
The CDC is having a public call-in session on Monday, Feb 23rd. First Dr. Unger will talk and then Dr. Jose Montoya of Stanford.  (See the schedule below). Everybody is invited.

It’s not a call to be missed.

Dr. Unger and the CDC

First Dr. Unger will talk on what the CDC has going on – and they have a quite bit going on.

Gynecological Study – They just published their second study (blog coming up) finding a greatly increased risk of gynecological abnormalities exists in ME/CFS.  In fact, it appeared that the incidence of every single one of the ten gynecological condition they looked for was significantly increased in women who met their criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome.  Some of  those conditions clearly occurred well before the women got sick with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Those findings are probably not a surprise to Gordon Broderick given his results suggesting that the interactions between female hormones and the endocrine and immune systems play a key role in this disorder.

chronic fatigue syndrome gynecological

The CDC’s gynecological studies are opening new ground in ME/CFS

Multi-site Study – There’s also, of course, the ME/CFS experts study. At the San Francisco conference last year all Dr. Unger would  say about the long-awaited results from the first phase of this big study was that they were working hard to “scrub the data” and they would get them out as quickly as possible. That was almost a year ago.  It can’t be long now.  I, for one, am waiting with bated breath for the results.

At her recent patient conference, Dr. Klimas asked the ME/CFS community to let bygones be bygones and give the CDC a break! She’s clearly impressed with what they’re doing right now.

Yes, there are still problems (Toolkit) but they’re also doing a lot right.  There’s the multi-site ME/CFS experts study, the gynecological study and we recently did a blog on a NK cell study they did.

Dr. Unger has all of ten minutes to update us 🙂 then it’s onto Dr. Montoya’s talk on the

“The Stanford ME/CFS Initiative: Collaboration, Innovation and Discovery”.

What does Dr. Montoya have going on over at Stanford?

The Mega Immune Project – A 600 person study featuring Mark Davis – a top immunologist – and his monster machine to exhaustively look at immune cells in ME/CFS. This huge project will take a year – just to run the samples. Davis is using his immune toys to run dozens of studies on all sorts of diseases- and this is the biggest one….

The Zinn’s Brain Studies – the results of  these two studies blew me away at the Stanford Symposium last year. The Zinn’s talked about a zombie -like brain pattern that had the brain looking like it was asleep when it was supposed to be awake, about altered brain signals across much of the front of the brain (“that’s a lot of brain” they said! ) and another finding that suggested a “limbic encephalopathy” (nice name!)  was present. It all made for a very impressive and exciting presentation.

brain findings chronic fatigue syndrome

Referring to their results the Zinn’s stated: “That’s a lot of brain”

The Inflammation Disorder – a large gene expression study strongly suggested that ME/CFS looked very much like “systemic inflammatory syndrome”. It also looked like some other inflammatory disorders. It basically looked like an inflammatory disorder. That’s good news for everyone involved in immunological research.

Then there was  the Zeineh brain imaging study that made such a splash last year and a cytokine study and probably some others. (Who knows? There’s a lot going on at Stanford!)

Dr. Montoya recently said they’re already seeing getting some good results on the immune front. My guess is that  he’s talking about Mark Davis study. If so that’s exciting news indeed.

Dr. Montoya has all of 30 minutes to spill the beans on what’s happening over in Stanford. Then it’s onto a Q&A period.

It’s all happening on the “CDC CFS Patient-centered outreach and communication activity (PCOCA) Conference Call”. (We won’t be asking their recommendation for a name…)

  • Monday, February 23, 2015 : 3:00 pm 4:00 pm EST
  • Call number: 1-888-989-3481
  • Participant Code: 7298996

The Agenda

3:00pm   Welcome and Telephone Overview
3:05pm  Updates from CDC – Elizabeth Unger, PhD, MD
Branch Chief, Chronic Viral Diseases Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3:15pm  “Stanford ME/CFS Initiative: Collaboration, Innovation and Discovery”
Jose Montoya, MD
Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine
School of Medicine Stanford University, Stanford, California
3:45pm  Questions from CFSPCOCACall Mailbox for Guest Speaker and CDC

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