
220px-Florence_Nightingale_CDV_by_H_LenthallTwenty-one years ago today Tom Hennessey exhorted  ‘CFS’ patients to unite together on the anniversary of Florence Nightingales birth to celebrate International CFS Day. Like all good ideas this one  caught on and was copied with the result that May 12th is now celebrated by people with Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease and Gulf War Illness. This is all in keeping with Tom’s original vision of a variety of similar disorders sharing core characteristics.

Check out a history of May Day here.

We’re going to focus mostly on virtual events you can participate on the internet in here.

Free ME/CFS/FM Books!

51jgF0KTm7L._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160_A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS (ME/CFS Beginner’s Guides

Nancy Blake calls A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS a “a direct challenge to the way people who have ME/CFS are portrayed in the media and treated by most of the medical profession”

From May 12th-15th you can download a free (Kindle) edition of this short guide (60 pages)  to your computer here.

Fibromyalgia: The Cause and The Cure

51oK6D0c7PL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_Annesse Brockley’s followup up to her popular treating Autoimmune disorders book is on Fibromyalgia.  “Fibromyalgia: the Cause and Cure” comes highly rated from Yvonne Kenney, Executive Director of the Fibromyalgia Coalition International.

 I have read many books. This is among the best. People who are suffering with fibromyalgia can find real hope and real help inside these pages. I highly recommend Fibromyalgia: The Cause and The Cure. Yvonne Kenney

A Kindle version of this $24.95 book  (which you can download to any computer) is absolutely free today.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide

Erica Verillo’s ME/CFS Tome  – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide is free today as well.


Dr. Eleanor Stein has got hot lineup of speakers (Dr. Lucinda Bateman, Dr. Andreas Kogelnik (OMI) and Janet Sperling, MCS) talking on research and treatment, the big new Clinic in Canada and the Open Medicine Institutes big plans for ME/CFS up in Calgary, Alberta from 1:30 -4 pm (Calgary time :))

Check out a flyer here and register for the webinar here.  Use this link to check out your computers connection beforehand.

Bob Miller Skydives for ME/CFS Research


Thumbs up indeed…..Bob Miller will be skydiving to support ME/CFS Research on May 12th

Bob Miller’s going to fall about 13,000 feet for ME/CFS research today as he parachutes over Lodi, Ca. about 10:30 AM PST today. Find out more about Bob’s jump and how to donate to Simmaron Research and their cutting-edge program here. 

The Big Sleep!

Check out the Big Sleep for ME event  here..

More Info

Find information on more events here and on Phoenix Rising’s blog here. 

Have a great May 12th…:)


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