As we appear to be finally turning a corner at the federal level, Prohealth’s Advocate of the Year Award gave me the opportunity to sit down and reflect on the long arc of ME/CFS advocacy. That made me realize how dependent the successes of the present have been on successes in the past – many of them long forgotten – and how our successes (or failures) will affect those that come after us.
Thanks to Prohealth for allowing Health Rising to reprint the original blog.
Congratulations to Cort Johnson for winning ProHealth’s 2015 ME/CFS Advocate of the Year Award! The award is given to an advocate who has dedicated him- or herself to furthering the interests of the ME/CFS community, and who has made a significant impact on public awareness of the disease.
Cort Johnson has been active in ME/CFS advocacy for over a decade. He founded Phoenix Rising, which is currently the world’s largest forum for ME/CFS sufferers, providing much needed information to – and from – the community. In 2013, Cort founded Health Rising, which is a valuable source of breaking news on research and advocacy efforts, as well as providing encouragement to people suffering from the disease. Over the past 10 years, he has written hundreds of articles about ME/CFS on his own websites and elsewhere.
ProHealth Advocates of the Year receive a ProHealth gift certificate of $500 and $1,000, which may be donated to the charity of the recipient’s choice. Cort chose to donate his award to the Simmaron Research Foundation in recognition of their important spinal fluid study, which is being conducted in collaboration with Ian Lipkin.
Cort has generously written a “State of the Union” article about where ME/CFS advocacy efforts currently stand, as well as a little of the history behind the movement. We are sure you will find it enlightening.
By Cort Johnson
Thanks to Rich Carson and ProHealth for this award.
A Fair Name and a Campaign
I want to acknowledge and thank Rich for his personal support and support of Health Rising since it opened about three years ago and for his own work in the advocacy field as well. It was not that long ago, in considerably darker times for ME/CFS, that Rich created and funded the Fair Name Campaign. The intention of the campaign was to have chronic fatigue syndrome be called ME/CFS. We believed ME/CFS was a good transition name which embraced the past of the disorder while looking towards the future.
During the campaign we tracked the use of the term ME/CFS over time. If I remember correctly it was first introduced in a significant way in the Canadian Consensus Criteria. From there it started to slowly work its way into research papers, often found in smaller journals, produced by ME/CFS experts.
The Campaign brought together ME/CFS experts who embraced the name change and publicized it. Change was in the air and the patient and professional communities, including the International Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (IACFS) (now IACFS/ME), quickly adopted it.
Then Dennis Mangan, the leader of the NIH effort on ME/CFS, without seeking advice or permission from the NIH, took it on. Later he said that asking permission would have slowed the process down considerably and perhaps even derailed it.
Dennis’s proactive move illustrates the fact that at times specific people do matter and people in positions of power in medical institutions, particularly matter.
The name change campaign also reflects how much further we have to go. None of the major medical websites or the CDC has followed the NIH’s lead. Google Trends indicates that the term ME/CFS only started showing up significantly in US searches in January 2014, and the term chronic fatigue syndrome is still used 30-40 more times in searches than ME/CFS.
The situation is better in the UK, where the term ME/CFS is used about 5-10 times more. Myalgic encephalomyelitis, interestingly, is used in more searches than ME/CFS in both the US and the UK. Interestingly, myalgic encephalomyelitis suddenly jumped in search popularity in the UK in January, 2009, and ME/CFS did so in July 2012.
Setting Up Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) for Success – Fifteen Years Ago
It looks as if the desires of the patient community may be finally coming to fruition at the NIH. That success seems as if it’s the result of two recently published federal reports, but the roots of that success stretch back 15 years or more. Without advocacy efforts the reinvigoration of ME/CFS research at the NIH probably wouldn’t have happened.
Actions taken long ago – which for years seemed not to make much of a difference – ended up being critical to today’s success.
It dates back to the success advocates had in embedding ME/CFS in the federal infrastructure. It was a success that appeared for almost 20 years, not to pay off at all.
