
Stanford did it right. They produced video’s of the March 2014 Stanford  Symposium  on ME/CFS and now they’re giving us access to them – for free. Some of the most exciting findings in years came out in the Symposium.

The video's  are up!

The video’s are up!

They include

  • Dr. Unger’s excellent introduction to epidemiology in ME/CFS
  • Dr. Younger’s fantastic presentation on leptin and the microglia
  • the gene expression study which indicated ME/CFS is an inflammatory disorder (and indicated out which inflammatory disorder it most looks like).
  • the disappointing (or welcome – depending  on whether you want cardiovascular aging to be associated with ME/CFS – I don’t) cardiovascular aging results
  • the highlight (in my mind) of both the Stanford and the IACFS/ME Conference presentations – the Zinn EEG findings which basically indicated people with ME/CFS are asleep when they’re awake
  • the MRI presentation that Dr. Byron Hyde said was the best he’d ever seen on ME/CFS (it’s a toughie, though!)
  • Dr. Komaroff on diagnostic pitfalls
  • Dr. Lipkin on his studies
  • the man himself – Dr. Montoya

They’re all available on the Stanford Website – and Stanford does accept donations.

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