
This is our moment – Jennifer Brea

An extroardinary response from the ME/CFS community enabled the backers of the ‘Canary in a Coal Mine’ to meet their campaign in goal ($50,000) in just three days. That response knocked Jennifer Brea over – literally (see below) – but it exposed a flaw in her’s and Kiran’s dream.

breakthrough (2)They Aimed Too Low…

They didn’t realize how much this community yearns to see their story artfully displayed up on the big screen.

They’re rectifying that mistake…

The Kickstarter campaign is now about producing  the entire budget ($200,000) for the first full length film in ME/CFS history. (Can you see it in the documentary slot at the Oscar’s? With these production values, I can…..Can you imagine the impact that would make?).

Making History

It’s also about generating the most donors (6709)  in the history of documentary film campaigns on Kickstarter.

I know this community can do it.   We rally the troops.  We win contests. Nobody needs a film like this more than we do. This film will help erase stereotypes, acquaint people with the reality of ME/CFS and inspire them to support us.

No more ‘yuppie flu’. No more  “Oh, I’m tired too”.  No more doctors rolling their eyes and handing out antidepressants. This film is about getting rid of  those conversations ….It’ll be a shot to the solar plexus of the public’s wrong ideas about ME/CFS.

Check out independent film maker, Kiran Chitanvis (standing) and Jennifer Brea (creator, person with ME/CFS) horizontal, on “Their Big Crazy Vision”

Their ‘Big Crazy Vision”

They’ve raised $82,000.  They’re almost halfway to their goal with 3/4’s of the campaign ahead….I’m donating again…….are you?

Spread the word……

The Kickstarter Campaign Has Only Just Begun…..

Ask Everyone You Know to Give….

Donate Here

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