That success was the adoption – the very unusual adoption – of a federal advisory group (CFSAC) focused on one disease. (Very few advisory groups focus on a single disease.) The federal advisory group had little impact on the major issues facing ME/CFS. The panel wasn’t useless; for many years it provided a platform which gave the ME/CFS community access to federal officials and vice versa. Officials that came into contact with the community learned about ME/CFS. Even as research funding declined, CFSAC was there, providing a steady stream of recommendations to the federal establishment.
The most important recommendations were always ignored, but then CFSAC did a small thing which may have made a big difference. Instead of simply sending a batch of recommendations every year, they prioritized the top recommendations. That apparently prompted two DHHS officials on CFSAC to, without the panel’s knowledge, commission two federal reports in response to them. Ironically, both the professional and patient communities fought the reports, but the IOM and P2P reports ended up making a huge difference.
Outsiders took a close look at ME/CFS and agreed something must change. They provided allies within the NIH an opportunity to act.
The federally funded reports gave two figures the opportunity they needed to act. One was Vicky Holets Whittemore, who is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) liasion to the moribund Trans-NIH Working Group. The Working Group had accomplished little over the past 15 years, but it did get Vicki Whittemore into the game.
Without a working group for Whittemore to sit on it’s hard to see how she would have gotten involved in this disease. When the IOM and P2P reports were published, Whittemore apparently saw her chance and began lobbying NINDS for an increased effort on ME/CFS.
Meanwhile NIH director Francis Collins was encountering demands for change. The publicity the IOM report received made the report difficult to ignore. Collins – who had expressed some interest in ME/CFS earlier – apparently decided it was time for a major change.
ME/CFS had had no success with the past Director of NINDS or with the longtime director of the NIAID, but a fresh face, Dr. Koroshetz, who apparently had some acquaintance with the disease, now led NINDS. In the end, it appears that individuals (Collins, Koroshetz, Whittemore) – all of whom were apparently receptive to ME/CFS – were present at the time the IOM and P2P reports were published.
Three Important Tools
In the end, ME/CFS had three important tools in its advocacy basket that the other diseases did not have. It had an entree – as weak as it was at times – into the federal establishment called CFSAC. As difficult a time as CFSAC has had over the years it’s hard to see the progress of the last year happening without it.
ME/CFS had a Working Group that kept federal officials engaged with ME/CFS long enough for a champion for this disease (Whittemore) to emerge.
Today’s advances were set up by wins fifteen years ago that gave us an in to the federal establishment
It also has a Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) to evaluate ME/CFS research grants. Getting a rare disease specific grant panel for ME/CFS was another coup. That panel, which was largely staffed by pain experts, seemed at times to do more harm than good, and ME/CFS researchers railed against grant reviewers who knew little about the subject and failed to support their grants.
The ME/CFS grant panel now may reap huge dividends, though. Jennie Spotila’s reporting indicates that the grant panel makeup now consists almost wholly of ME/CFS experts who can be expected to approve good grants. All the panel needs at this point is for those grants to appear.
It’s clear that the successes of the present have built on the efforts of past advocates who recognized the need to get embedded into the federal infrastructure. It simply took a long time for their work to come to fruition. One clear lesson learned is to never give up a stake in the federal establishment.
A Constant Theme of Advocacy
We have a long history of distrust towards the federal government. I would assert that our problems are not the result of a conspiracy against ME/CFS but arise from a kind of institutional blindness towards ME/CFS and similar diseases.
We’re not alone. The same kind of neglect has been perpetuated against a raft of diseases which mostly afflict women, cause high rates of pain and fatigue but usually do not kill, which are complex and difficult to understand, and are poorly funded. These diseases, which include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, interstitial cystitis, temporomandibular syndrome can all be found at the bottom of the NIH funding barrel.
The inability of migraine to achieve traction at the NIH is noteworthy given how many people it affects, how much economic distress it causes, and how long the medical profession has been dealing with it. Migraine gets substantially more funding than ME/CFS or FM at the NIH (about 24 million a year), but it is much more prevalent. This indicates that even a common, well-characterized disease can be ignored.
