Bill Carter – the long-time CEO of Hemispherx Biopharma, the producer of Ampligen, was fired as the company announced new austerity measures. ME/CFS practitioners laud Ampligen but it’s never in 30 years made it to market. It’s been called “A good drug in the wrong hands”.
Find out more about Carter’s firing and Ampligen’s twisted history here.
Dr Carter tried for years to get Ampligen Approved but the Broken bought off FDA refuses so everyday CFS sufferers commit suicide!
At the Last stake holders meeting the FDA did not invite Dr Peterson an Expert that has been treating CFS with Ampligen for 30 Years!
There are two different groups against Approval Big Pharma cause the drug “is that good”, And A hedge fund that has been Manipulating shorting Hebs Stock for years and years while the SEC looks the other way.
Until you get the Criminals out of the stock the Broken bought off FDA will never Approve it.
Ask yourself why would they not invite the worlds leading expert on treatment of patients via Ampligen?
The FDA still employs People like Dr Pazdur that has been caught red handed taking bribes and we wonder why the FDA is broken.
I improved substantially on ampligen for a year but could no longer afford treatment. I wish it was accessible financially. I was 70% healthier and could have gone back to work on ampligen. During my year on ampligen I watched a young man in his early twenties come back from the dead! I dreaded the day he showed up because he was in a wheelchair and could not speak coherently. He had to be transported on a mattress in the back of a suburban by his Mother everyday to get Ampligen. In six months he was out of the wheelchair walking and talking and could play his guitar again. He was college educated and on his way to law school before falling ill. He was in his seventh month of treatment when I left so I hope he still has acces to ampligen. I remember my last day I shook his hand to tell him goodbye. In six months I never saw his eyes then he removed the dark sunglasses revealing brilliant blue eyes just like his Mother’s. I tried not to cry but failed kinda like now. When will human beings stop trying to be wealthy and do something selfless for the greater good. We have so far to go…..
I would say a bigger world expert on CFS than Dan Peterson and Klimas is Dr. Paul Cheney, Peterson’s partner at the time of the breakup and the one person. who has devoted his ENTIRE career to CFS and he won’t use Ampligen because it promotes development of cancer which nay not manifest itself for See the article o
n the firing of Dr. Kenny Merlier. re: editor’s note
Dr. Cheney has had some unusual ideas but Ampligen and cancer? I’ve never heard that. I think that Dr. Peterson, Dr. Lapp, Dr. Bateman and every other doctor who’s used Ampligen (Cheney has not, by the way) would disagree.
I cannot believe this, but I have tried to respond to your comment 4 times now and it has not accepted my reply. And I have to retype everything Am I not allowed to respond. First, I make one change – Dr. Klimas is truly a member of the elite contributors to the knowledge of CFS. You are correct that Dr. Cheney did not ever use Ampligen as part of his protocal. I also do want to make it clear that I do not speak on behalf of Dr. Cheney. But he you offered up a challenge and I would like to ask you something about it and respond. So I am going to try to get this much to go through before I type my response and questions again.
I didn’t pass through the De Meirleir comments because I consider the NCFIDS association stance towards him without basis. They made those charges at least a decade ago. They didn’t make sense then to me and I looked into them closely at the time.
I am sorry I am taking so long to respond but I have been traveling constantly and it has caught up with me to the point I need to take a couple of days, as we all well know. Plus I want to make sure of my facts. Dr. Cheney has definitely not gone away and I will explain my concern better in a day or two. Thanks for your responses. You seem very nice.
Okay. Can I infer from this you are not a supporter of the work of
Dr. Paul Cheney. What specific conclusions do you find unusual? Can I infer from your comments
that you would not consider him one of the leading experts in the field of CFS? Can I infer that you would consider his expertise to be somewhere below that of Dr. Peterson’s and Dr. Lapp’s, both of whom were his partners? I am not a representative of Dr. Cheney and I do not speak for him. I want to make that clear. But if you will answer the above questions, then I will give you an independent and influential source with the same opinion as Dr. Cheney.
Hi Kristie. I saw Dr. Cheney in the past and used to cover his work thoroughly. I don’t know if he’s right or wrong. Time will tell with that. It is pretty clear that his new approach has not been picked up by other ME/CFS experts. They may be right or wrong. What am I clear about is that ME/CFS is difficult to treat for everyone including Dr. Cheney and that we all have a lot to learn.
I apologize – apparently the comments went through but I was told they didn’t – so please do accept my apology for trying to triple the size of your blog – LOL I still ask that you please provide answers to the questions I posed to you if you don’t mind. As you can see, there are some other very important people (I would assume from the title) that could tell merely from the patent on ampligen that doctors were receiving kickbacks from the makers of Ampligen for using it. And it has been 30 years w/o FDA approval and there, I believe, has been a death. None of that sounds too good to me. If fact it sounds at least unethical at best. I think I might ask my doctor about it and ask to see some records.
No problem Kristie and I apologize for taking so long to respond. I will be doing an overview of Ampligen soon -a researcher just published a review of it.
I do ask that you please answer my questions above ( up two paragraphs).There is a recent documentary Forgotten Plague done by Ryan Prior, an impressive young man dedicated to raising AWARENESS to CFS all over the world. Drs. Peterson and Lapp graciously agreed to appear in the Documentary along with Dr, Klimas, Dr. Komaroff of Harvard and numerous Stanford players.
I know Ryan, and I like him. But I find it very very curious that this documentary is finished and distributed and it leaves out Dr. Paul Cheney. Call me stupid,but I think I would rather go to a doctor who knew about the knowledge contained in the patent to Ampligen. This is MY battle ,not Dr.Cheney’s. It is my battle because I don’t like to see things that reek of unfairness. And I would like to see it made right. So start telling me where i am wrong. I will listen. And i will be fair, but I will take everything into account which is considerable. Do you really think this is going to bring favorable light to an illness already damaged terribly by government corruption. This time it isn’t even the the government’s fault more acid rain falls on CFS.
Dr. Cheney is in some ways different from other doctors. Dr. Klimas, Dr. Komaroff and other physicians have worked with the professional IACFS/ME organization, they’ve contributed to CFSAC, they’ve worked with other doctors with the CDC, etc. and Dr. Cheney has kind of kept off to the side. That could be one reason he was not part of that. He’s simply not as well known as other doctors anymore.