The NIH under Dr. Francis Collins has poured out major initiatives, none of which may be more meaningful for ME/CFS than the “Great Exercise Initiative” (my name). We know at the coarse level what happens during exercise but we know little about what happens to the body at the molecular level – the level that probably matters most for ME/CFS/FM..
Over the next five years or so that’s all going to change. In Pt II of our series on new NIH initiatives, check out one that will sure/y open new opportunities for both ME/CFS and FM in
The Great NIH Exercise Initiative: A Boon for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia?
Another study for those few who are well enough to exercise.
And in this study, it would be more important to check out what the body is doing a day or week after the exercise.
And what about the folks who are bedridden and housebound.They will not be well enough to participate.
No, they won’t but most people who end up being bedbound go through a phase where they could participate in a study like this; i.e. it should help demonstrate what went wrong in them as well – the results should still apply.
The study does examine what happens after exercise.
Hi Cort. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your efforts in helping us folk with CFS and Fibro. It is reassuring to know that there are people like you making all this research available. As a former Chiropractor I am able to really understand all these studies well but unfortunately I forget most of the details shortly after! Ha ha! Keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged. God Bless you, Jenn
Thanks Jenn…I have the same problem by the way 🙂
found something related that I have never heard of before.
Any information on relationship to CFS/ME
“Central Nervous System Fatigue (or just “Central Fatigue”) is a type of fatigue caused by changes within the function of the central nervous system that cannot be explained by dysfunction of the muscle.
Central nervous system fatigue – Wikipedia, the free”
I don’t understand why they keep going around and around!!
When everybody know that Me/cfs, cfids is an immune adquiered disease, why they don’t focus in why our body is not able to fight infections at the celular level, many studies has suggested a virus a retrovirus involved and capable of changing our metabolism,our methylation , handing out genome , our DNA, many studies have clearly demonstrated that the Nk cells, the immune system is totally disfuntional, allowing intracelular viruses and bacterias, mycoplasmas, opportunistic infections and cancer cells to over grow and damage the cell that its the main source of our body for everything, immunity, energy , organs, most me/cfs have all this immune, metabolism, methylation issues, very similares to the ones seen in AIDS..
why the NIH and all government institutions keep going around the subject.
That’s why now that there is a bid more of understanding of the disease, when people get the disease and can treat it early with supplements to clean the body from free radicals, toxins, antioxidants antivirals for viruses and herpes viruses, antibiotics for intracelular bacterias, clean diet, they can manage it Better.
Why the NIH keep going around in circles , they said me/cfs was a priority and they were going to use all the fire power and a year later they have done very little.
Almost nothing!
We’re is the state of the art and immense fire power they were going to use to understand what happens in the body??
We’re are the words of Nathan we’re he said it all point out to the immune system it seem the action is in the immune system them everything else comes after as a result of that?? We’re is the international studies that demonstrated that last year and in prior years??
What have the NIH done to study the immune system? Posible virus as triggers? Everyone know that. Viruses such as hiv, aids, htlv, xmrv can couse neurological issues, if they don’t study the core of what cause the brain issue, it will be worth less, this is heading to thesame dead end as always !!!
There seems to be a fair amount of feel good speculation going on here. While general NIH research into the mechanisms / biology of exercise may tangentially assist the research into ME/CFS, that benefit will only accrue many years in the future if at all. We still must rely on investigators applying this general knowledge to the study of ME/CFS. Until the NIH delivers the necessary resources, this will not happen. So far most of the promises have not been followed by meaningful action. Yes I know the PWC community needs hope, but it does not need pie in the sky false hope.
I know the NIH has let us down many times before but I think they will follow through this time and if they do we should be well placed to follow up on the findings from this work. The project is slated to last five years. I imagine they’ll be able to come up with some interesting findings by then.
If exercise is a key stressor for ME/CFS I would be shocked if the findings are tangential to what’s happening in ME/CFS. Hopefully they’ll be able to get some ME/CFS patients in there as a control group.
Hi Cort,
I meant tangential in terms of research goals not subject matter. For example when Multiple Sclerosis was thought of as being hysteria, the NIH could have studied the immune system while ignoring any implications those studies could have on the topic of MS. We should not assume that when the NIH funds research into the effects of exercise that they have any intent to study CFS. They may attempt to classify such studies as being associated with the study of CFS to make us happy – we should not fall for this deception.
I agree that we won’t know until we know but why are you assuming that the NIH is going to deceive us. They’re investigating ME/CFS as hysteria and are using almost all ME/CFS funding on biological studies. The Clinical Center intramural study is all biological as well. Why do you think something different will happen in the future?
Well one thing Walitt could do is skew the patient population away from folks with real CFS towards folks with psychological conditions. Then the immune system measurements Nath performs will find no biological differences with healthy controls. Then Walitt will say see there is no biological basis to ME/CFS after all. We know he was the person that invited Edward Shorter to make a presentation to the NIH – does anyone seriously think he did not know Shorters position on ME/CFS? I’d imagine there are plenty of people in the NIH hierarchy who would be happy if Nath could not find anything. Then they could argue they were correct not to allocate resources to study CFS and go back to business as usual.
Since the Royal Free outbreak, and since Bell & Peterson sounded the alarm to their respective outbreaks – the world government has *DEDICATED* its every effort to “disappearing” this disease. With Wallitt and Shorter openly posing as representatives of anything related to any ME/CFS study, it is assured that perpetuation of the same complicit tactics are in motion. They aren’t even trying to hide it. Those who believe the government is here to help are naive and gullible. The only way anything real is ever going to happen, is through private enterprise.