Why is movement happening at the NIH but not with other diseases? Why does a sense of excitement now exist around ME/CFS that you can’t find in the migraine or FM communities? I would assert that advocacy may be the reason. It’s hard to find evidence of migraine or fibromyalgia advocacy on the Internet. If you’re interested in chronic fatigue syndrome, on the other hand, it’s hard not to bump into advocacy blogs and discussions.
This is not to say that ME/CFS advocacy has been effective or well-organized – it hasn’t been – but advocacy has always been a major theme. I would guess that the ME/CFS community as a whole knows the state of its funding levels better than any other disease community.
The answer to the question of why some diseases such as migraine and fibromyalgia, despite their far larger patient populations, have mounted such feeble patient advocacy efforts is difficult to answer, but sometimes it may simply come down to individuals.
Kim McCleary of the CFIDS Association of America and other advocates of the time made getting embedded in the federal infrastructure a priority. Hilary Johnson’s “Osler’s Web” deeply affected a generation of ME/CFS patients. Tom Hennessey began International ME/CFS day. Somebody – Vicky Whittemore – at the NIH picked up the ball for ME/CFS. Two people at CFSAC got the IOM and P2P reports underway.
Despite the problems with exertion present in ME/CFS, the community has been very creative. Two films, The Forgotten Plague and Canary in a Coal Mine are coming out of the ME/CFS community. Joey Tuan’s AnyTreatment and Joshua Grant’s Mendus are two recent examples of creative web efforts.
The MEAction website was the result of the work of two individuals, Beth Mazur and Jen Brea who were dedicated to empowering groups. The Microbe Discovery Project raised over $200,000 dollars to fund Ian Lipkin’s microbiome research. We sometimes take The Solve ME/CFS Initiative’s webinar series for granted but no such series exists in the fibromyalgia or migraine communities. ProHealth is a supplement company with a twist; it’s always been a major information resource that highlights non-supplement research. I don’t know that there’s another supplement company on the web that does that.
The IACFS/ME holds international conferences every two years that bring researchers together and excite patients. Invest in ME holds conferences yearly. Despite having double the funding and 10 times the patient base, I can’t find any evidence of a major FM conference. Why do they happen in ME/CFS and not fibromyalgia? I don’t know, but I’m glad to have them in ME/CFS.
The point is that the ME/CFS community, for all its problems with energy and funding, has been a particularly fertile one.
US Action Working Group
We complain about the infighting and the arguments and the sometimes heated debates within the chronic fatigue syndrome community, but those are signs of an active patient community.
This is not to say that we’ve been particularly effective advocates – we can do much better – but that I think is changing, and one reason it’s changing is the recent formation of the US Action Working Group. The US Action Working Group is dedicated to producing a strategic effort to increase and sustain ME/CFS funding and support in the federal arena.
The group was a possibility waiting to happen. After the IOM and P2P reports, everyone knew tthat we needed a group. Everybody knew that it was time for such a group, but the months went by and there was no group. It took one person – Carol Head – the President of The Solve ME/CFS Initiative – to pick up the phone, so to speak, and say let’s get together and see if we should form a group.
The US Action Working Group contains a variety of people with wide and deep interest in advocacy. Mary Dimmock brings probably the most detailed understanding of anyone of the history of ME/CFS.
Bob and Courtney Miller have established personal relationships with many key players in the federal government. Bob’s ability to confront federal officials while keeping the lines of communication open is critical. His personal insights into the people working on ME/CFS at the federal level are incredibly valuable.
Carol Head, Charmian Proskauer, Lily Chu, Jennifer Spotila, Christine Williams, Diane Bean, Billie Moore and others bring knowledge gained from working at the local and federal levels to the group. If it wasn’t for Jennie catching a deleted item in the federal budget, the CDC program might have gone under.
