Nobody mentioned viruses and fibromyalgia in the same sentence until Dr. Pridgen had the gall to assert a virus was causing FM, and that he had the patient reports to prove it.
There’s nothing easy bringing a drug to market, though. With his Phase II study behind him, Dr. Pridgen talks about what’s next as he prepares for the critical Phase III trials ahead. Check it out in a Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog
I hope he’s also testing exclusively CFS/ME patients, or will at some point. My guess is that the causes and treatments should overlap.
I also hope that he succeeds and gets filthy rich.
Thank you! I hope everyone gets that if Dr. Pridgen does well we do well! This is a win-win situation.
He is treating ME/CFS patients and believes exactly the same thing is going on in them.
We shall see 🙂
Is he using strictly Famvir, or any of the anti-virals mentioned in the article combined with Celebrex? What is the dosage of Celebrex and anti-viral is he using and how long to get the results? Is he only looking at HSV-1 virus, or all Herpes Virus’? Would this protocol work on reactivated EBV too?
I know so many questions, with no clear answers. If you know some of the answers, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Nancy