It’s pretty clear that the fight/flight system is going gangbusters in ME/CFS/FM. Getting that puppy calmed down could result in less pain, better sleep, clearer thinking and less fatigue .
So it might help if you could tell if something was turning your fight or flight system into a raging demon, or, alternately, if it was allowing your rest and digest system to help you heal. It might also help if you could biologically document when you were in a crash….or determine when you were swiftly heading for one.
It turns out that there’s a way to do all those things, and Karmin will show you how in
Your Crash in a Graph? How Heart Rate Variability Testing Could Help You
If we know why this system react abnormally they will know the cause of this disease.
I did googling and came across with a meta study in pubmed that says cfs patients show reduced hrv only during the sleep. And such findings seem to date back to 2007. So, it would be a new finding if hrv in the morning correlates to the crashes. I could give it a try though. I’m in search of a measurement to proxy for the daily condition.