Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patient Visits Dr. Peterson: the Corinne Chronicles


A former athletic trainer, Corinne Blandino, came down with a severe case of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in 1993. Over the past two years Corinne has been detailing her experiences with Dr. Dan Peterson. one of the top ME/CFS physicians/researchers in the world.  In her blogs Corinne relates her progress and plies the doctor for information on wide variety of topics. Get inside a major physicians office with the Corinne Chronicles.

Visit #1

Visit #2 – The Meltdown

Visit #3 –  The Followup Visit 

Visit #4 – ‘Driving Miss Daisy”

Visit #5 –  “Tardiness, Flexibility and Attitude”

Visit #6 – Corinne At Dr. Peterson #6 Including ‘Picking Dr. Peterson’s Brain’

Visit #8 – In Search of Plan B: Corinne’s Return to Dr. Peterson (Visit #8 August 2012)

Visit #9 – It’s Official! My ME/CFS is a Pain in the Neck: Corinne’s Visit (#9) to Dr. Peterson (Feb, 2013)

Visit #11Third Times the Charm? Corinne at Dr. Peterson #11 (Lumbar Puncture #3)

A Trip To Mayo – Coming Full Circle: Corinne at the Mayo Clinic – Twenty-Three Years Later

Visit #12Hard Choices: the Neurologist, the ME/CFS Expert and the Spinal Lesion

Visit #13/14The Vistide Challenge!

For more on Dr. Peterson including interviews click here

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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