Tomnya had everything going for it; a novel approach to pain and good Phase II trial results, but Tonix’s reformulation of Flexeril that was expected to help with both sleep and pain tanked in its critical Phase III trial.
Check out what happened with it, and get an update on four other drugs that may get approved for FM in the next couple of years in
Look into kratom. It’s like a safer version of tramadol. It does have an opiod type effect but tolerance and withdrawal issues are less.
I take kratom about 60% of days (never more than 2 days in a row). I also take low dose naltrexone. If I had a tolerance to kratom I would experience withdrawal while on naltrexone. That does not happen. Imagine trying to do with tramadol. I don’t think so!
Oh yeah I forgot my friends pharmaceutical company ceo is bummed about still having to fly around in last years private jet model. Hope we can get some more great drugs on the market. Hate to hear about people having to suffer with last years jet model.