Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


Niki Gratrix


Niki first came into contact with CFS/ME when she met her then partner Alex Howard who had been suffering from the illness for 7 years, and had just written a book about his recovery.

In 2005 Niki co-founded the Optimum Health Clinic (OHC) in London in the UK with Alex which specialized in treating CFS/ME from both a nutritional and psychological perspective. Starting out in their front room, the clinic went on to employ over 10 practitioners with patients in 35 countries and over 10,000 followers online.

Niki Gratrix pic

NIki Gratix, a nutritionist, co-founded the Optimum Health Clinic in London

In 2009, the clinic won the Award for Outstanding Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) from the main industry trade magazine, CAM Magazine ( ).

The clinical approach at OHC was founded on the work of American philosopher and academic Ken Wilber.  An article about Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory approach to recovery from CFS can read here:

The 2012 clinic had a large research study on both the nutritional and psychology sides of treatments at the OHC published in the widely-read British Medical Journal Open, where a statistically significant improvements were found in all 3 study groups (psychology-only approaches, nutritional-only and the group with combined nutrition and psychology approaches).  The full study can be read here:

Niki was an integral part of creating the nutritional approaches in the clinic, where which was Director of Nutrition for five years, trained 5 other practitioners before leaving in 2010 to focus on researching and writing about CFS. Niki moved to the US in 2013, after being awarded a Visa for Outstanding Practice in the field of Nutrition and CFS by US Immigration. She now runs a busy international nutrition and coaching practice for CFS patients from Boulder in Colorado, see

She also runs training courses for practitioners working with CFS patients, see, is currently writing a book on CFS, and speaks internationally on the subject. She is also a health writer and currently a Contributing Editor to CAM Magazine.

Many more articles by Niki can be read about CFS and optimising energy in general, by following her blogsite

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