It’s our BIG (little) donation drive. It’s our BIG drive where we get most funding by asking for very little amounts ($5 or more) a month.
We’re asking for $5/month recurring donations. If enough people sign on then five dollars a month is all it takes. Hey, $10/month would be better, $20/month would be great and $50/month would be fantastic. We have some very generous supporters who are supporting us at that level and above, but really $5/month is all we need – if enough people sign up.
Crowdfunding — getting many people to give small amounts is what it’s all about. This is fundraising the easy way. Will you join us?
You gotta ask yourself – where else do you get the kind of information that you get here?
Just in the past couple of months we’ve brought you news on lactic acidosis in the gut, the NIH news on ME/CFS, lactate in the muscles, dopamine in fibromyalgia, the best–rated practitioners, the role the mitochondria may play, vagus nerve stimulation, the PACE trial’s imbroglio’s and more.
Health Rising is averaging almost 7,000 page views and 3,000 users a day and we’re asking you to throw a little change our way every month to keep us on the web and keep us growing.
We’re aiming for 100 new signups (or upgrades). One hundred people agreeing to support Health Rising to the tune of just $5 a month would add about $500/month – almost $6,000 a year – to Health Rising’s budget. That’s peanuts for most organizations but it’s big money for Health Rising – and it will allow us to bring you much more.
We’re soon going to add new programs that nobody else in the health support field that I know of has – and there are more coming behind that. How are we able to do this? Basically, Stavya (HR’s young web ace programmer) and I work pretty cheap :).
Please invest in Health Rising’s and – your future. You won’t notice the $5 or $10 a month, but I assure you we will.
Bonus for Early Donators (in the U.S.)
Thanks to Dorothy Wall the first 45 people to sign up for or increase their recurring donations (or single donations who give $100 or more) will get a copy – the last copies actually – of her superb “Encounters with the Invisible: Unseen Illness, Controversy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” book. This book of essays ranks, in my opinion, with “Osler’s Web” and “Fatigued to Fantastic” as a classic in the field. Katrina Berne wrote
“I want to shove a copy of this book into the hands of every person with CFS and their family and friends – as well as every doubter and detractor”
The publishing house that published this book is unfortunately no more. Dorothy passed on some of the last copies of the book to Health Rising to help with the fundraiser. This is your last chance for this beautiful hardbound book. A signed bookplate by Dorothy is included.
Supporting Health Rising
Become a Recurring Donor – To become a recurring donor simply go the right sidebar of any page and enter Option #1 in the Do It Monthly section and hit the Subscribe button… (Please note that hitting the Donate button will not work for recurring donations – you must hit the Subscribe button.)
Already a Recurring Donor? Want to increase your donation? Simply send me an email stating that and I will stop your current donation and you can restart it. We’ve added more payment options. You can now be a monthly donor at $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $50, $100, $150, $250 and yes, $500! :)).
Make a One-Time Donation — Make a one-time donation by clicking on the Donation button in the right sidebar.
We Love Checks! Please make out checks to Health Rising and send them to
- Cort Johnson
- 2555 Hampton Rd Unit 6308
- Henderson NV, 89052
(By the way, Health Rising never provides your email address or personal information to outside parties. Health Rising is also not an non–profit.)
Please invest in Health Rising
Thanks for your support.
I really appreciate the awesome service you provide and would like to help the cause. Is Health Rising a registered non-profit organization?
No – we’re not a non-profit…(It was actually one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made (lol))
Cort –
If I’m not mistaken, you can convert to a non-profit. It may not be as easy as starting out as a NP, but I’m pretty sure you can convert.
Thanks Jody. The problem is the past. I started Phoenix Rising and then turned it into a non-profit. Unfortunately the small Board of Directors there decided I was no longer wanted – except as a blogger – so I left. After that I decided I would be in charge no matter what. 🙂 🙂
Cort is, and has been for many years, our most trusted source of information on ME/CFS. He has an amazing ability to gather relevant information, condense it, and provide it to us in an unbiased format that we can digest and understand. For anyone not currently supporting this site financially, I personally encourage you to do so. Give whatever amount you can, but please consider at least making a monthly donation of $5.00. I know this site is as valuable to you as it is to me. Let’s show our appreciation for Cort’s tireless efforts to keep us informed by making a contribution to invest in his continued work. Thank you Cort for all you do.
Thanks for your support Pat!
Thanks for everyone who has contributed and getting us off to a good start with almost 20 people beginning new recurring donations or upgrading….We’re a fifth of the way there 🙂
Thanks also to the people who contributed single donations 🙂
Donation done.
Thanks Cort.
Thanks Scott!
Thanks to the 18 people who have committed to or reupped their recurring donations. With several people contributing we have the equivalent of 25 $5 dollar donations providing Health Rising with an extra $115 a month and $1400 a year :).
We’re a quarter of our to our goal in one day 🙂
Thanks also to the 32 people who have made single contributions 🙂
FYI there is no right sidebar or donate button on the mobile version.
That’s not good! We’re not going to meet our goal without that! If you keep scrolling down do you see it? And if you don’t can you tell me what kind of mobile device you are on.
I’m on IPad & IPhone. I checked on both devices again & a donate is nowhere in this page. I did find it however by going to the menu icons & clicking on the donation page. But other users may not know what the menu icon is.
Thanks very much for letting me know. Making it hard for people to find the donate button was not the idea (lol).
I will get that fixed.
Thanks to the 35 new recurring donators and the over 40 people who have contributed single donations. We’re over a third of the way there 🙂
Cort, I hadn’t realized my monthly donations had stopped recently. But I got them back on track through PayPal. Best of luck getting to that sweet spot in your financial goal. Cheers! Judith
Thanks Judith for re-becoming a recurring donor! We’re about 60% of our way to our goal. If we keep on at this pace we’ll be done in a couple of weeks 🙂
I would like to make a one time donation but I do not like pay pal.
Please, send me a phone number so I call you and I can make it by Credit card (Tell my time zone)
Thanks Raquel
Don’t have the donation buttons on my IPad but will be sending you a check for $100.00 today. I find your blog extremely helpful, especially when speaking to my doctors and the ones that know of you speak very highly of you. I can’t understand a lot of it but I guess “stretching my brain” is helpful for the cognitive issues, lol. Thanks for pulling all of this together.
Sorry about the missing donation buttons but thanks very much for your very generous support Sara and your nice words:)
Mailing address
Cort Johnson
2555 Hampton Rd Unit 6308
Henderson, NV 89052
Could you identify the abbreviations once per article? I have read several but still don’t know what ME is.
myalgic encephalomyelitis – it is a term that was coined for ME/CFS I think in the 1930’s in the UK.