Opinions about the Whittemore-Peterson Institute post-XMRV run the gamut from appreciation to anger. In this prelude to the interview, which is not about those issues, I offer up some thoughts.
Every organization from the OMI to the CFIDS Association, from the Whittemore Peterson Institute to the Simmaron Research Foundation contains people who are passionate about eradicating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They may have different ideas about how to do that but the underlying passion is the same.
The best thing I think I can do is honor and speak to that commitment. The worst thing I can do for myself and others is to speak to and focus on what’s wrong. If we speak to each others commitments I think miracles can happen in this very small community with its many needs. We all want the same thing.
There’s a lot we don’t know about each other as well and that leaves room for all sorts of interpretations. I didn’t know anything about Andrea before this interview. What I learned surprised me.
Andrea Whittemore-Goad
“I have been given three new gifts this year. The gift of time, the gift of letting go and a willingness in my soul to share my laughter and tears wherever my life may lead. I have had ups and downs, bumps and bruises, scrapes and deep wounds this year, yet I have survived it all” AWG.
Andrea Goad Whittemore came down with ME/CFS after surgery to remove her tonsils when she was ten years old. Since then she’s had viral meningitis, Influenza A, and co-infections of hemophilus B, salmonella, babesia, cryptosporidium, and mycoplasma pneumonia, reactivated viral herpetic infections of HSV-1, EBV, hhv-6a, and hhv-7.
She has low natural killer cell function, mitral valve prolapse, gastroparesis and high inflammatory cytokines that have caused painful auto- immune processes to grow on her collarbone and the inside of my elbows. She also developed hypoglycemia and polycystic ovary syndrome and had daily catamenial seizures almost 6 years ago which left her bedridden.
After getting ill her cognitive skills deteriorated dramatically but improved dramatically when she was on Ampligen. While on Ampligen she became a gentle yoga teacher, volunteered at a local kindergarten classroom and after school programs, teaching at risk and special needs children yoga. After 8 years on Ampligen she became intolerant to the drug and began suffering daily seizures. Eventually she found an off-label drug that worked, but had to drop that after experiencing metabolic acidosis.
Despite this Andrea has improved and the seizures are gone. I ended this interview with Andrea thinking she was doing pretty well, but then I took a look at her blog. I was wrong. Here’s some of the things that have happened in the last six months. Excerpts from her Persist Without Exception blog (AWG) are posted throughout this piece.
A Few Months
Today I will be persisting laying in bed watching Downton Abbey AWG
In September after two separate regimens of antibiotics and antivirals Andrea is still recovering from a bacterial infection s she picked up in July. In October she wakes up and is unable to walk on her right food because of excruciating pain. She is diagnosed with mycoplasma pneumonia and has to start her third round of antibiotics in less than two months.
In mid-October, after headache, spinal pain, nausea, difficulty looking up, pre-seizure symptoms and extreme vertigo alarm her physician she is diagnosed with a central nervous system viral infection and begins pediatric doses of antivirals. She starts the new year off ‘really, really sick’ and starts two new treatments and will begin a third soon.
If it’s not one thing it seems it’s another.
An Interview With Andrea Whittemore-Goad
“In chronic illness there are days where you have to accept punishment” AWG
You became a visible advocate for the WPI and for ME/CFS once the WPI was created but you’ve also been careful to maintain your personal privacy as well. Rumors have floated around from time to time about how you’re doing or what you’re doing. Why were you careful about maintaining your privacy and why come out now?
The short answer is I was very young when I became ill. I have been living with a neuro-immune disease for 25 plus years now. The long answer is I had serious cognitive challenges and felt others could do a better job speaking up for me when I was younger. Jerry Crum, Anita Patton, Kelley Jefferey , Robert Miller and Pat Fero are the reasons I began to change my mind. Jerry asked me to become an advocate and tell my story many years ago back in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to travel at the time, so I allowed my family to be my advocates. However, I did get involved with advocacy efforts at a local level later.
My mentors taught me with great wealth comes great responsibility and I had a wealth of information that others did not or could not understand without actually living with this disease. I felt I had a media avenue others did not and I felt something had to change. When I progressively got worse with seizures, I thought if I ever wake up from this nightmare, I am going to write and tell my story. I was no longer afraid.
