
This blog begins a series in which we try to get answers to how to best manage chronic fatigue syndrome  (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM).  We’ll use the answers to build a list of suggestions for everyone with these disorders.

Crashing is no fun...Are there any ways to limit downtime during a 'crash'?

Crashing is no fun…Are there any ways to limit the time spent in one?

Post-exertional malaise (PEM) –  increased symptoms after exertion is common in these disorders and everybody crashes from time to time. For me it usually starts with muscle tightening that ends up  in burning muscle pain, pounding heart, difficulty concentrating, irritability and a need to lie down, etc. It’s no fun! Work and other activity pretty much stops and then it’s a mostly a waiting game.  I’m sure there are better, more effective ways to handle crashes than I’ve found..

So the question is “What is the quickest, most effective way to get out of a crash”?  What works for you?

Please simply list your ideas in the comments section of the blog.

Thanks for your help 🙂

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