Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


Geoff’s Narration

The Blog


Long COVID moonshot.

It’s time to shoot for the moon!

The time is now. Never did I dream that we’d have an opportunity like this. I still find the fact that it exists incredible.

The fight for the $1 billion/year (yes, that’s billion with a “B”) “10-year Long COVID Moonshot Bill” is here.  We’re not playing for petty cash anymore. We’re not trying to establish a base camp and slowly make our way up the mountain. We’re putting on our oxygen masks and going for the peak. This is about creating and funding the field of post-infectious disease research all in one go.

It’s an audacious effort, and a necessary one. It’s not just about long COVID – this is about post-infectious diseases like long COVID, ME/CFS, POTS, and Lyme disease as well. The NIH has no idea what to do with post-infectious (or “infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses”, “IACC”). It has no slot to put them in, it doesn’t track them, and it doesn’t fund them. How bad is it? It recently whacked funding for its small ME/CFS research center effort by 50%.

NIH Smacks the ME/CFS Research Centers: Plus a Warning for Long COVID – and an Opportunity for Both

That means we have to create something wholly new, and that’s what this bill does: it creates a massive “Long COVID Research Program” and houses it in the Office of the Director. Note that even if this bill didn’t include ME/CFS, POTS, and post-treatment Lyme disease funding, it would still be a huge win for these communities. Why? Because, as Avindra Nath said, “If you find the answer for one disease, you’ll probably find the answer for all”.

Thankfully, it does include the other diseases. While the bill is primarily focused on long COVID, it specifically requires research into ME/CFS, POTS, and post-treatment Lyme disease (PTLDS) as well.

The program must: “conduct comparative research to understand the similarities and differences between Long COVID and other infection-associated chronic conditions with similar phenotypes, such as ME/CFS, POTS and PTLDS.

The Director of the program has to have shown a: “demonstrated commitment to addressing Long COVID and other infection-associated chronic conditions, such as ME/CFS, POTS, and PTLDS.”

The Director shall consult with: “independent, patient-led organizations or advocacy groups representing patients with Long COVID and other infection-associated chronic conditions with similar phenotypes..”

This is what you get in the bill:

  • Massive Research Expansion – massive expansion of long COVID, as well as ME/CFS, POTS and Lyme Disease research.
  • Real Experts Leading the Show – no more newbies running the show (aka RECOVER Initiative). The program will be led by a director with expertise in long COVID and post-infectious research who has demonstrated a commitment to diseases like ME/CFS, Lyme Disease and POTS.
  • Accelerated and Better Clinical Trials – the antidote to slow-moving, uber conservative, yawn-inducing clinical trials from the RECOVER Initiative. $1.4 billion will go to accelerated clinical trials vetted by people who know these diseases.
  • Collaboration and Movement – no more siloed research that benefits only one disease – this bill calls for collaborative research across all of these conditions to enable breakthroughs for all these diseases.
  • Funding Long-COVID Clinics – more access to doctors focused specifically on long COVID.
  • Better Doctor Visits – educational support and clinical care guidelines will ultimately result in more helpful (and less stressful) doctors’ visits for everyone.
  • Understanding Vaccine Injury – if you came down with ME/CFS or long COVID after a vaccination, this bill may be your only real chance to find out what happened.

Something this big and impressive is possible only because disease communities have woken up to the fact that they will never get to where they want by going it alone, and by working together, they can create something magnificent and lasting.

Over 55 organizations – only 15 or so of which are strictly focused on long COVID – support this bill. The usual suspects in the ME/CFS world (Solve M.E., #MEAction, the Open Medicine Foundation, MASSME, Workwell, Health Rising), are there, as are big organizations like the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the American Association on Health and Disability, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Mount Sinai Health System, and the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities.

Seismic shift long COVID

The Moonshot bill would create a seismic shift in how long COVID and diseases like it are understood and treated.

Seismic Shift

Passing this bill would create a seismic shift in the force – a defining moment – for the hundreds of millions of people with post-infectious diseases. It would overnight literally create a new future for all of us. Instead of stagnation – progress; instead of despair – hope. It would be an accomplishment we could look back on with pride and say, we really did change the world that day.

Big Ask – Big Gain

This bill is called a Moonshot for a reason – it’s a big ask! Getting $1 billion a year for ten years through Congress is not going to be easy and the fight for it is just getting started in the Senate.

Currently, 5 Democrats and 1 Independent (Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.), Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)) are co-sponsors of the legislation in the Senate.

(No Senate Republicans are yet co-sponsoring the bill – and they are particularly needed.)

Building the future

This is how we build a better future.

Supporting the Bill

Since there is no centralized effort, there are many different ways to support this bill. The easiest that I have found to use (not surprisingly) is Solve M.E.’s Action Program which will automatically whisk you to your representative office allowing you to provide an email to them. Then it will help you place a call to the office if you want to. (This does not appear to work on weekends):

A script is provided, but I wrote my own script 🙂

Dear Senator,


I am writing to request that you support (and co-sponsor) the Long COVID Moonshot bill. I have had chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) for over 40 years, and for 30 of them, I have watched the NIH dismiss and neglect the 3 million people with what studies have shown to be one the most functionally disabling diseases known.


The NIH should be for everyone, but the $13 million-a-year in funding it provides for ME/CFS indicates that it’s not. In fact, the NIH just reduced funding for its ME/CFS research centers by 50%.


I have grown old and watched people die with this disease while the NIH has stood by – so I ask you on behalf of the really long haulers – the people with ME/CFS who have had a long COVID-like illness for decades – to support a bill that provides funding and hope not only for the long-COVID community but for the ME/CFS one as well.


Please co-sponsor the Long Covid Moonshot bill.

There will be more to come.


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