Today I practiced acceptance, letting go of an outcome and opening my heart. I’m back in bed resting now but every time I still do just a little bit I can give myself a virtual gold star for not giving into the fear I’m relapsing and never going to be well again. AWG
When I met and heard about patients quietly suffering around the world I felt I had to speak up. After I relapsed completely, from Influenza A/Swine Flu, in June 2009 I felt even more responsibility to speak up. That is the closest I have ever felt to losing my battle with this disease.
I read the stories of young children from Invest in ME, the 25% group and Sophia Mizra. I read about a bedridden and wheelchair bound child having been thrown into a swimming pool to see if he could swim. Patients from the UK, Netherlands, and all over the world latched onto my memory and broke my heart. I read of patients that have never had better options for care than anti-depressants and CBT. I felt something had to be done.
I knew I was lucky and that I was very, very sick. ME/CFS had changed my life, but I’ve always had the most loving and supportive family and friends. I was rarely ostracized like so many have been. I have never been left to suffer in isolation as so many others have. I refuse to let anyone bury either this disease or the patients suffering in dark rooms in silence. I’m here every day to do my part to fulfill mine and my family’s mission and goals to find a cure for Neuro-Immune diseases.
“Being left behind is devastating. It felt like no matter what I would never fit in. I would never be normal. The bible says not to covet what others have but when your friends, siblings ,cousins, and god family have children like you have always wanted, it’s hard not to want that for your own life. It’s hard not to believe something went wrong long ago when God made you.”AWG
Can you describe what happened when you got ill… what you were doing at the time…what was your health like…?
I was a very active child. I loved school. I had a large group of neighbors, friends and cousins I attended school and extracurricular activities with. We played softball, competed against each other on swim team and cheerleaded together. I was also involved in Blue Birds, piano and dance lessons.
In 1988, I was diagnosed with a non- EBV mono and chronic bacterial tonsillitis. I was began having bouts of tachycardia from a mitral valve prolapse, chronic headaches and stomach pain. My pediatrician and family made a decision to have my tonsils removed in January 1989.
I was never the same after the surgery. My fevers were very high. They cancelled the surgery one time but decided to go forward with the surgery the second time.
Did you know any other kids with this disorder at the time you became ill. Were you able to attend school?
No I did not. No I was not able to. I would attend intermittently. I was on a homeschooling program through our public education system called Homebound.
I remember hearing at the Reno Conference that you were in really difficult shape; that you were having frequent seizures. Can you say what kind of seizures you were having, are you over them now and if so, what worked?
I was having catamenial seizures they were brought on by severe hypoglycemia and changes in my hormone levels. They are described as looking like a grand mal seizure. I don’t have any memory of them; just the side effects from the medications I had to be given, to the difficulty walking and speaking for hours to days afterward. I started progesterone therapy, antiviral therapy and changed my diet.
How many times does it take to accept a relapse? Every single time I relapse I go through a mourning process. A process of missing, wishing and hoping. The missing out on a full life, wishing I had children and hoping for a cure is what keeps me going. It gives me a mission to work on. A. W.
Are you still having seizures?
Thank you ,God. I am so blessed. I haven’t had one in 14 months.
How would you describe your ME/CFS? As progressive, stabilized, relapsing-remitting?
Andrea describes her illness as ‘relapsing-remitting’. Infections are particularly hard to recover from.
I would describe my disease as relapsing remitting. I have been in remission 3 times in 25 years. I have recovered with treatment to almost 70% before. I see stabilized as someone who never gets sick anymore and progressive as someone who continues to get worse every day or every year even with treatment. I have many symptoms like patients with relapsing remitting MS.
How is your health now? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being full of health and energy, where are you know?
I am about a 5 or 6 most days. I am so blessed. I still have really tough days though. Especially, each weekend after working all week or after illness. It can take months to recover from a bacterial or viral infection. But there is no comparison as to how I was in 2009. I was on the negative side of the scale before.