Earning Trust
After so many years of neglect, it will take time for the federal government to earn the ME/CFS community’s trust. The crucial element, of course, is funding. Funding also happens to be the most difficult element to achieve.
I would argue, though, that the federal government has shown signs of at least being able to listen and adjust its approach. At the CDC, a new willingness to listen and adjust showed up when Elizabeth Unger took over from Bill Reeves. Unger set up meetings with patient organizations and worked with CFSAC members to modify the notorious Toolkit. (I would argue that the multi-site study is essentially a deep listening project aimed at ME/CFS experts and patients)
The FDA’s Patient Workshop put the FDA in listening mode – a mode they acknowledged they learned a tremendous amount from. When concerns arose regarding the makeup of the IOM panel, the IOM adjusted and expanded the content section of the panel and filled it with ME/CFS experts. The Feds did not listen, thankfully, when advocates called for the end of the IOM and P2P reports but the reports showed that people without a background in ME/CFS could understand the illness and show strong support.
Most recently, the NIH has, apparently due to patient concerns, removed the Functional Dystonia group from the Clinical Center study. They are creating clear lines of input from the patient community to the Trans-NIH Working Group and are regularly meeting with advocates.
We can no longer say that the feds are unresponsive or are not listening to the ME/CFS community’s concerns. They may not do everything we want, but they’ve shown flexibility and a willingness to change on many occasions in the past few years.
The big issue, of course, is funding. We’re off to a good start in that area with several new grants funded and a very expensive and comprehensive study underway at the NIH’s Clinical Center, but getting really significant funding is the most critical and difficult step.
I remember how stunned I was when I found out how little attention was being given to this disease. I had naively assumed that if I and others were so sick, there must be teams of people working on finding out why. The feeling of abandonment by the people I had counted on to help me and others was profound. I struggled and continue to struggle to come to terms with the cruelty of a system that allowed so many ill people to be ignored.
I came to the conclusion that the system is not fair, that it, like so many other systems is simply very flawed. There is no mechanism in place, for instance, to ensure that sick people are taken care of. It’s a system that places more of a premium on researcher interests than patient needs. It’s a system that rewards well-known diseases and handicaps emerging ones. It’s a brutal system to get lost in.
Diseases that have gotten little attention do break through. Hopefully that is what we are seeing with ME/CFS. A substantial boost in funding, and even more so significant research findings, will finally allow us, I think, to let out a collective sigh of relief. May it be so!
Congratulations Cort! I’m really happy that you have gotten the recognition that you very much deserve. I know you have really put your heart and soul into helping all of us. I have often said to many that you stay on top of what is going on and you are a wealth of information. I’m really happy for you and for all of us suffering because it does feel good to see how you dig for and stay on top of what is going on. Take care my friend. Thomas is smiling down upon you!
I hope he is! Thomas is like the emblem of ME/CFS for me – so much talent just wiped away…. Thanks for reminding me of him..
Congratulation’s’ and Big Prop’s on your award. You deserve it! Also, thank you for all you’ve done for ME/CFS/SEID patient’s.
John Rokas
Well done Cort – I distincly remember the first time I went on the net to look up the illness after years of being sick and finding an article where you described your experience and thinking -WOW – that sounds exactly like me! That day, I felt a little less alone!
Thanks Dan – good to hear!
Cort, Thanks for the shout out! No one is more deserving of this award than you and I appreciate the work you do for all of us every day – and from a tent!!
Keep up the good work. I’m still recovering from two days on the Hill last week, but hope that all of our efforts lead to some effective treatments in my lifetime.
Chris Williams
From all sorts of places! The latest is the BIG van…:) I’ve got to get a picture of it – it’s huge!
Good luck recovering from your advocacy work.
Congratulation, Cort, on the Prohealth award. 🙂
You always put forth a positive stance on whatever the subject of your post, and it is so welcomed! The review of advocacy efforts on behalf of ME patients was a delight to read. Here’s hoping for a continued greater interest by the Feds in the plight of ME sufferers!
