Why one person got ill while another recovered from an infection is one of the great questions in ME/CFS. A British team thinks fatigued hepatitis C patients may provide part of the answer.
They found something off in immune system of this group which appeared to prime them to develop severe fatigue. That was enough – given the striking similarities between these two conditions – for the Brits to propose the first predictive blood factor for ME/CFS. They think this blood factor starts people down the path to chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Find out more in a SImmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog: Immune Factor May Jump Start Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
What can i do to heal my brain? I’m so scared.
Try manual lymph drainage. I have gained amazingly. Still a long way to go but my burning skin is gone and clarity has returned. I have also quit all my meds and use marijuana oil(rick simpson oil) for many of my symptons like dry heaving and sleep. Take at night. Quite a bit of research out of Italy and Israel on the oil for brain protection and repair, not to jention cancer. All the best
Thanks Mike – is this similar to what Ray Perrin does?
I have been on disability since February 11/89, I am 65 so I lost my private disability benefits and even CPP disability benefits are lower when CPP pension takes over? I was in Mexico and a month later diagnosed with Hep A, then cfs/me, fibromyalgia,sjgogrens, osteoarthritis osteoporosis, collapsed lung/asthma, sleep apnea, broke pelvis, MS, etc and I probably have forgotten a few diagnosis? I have a great GP, chiropractor, specialist. The March of Dimes attendants allow me to stay in my home. Who knows what is next except God! I started a support group 30 years ago but was too ill to keep it going! I am house bound and only go out to appts. The pain and fatigue take what little energy and stamina I have. Meds keep the pain to a dull roar!
The Health Rising homepage says ‘4 comments’. But there currently are none visible…?
And now they appear, as if by magic 🙂
Has anyone ever had an allogenic bone marrow transplant for mecfs? If autoimmunity is suspected?
Thanks for the article. In order to explain the outbreaks of ME/CFS (Iceland, Royal Free Hospital, lake Tahoe…) could it be possible that a seemingly benign infection/environmental factor/hormonal change(puberty) first triggers high levels of IL-10 for a couple of weeks, which then triggers ME/CFS when a major bug like EBV hits? Kind regards,
Great suggestion Isa given that ME/CFS is most commonly triggered during times of hormonal change such as during adolescence and middle age.