I went to my first full restorative yoga class without oxygen and outside the home two days ago. Those of you who know me this is an amazing blessing. Four years ago, I had to transition from teaching gentle, children’s and senior yoga after I began having seizures. They became erratic and frequent after an extreme bout of Influenza A that hit in June of 2009. Due to excruciating spinal pain and difficulty lifting my arms and legs after a significant relapse, I could only do very gentle pranayama and meditation. I have been waiting patiently to bring this part of my life back. Thank you God. A. W.
You’ve had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for a long time and I imagine you’ve tried many different things. Can you talk about your attempts to get well?
My first treatments were for my sleep, heart, stomach and pain. I was bedridden and did not find much relief until finding an integrative medical specialist, Dr. Peterson, Ampligen and now an integrative program of Eastern and Western Medicine. Now I take a combination of Chinese antivirals and Ganoderma mushroom, vitamins, supplements, and when needed drugs prescribed for co-infections, pain and nausea.
What Chinese antivirals are you taking? I guess you test positive for herpes viruses?
My doctor treats me with many different herbs, supplements, and vitamins. Yes but not CIHHV-6.
You were trying the Paleo diet. How is that going?
I just started the Clean Gut diet a lot like Paleo. My diet is integral to an auto-immune inflammatory process that began in 2009. Unfortunately, I think many will agree it is extremely challenging to make meals when so ill. I am blessed to have my husband to help with large meal preparation. I am now well enough most days to make my daily shakes, lunches and follow recipes cognitively. My diet is basically organic, free of hormones, gluten, dairy ,soy, corn, egg, grains, alcohol, processed sugars and chemicals.
Have you tried something that you think may have affected you negatively long term?
Yes, antibiotics and steroids.
I think one of things that interests people about you and your health is that you’ve got resources. I know for me at times I would think if I’d just tried X or Y maybe it would have all worked out, but you’re not well. Honestly, that’s a little deflating :). Where are you regarding trying new treatments?
I am not cured. There is a difference. I am decently well if I stay within my boundaries and routine. I plan for rest every day after work with my oxygen for 45 minutes. I work 21 hours a week. I don’t drink or smoke. I eat healthy 85% of the time. I go to bed early and take naps when my body needs it. I walk my dog, get massages and acupuncture every 3 months, get outside every day for 10-15 minutes, open my windows, meditate, do gentle yoga with prananyama, go to church with my family, attend social events with my husband when I am able.
I look at my health from a holistic perspective Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Environmental, Occupational and Social. The more I take care of these 7 Dimensions of Health the more I can give back to others.
You got up to 70% of normal three times in the past 25 years. I assume that one of them was with Ampligen. Looking back do you have any idea what caused you to relapse after you got better? Did they just seem to stop working?
The first time I noticed a big difference was through my HMD/MD at the time Dr. John Diamond. I was 15 lbs underweight. He worked on treating pathogens along with healing my gut. Even though I went into remission the cognitive dysfunction was still really severe. I relapsed within a week of taking my mandatory college vaccinations.
The second time was with Ampligen. When I went into remission I chose to take a holiday from the drug for 13 months. The holiday was because I wanted to be free from the tether of an IV life. I was receiving 4 a week because of dehydration issues. So for me, it wasn’t a 30 minute infusion. It was 4 hours 4 days a week with taking 2 days to recover in between infusions. I had no quality of life.
I took a family trip and picked up Influenza A/ Suspected Swine Flu. When I began Ampligen again I didn’t respond the same way. I began having reactions and we had to drop the dose. The seizures and auto-immune reactions began getting worse and it was no longer working the way it had.
The 3rd time was after taking Viread. Viread eventually caused a metabolic acidosis condition called lactic acidosis, an issue with my liver and severe anemia. I had to stop the medication and relapsed after a reactivated EBV, coxsackie, and bacterial infection of mycoplasma pneumonaie.
“I don’t give up for very long.. I may throw something, punch a pillow, scream at the top of my lungs( poor hubby) may be I collapse from sheer exhaustion or may be I find a strength within I didn’t know I had. Something that brings me back to a memory comparable to the struggle I’m dealing with now. It reminds me if I got over that hump before I can do it again. Again and again. The most important thing is to keep trying” A. W.
You’ve been married for several years. Can I ask where you met your husband? The reason I’m asking is that I find that it’s really hard to a) meet other people when your activity is so limited, and b) find someone who’s OK with someone having a chronic illness that’s really limiting….
Yes, I have been married for 5 years. I met Brian when I was in remission on Ampligen. One of my girlfriends was moving and asked me to attend a going away dinner at a restaurant near my home. I met him there.
Your health has gone through huge up and down swings. At its worst it’s been very, very bad. I’m imagine that at times that you’ve been very worried. Is there anything you do to bring solace or peace or hope to this situations?
My faith gives me peace and solace. I always try to find one thing everyday to be thankful for. That isn’t to say I don’t have hours or days where I feel really sad or a feeling of longing to be able to do more. I try very hard to focus on what I am able to do and be thankful for those times. There are times when I am reminded how much I sacrifice to help others but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also use meditation and visualization techniques I learned from Dr. Bernie Siegel and my Grandmother when she was battling cancer for the second time.
Anything you’d like to say about your mother?
The WPI wouldn’t exist without my incredible family. They have chosen to continue the imperative work of keeping WPI going. I could not do this without their love and support every day. My mother has been my nurse, advocate, and very best friend. She does this out of pure sheer determination to find the answers and treatments for patients suffering around the world. My family and friends have taught me the very most important lesson of my life Always Have Faith and Never Ever Give Up Hope.
Whittemore-Peterson Institute
“I have been living with Severe ME since I was 10 years old. When you have dealt with a chronic illness this long you begin to dissect yourself and eventually graduate to observing yourself. Guilt and grief is something I have dealt with all of my life. The guilt comes from not being able to be like every one else and the grief comes from continuing to try to be like everyone else and failing. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say. AWG“
Are you working now?
Annette Whittemore and her daughter, Andrea. Andrea’s plight lead Annette and her husband to create the Whittemore-Peterson Institute
I work at Whittemore Peterson Institute. In February 2012, I became a full time member of the donor relations/ marketing and communications team for WPI. Prior to that I was a volunteer. Since 2009 I have volunteered for advocacy efforts, raising awareness and helping with social media and patient outreach.
If you were to say one thing about the WPI that most people probably don’t know – what would it be?
We work really hard. Even when we aren’t physically at the building we are always trying to make WPI the best it can be and ultimately translate that into helping patients.
What is happening at the WPI right now?
Our research team is working really hard on grants and the study of the innate immune response in chronic inflammatory disease. Dr. De Meirleir is seeing and treating patients in the Center for Translational Medicine. Our Education and Outreach team are planning our annual events. We are gearing up for a fun wine tasting and our 9th Annual I Hope You Dance event will be here before we know it.
What a time XMRV was for the WPI. They went from possibly being the savior to having some people be very at them. Mistakes were surely made, but the WPI was new to the scene and you, Annette, Dr. Mikovits and everyone associated with the WPI was quickly faced with some difficult challenges. There you were front and center on the Facebook site. When things went south it got pretty ugly at times. That must have been really difficult. Can you say anything about that period?
To be honest I was extremely disappointed XMRV didn’t work out and lead to treatments that could cure me or so many others. However, the research led us to new and exciting research avenues to pursue, changes including the head of our CAB, our new research director, and medical director.
I am thankful for the great scientists, researchers and philanthropists who got involved because of the visibility of the disease at the time. I am encouraged by the positive studies and progress the WPI and our community continues to make.
Personally, I feel extremely fortunate to have met and become a patient of specialists in Infectious Disease, Integrative and General Medicine whose treatments have led to some improvement in my overall health and well-being. I believe everything happens for a reason and the challenges I have been through only made me stronger. I am working every day to give back to those that helped me. I hope someday the research we are doing will translate to real and lasting treatments for those suffering all over the world.
“I woke up this morning feeling blessed. Honestly, blessed beyond understanding. I thought this Season would be the most challenging of all. Watching every moment wondering if it was the last time I would ever feel that” A. W.
The spectacular symptoms, the spectacular relapses, the duration of the illness, the articulated way of describing it all, the wealth in the midst of disastrous health, – I could not help but think of Laura Hillenbrand as I read this… I hope this is not an offense to neither…
Nicely put Christian!