Yes, indeed – the feds with their enormous pot of money which we could never, ever duplicate on our own – are incredibly important. After 30 years or so, we seem to be off to a good start….
Congratulations Cort! You so deserve this award. I hope you realize what you mean to so many of us out here. I don’t have the physical/mental energy to peruse the internet so am grateful to have Health Rising as one place I can go and know I’m getting the latest information on research, treatment etc.
Glad to hear it Betsy….I hope the best is yet to come…
Congratulations Cort for receiving Pro Health’s advocate of the year. Funny that this
Happened now because I was just about to write you and thank you for all that
you do for our ME/CFS community. I look forward to your postings, which are always
so informative. They make me feel on top of what is going on and part of a community.
I don’t know how you keep up with it all. I can think of no one more deserving.
Congratulations on a well-deserved reward. You have become the voice for ME/CFDS and all of those, who due to cognitive problems,etc., are unable to speak for themselves and understand.
Congratulations, Cort, and thanks for this clear and comprehensive overview of the efforts of many persistent and dedicated advocates. You have been at the forefront of these efforts.
Thanks Carol. I think we can all be grateful for the efforts of the past which have taken a long time to start to pay off. Hopefully they will continue to.
You certainly deserve the recognition!
Thank you Cort.
Congratulations Cort, on this so deserved recognition. I believe there are angels amongst us helping us through difficult earthly journeys. I thank God he sent us you!
Congratulations Cort! Thank you for all you do!
Don’t usually comment but Cort you certainly deserve the recognition & I am grateful for the work you do! I have had cfids/me for 27 years with alot of treatment along the way.
Thanks Shira for going public :).. I appreciate it…
I agree that we have made more than baby steps in the last 5 years. I go back to the late 80’s where finding a medical article from a good source was almost impossible. NOW there is so much good information it is overwhelming. We have a long way to go, but looking back it took work from so many people, some of whom have passed away. Agreement on method is not essential to success. Keeping the pressure on is essential to success. Thanks Cort for the summary.
Thanks Pat who has been there from the beginning. I remember starting Phoenix Rising using Frontpage. My god how things have changed…The community is soooo much bigger and more diverse now. I really look back to so crucial successes that past advocates. I don’t think many people know how active advocacy was for a time. There were big support groups across the country and somehow most of the them faded away but they had a big impact at the time…It was before my time with ME/CFS. I came down with it in the early 80’s and didn’t even want to hear the word for ten years.
You deserve this, and much. much more, Cort – Thank you – you’re like a Hope Infusion!
Good! Hope is good! 🙂
A big congratulations and a really big thank you to you, Cort, for your wonderful work. Your comprehensive and intelligent coverage of the state of research in our disease not only keeps me informed and feeling like I’m not alone, but recently it has raised hopes that I was beginning, after 40 yrs with this illness, to think might never come.
Keep up the good work. I know you will!
Thanks Liz…I don’t know what they will find but I am confident they will find something. I think interesting times are ahead…
Thanks Cort for another wonderful article summarising the ME/CFS advocacy over the past 10 years.
Congratulations too on your award. Not enough in my book!
Thanks also keeping me positive & so well informed, that one day, ME/CFS will be understood & managed.
Dear Cort,
Thank you so much for being the best advocate, sometimes it’s hard for us to comprehend all the info. But with your help it makes it so much easier to understand. We appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. I’m thrilled that you are the best advocate, what a wonderful recognition!!! Keep on trucking for us and your self. Love to see what the future will bring for all of us…
Cort..your amazing brother! Keep doing what you do!!
Thanks Mike – always appreciated coming from you 🙂
Having fought this battle and still fighting after 20 years – most days I don’t have much energy for reading all of the e mails one can get – but I always read everything that you write – you deserve the recognition which you have received … thank you so much
Thanks Marion – I appreciate that…
Thank you Cort for your continued time and effort working on ME/CFS! This award is so well deserved! I can’t express how much I appreciate your articles and the hope they bring me over and over!!
