

“Because it’s time we became the strength of our numbers”


We’re lacking the tools to take on the big bureaucracies that are thwarting us. This effort may provide them!

One thing that’s missing in ME/CFS advocacy are easy and effective  ways to do it.  We lack the tools other advocacy groups use to communicate, get the word out quickly and easily, and produce change. It looks like Jen Brea of  the “Canary in a Coal Mine” film and her partners are committed to providing those.

That would be a huge win for the ME/CFS community. Check out what she says about the #MEActionNetwork below and please consider signing  up in this pre-launch invitation.

I wanted to share news about a new platform currently under development, one with a set of tools that will make it easier from advocates from around the world to meet, collaborate, and join campaigns to promote equal access to healthcare, science, and basic human dignity for patients living with ME.

It’s called The #MEAction Network. We’re not an advocacy organization. Rather, we aim to empower a grassroots movement with tools and resources that help advocates do what they are already doing, better.

Sign up here: http://lnc.hr/lLp9X
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MEActNet
Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MEActNet

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