I remember going to some sort of federal event on ME/CFS that Lauren Hillenbrand was somehow involved in. It took place just blocks from her house, but she was too sick to attend. Instead Scott Simon from NPR stood in for her and proceeded to break into tears when talked about her. At it’s worst this disorder is so devastating, and, of course, Andrea has had it for so long – since she was 10.
Cort. Your opening statements… ROCK!!! Wonderful thoughts and reminders of the power of kindness.
Thanks 🙂
Thanks to the interviewer and interviewee.
I note that one of her infections was Babesia? which is a red blood cell parasite (treated in much the same was as malaria). As I understand, that almost always comes along with Borrelia (lyme) in ticks, although the later Borrelia might hide better and evade testing…
Wondering if the Babesia happened early on, and if was indeed from a tick…?
(Ever curious about not only viral but stealth, persisting bacterial and other parasitic infections…)
Thanks again to both of you, for your work.
Dear Andrea
Thank you so much for this graphic and shocking account of your life.
You are very brave and strong to endure so much, yet still come out unphased in your efforts to highlight the plight of others.
How anyone can doubt the validity of ME being a serious neurological disease is beyond me.
Thank you to your parents and their very hard work in finding answers. We, as a family struggle on, with hope, that one day they will find the route to a cure.
Please don’t give up, ever. Stay strong. It’s people like you that keep me and my family afloat.
Very best wishes for the future.
Ann O’Connell
Dear Andrea,
You are my hero. Thank you for sharing your story. I marvel at your faith and continued hope for yourself and all that silently suffer with me/cfs. Thank you for all the good work that you do at WPI-it will make all the difference. I had me/cfs for 2.5 years and hopefully have recovered-I have been well since 9/2013. I hold you and all with me/cfs in prayer. May the best days be ahead.
My Best,
Julie Mandli
Hi Julie,
How did you recover? Please share your story!
I recovered after being treated with LDN and Immunivor under the care of Dr. Nancy Klimas. I will be sharing my story as soon as I receive my latest immune ab results.
wow, can’t wait
Do you know how long you have to be on LDN to see results.? I was on it for 3 weeks an had a sudden onset of weakness where I couldn’t walk and I wasnt sure if it was the LDN or coming off methotrexate cold turkey?
Yes, I agree with Marcie. Cort’s opening statements were just perfect.
My heart deeply grieves for Andrea’s longing for children. I am grateful beyond measure that ME/CFS didn’t hit me until my three were nearly grown. Since I can’t tolerate much if any social interaction, my family (via FaceTime now) is my world. In a sense Andrea is mothering the rest of us who share her disease by teaching, encouraging, setting an excellent example.
I truly love Andrea’s faith and spirit and courage to persist in spite of horrific obstacles. I found her incredibly inspiring. (And what wonderful parents, too. I can’t imagine the agony of watching your child suffer like this. But they be so proud of their amazing daughter.)
So glad I started my day with this article.
Thank you, Andrea, for sharing both your journey and your fight with ME/CFS!
Andrea….I know you to be many things; Caring, passionate, a true leader, a warrior and a woman of character.
What I think people forget is you are a also a “patient.” You get it! You understand this disease in its most devastating form. Even in your sickest days, you and the WPI team continue to pursue a cause and cure. Thank you for your dedication!
Cort, thanks for all you do for this community!
Dear Andrea
Thank you so much. How wonderfully well you recounted your story, with openness and honesty. It’s very moving indeed.
It’s also very informative to hear what infections you had and what treatments you tried and to know for sure there is no miracle cure out there we haven’t heard of.
Your story struck a huge chord with me, as since the 80s four of us (3 of my children and me) have also been in a similar situation. Our ME is similar to yours but not quite so severe. We have not had any remissions but started to improve a little after about 14 years of severe ME then the children relapsed again and developed other serious disease in 2005. We are still together and still ill after 25 years.
I have noticed that the people speaking out in the last few years are often people who fell ill in the 80s, often children at the time, who have been so severely ill that only now are they able to come out and speak. It was common knowledge at the time that there was an ME epidemic going on but it seems to have been written out of history and mysteriously disappeared.
