wyller is just on of their promoters. Please support OMF and other reasearchers and centers without tears and blood on on their hands, the good scientists that now are looking for the molecular basis of ME.
Here is the article: