
As part of our goal to create a more professional appearance Health Rising has engaged a logo designer to produce a logo. Please let us know which of the following logos you think would be the best for Health Rising.


Please let us know which logo you think would be best for Health Rising.

Please feel free, as well, to provide suggestions for changes with regards to colors, fonts, words or other parts of the design.

The results will help but will not necessarily determine what the final choice is. (I reserve the option of bucking public opinion :))

Six logos are provided.

Thanks for your help!

Logo’s #1A, 1B and 1C from top to bottom


Logo’s IA, IB, IC -from top to bottom

Logo’s 2A, 2B and 2C – from top to bottom


Logo’s 2A, 2B and 2C – from top to bottom


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