We have a great deal to thank the Whittemore Institute for, revitalising ME research and kick starting a whole new interest and approach.
Andrea, all our best wishes go to you for a better future.
Thank you, Cort and Andrea, for all that you do for those of us who struggle. Your efforts to get the rest of the world to understand our challenges and frustrations are so important, and make a very real difference.
Andrea, thank you for speaking out. I had no idea what you’ve been through, and hope that you continue to have a better quality of life.
Cort, I will never understand how you do so much. You’ve helped so many people more than you’ll ever know.
Both of you are inspirational and courageous. I hope you will both continue to do your important work.
Andrea’s fortitude is inspiring! Her support system is enviable…I have two daughters and a daughter-in-law living within a fifteen minute drive, but receive not a moment of care, physical or emotional, from them. Having that would make a huge difference! I find I can stay “up” for just so long, and then I begin to feel sorry for myself. I will bring your ordeal to mind when I start to slide!
My thanks to those who are responsible for this feature!
thats sad Nancy, and I understand, doing this on your own is tough.
take care, much love x
My heart goes out to any patient who has this disease, and I sure hope Andrea finds better health soon, as I hope we all do.
That said, it is a real tragedy that the WPI’s boss, Annette, and her husband, Harvey, vilified and blamed Dr. Judy Mikovits when Dr. Mikovits blew the whistle on the inaccurate xmrv lab test in 2011 (that patients paid $400+ for and were never refunded — and that Medicare, a government program, helped pay for in some cases). Then they had Dr. Mikovits arrested and jailed over a long weekend (without bail) under false charges, and made her lose everything in the ensuing legal battles.
More than the tragedy that this caused Dr. Mikovits personally, I see it as a tragedy that the patients had to, and still have to, endure.
For those who want Dr. Mikovits’s side of the story, her pending book can be pre-ordered here. I already ordered my copy.
All I can say Rrr I’m sorry the whole thing happened as it did. I imagine that everybody is sorry how it turned out. My interpretation of what happened is directly opposite of yours – which just shows that two people can be shown the same facts and come to the opposite conclusions 🙂
I do think Dr. Mikovits took her eye off the ball – serving ME/CFS patients – as soon as the negative test results started coming in. If she had kept her eye on the ball – she wouldn’t have made so many statements to the media that damaged both her and the WPI’s credibility. Once she became defensive and started alluding to conspiracies and researchers who were fudging results – her reputation and the WPI’s was in big trouble.
I think Dr. Mikovits did have a burning desire to help ME/CFS patients – I’m very clear about that. It’s unfortunate she didn’t recognize that doing that included acting in the way her mentor did.
If her book serves that purpose I’m all for it. If its a matter of getting even then that would be unfortunate.
Thank you Andrea for telling your story. I know that it is an invasion into your private life which is not always comfortable.
My CFIDs started with Viral Meningitis that I got 3 times at around 3 1/2 years it morphed its self into what I have today CFIDs and Fibro at the age of 27, now I am 43. I have always wondered if I could of gone to the best people in America where would I be? You have kind of answered that for me and I really appreciated your letting us know your story. I was able to get married a year and half ago. I found it very scary to tell the men in my life that the image that I was portraying was not exactly who I was all the time and that sometimes I would go down to bed for weeks. Some men could not handle it but thankfully I did find a man who loved me all the way. I hope this give others hope that there are kind and wonderful men out there. It looks like you found one and I am very happy for you.
Most Sincerely
LaLonna Collins
Dear Cort and Friends,
Thank you for sharing my story and for your continued support. Thank you for all of the very kind and thoughtful messages. Most of all thank you to the patients who deal with this daily challenge with so much courage. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please know you are my inspiration to keep fighting and helping our community every day. Thank you to the very generous philanthropists, researchers, doctors, nurses, advocates and caretakers who endure great obstacles and empower all of us to keep going. WPI wouldn’t exist without all of you and your continued support of our mission.
Thats a bit harsh Barb,
I think you will find, if you read the article properly, that Cort visited Andrea’s Blog and found she has been far from well.
As for the WPI and Micovits falling out, there were faults on both sides and it’s far better to move on and focus on the advances now being made. Draging things up only damages the ME