Some other advocacy advancements made: changing the defining symptom of our disease from fatigue to activity-induced sickness symptoms, getting doctors and researchers and federal government officials to admit “chronic fatigue syndrome” is not an appropriate name, demanding that government officials draw from the expertise of ME/CFS clinical experts, got Reeves removed from running the major part of CDC research into the disease, and I’m sure there’s more.
I was just telling someone earlier this week that we have many that do not recognize how far we’ve come because it happened so painfully and frustratingly slowly. People expect a big turnaround. It’s evolution, not revolution.
But, we have chipped away at the big mountain, removing many of the obstacles to progress. More to remove: we got to get this in medical schools, we’ve got to get it assigned to a medical specialty (too complex for primary care to provide in-depth care), we need to get it embraced by a main stream medical profession society (the above are all tied together).
We need to get the name changed. I like SEID and am disappointed as I see it as the best option for progress on the name at this time. So the fact it is losing momentum, which leaves us in this two-name status quo, with one of them being “CFS,” is terrible to me.
And on the research front, we have go to find the diagnostic biomarker.
Off topic but this is really interesting:
it’s all in the brain!
Congratulations, Cort. Richly deserved for your work over many years.
Congratulations and thank you! It’s good to step back and see the bigger picture – helps put current frustrations into perspective. Thanks to you and all of the other patient and professional advocates who chip away day after day, year after year – that persistence is so valuable. Thanks for choosing to spend much of your limited energy on this.
Congratulations Cort! I am sorry that you have this illness, but I am grateful that you embraced “what is” for you in this life with your questioning mind and the flexibility to see multiple perspectives. Your ability to summarize science and to do so while it is fresh and timely has made all of us more informed and, hopefully, better advocates. Thank you.
Thank you Cort for all the work you do. It is great to have a place to go where we feel confident the latest information on ME/CFS and FM can be read.
Congratulations Cort for a well-deserved honour.
When I was searching for answers to what I believed was more than FM, I stumbled across Phoenix Rising and immediately knew I found a home where many of my questions were answered right there.
That site lead me to Health Rising.
I applaud you for your commitment to bringing awareness etc. for ME/CFS. It must be difficult at times to keep up with all the info, surely there must be days where your head is spinning and you just want to cover your head and hide! Thank you for your dedication.
Congratulations Cort! And thank you for all the research and bring together of people who needed to find each other.
Reading all the stories about the many people who have fought so long and kept going against the tides makes me very grateful.
I would like to add that our clinical experts and researchers almost fell into an advocacy role most doctors don’t have to face just by saying I believe you and will try to hep. Without them we would be lost.
I hope they know how much we appreciate them and need them more than ever facing the new attention we are getting from the government and media.
Congratulations, Cort! Great that your advocacy efforts on all our behalf over the long years are being recognised.
And thank you for such an interesting article on the history of advocacy. The medical research system is not only broken but was clearly never whole in the first place.
Congratulations on the award!
But we aren’t on the home stretch yet. The big breakthroughs haven’t been made yet. The hardest work is still in the future.
Agreed! The really critical part – uncovering biological abnormalities that interest a new generation of ME/CFS researchers and build a foundation for increased funding that lasts and lasts – is yet to come….
Congratulations, Cort! You have been an important part of the “long arc” and your well-informed articles have kept us all up to date. This recognition is very well deserved – thank you for all you have done over many years!
Thanks Charmian – and thanks for taking the lead and doing so much work in the US Action Working Group 🙂
Cort, thank you.
Hey Cort,
I’ve started a campaign on which asks the NIH for more funding toward ME/CFS research and helps reveal the poor current state of this disease. It is gaining traction but needs your help. Please, please sign and help share this campaign.. With every signature, the director of NIH and SHHR gets an email.. This is such an effective method, gives us all a chance to have our voices heard, and is a great way to bring this “invisible disease” into the light. Below is the link (to sign and share) Please please do what you can to spread it.. This is a great opportunity to up our chance at finding a cure in our lifetime. Thank you so much for all you do. -Mary