Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


My Story

communication-20104745When I came down with ME/CFS/FM around 1980 there was literally nowhere to turn. By the time I became aware of these diseases in the late 1980’s and 1990’s, most of the information on them remained repetitive and shallow.

Determined to build a site which examined the scientific findings and issues involving ME/CFS in detail, I created Phoenix Rising (PR) in 2004.  After leaving PR in December 2012, I formed Health Rising (HR) but my basic intention remained the same. Since 2013 Health Rising has produced almost 1,000 original blogs on ME/CFS and FM.

Why Health Rising Needs Money

Health Rising’s financial needs include very modest salaries for one-full time person (me) and one part-time person (Stavya). Fees, technical support, computer repairs, email blasts, travel to conferences, taxes, etc. make up the rest. Volunteer bloggers, a scientific article provider, and editors round out the rest of the “staff” at HR.

Health Rising is small but it makes an impact. Over 1,000,000 users examined Health Rising’s almost 1,000 blogs and hundreds of resources last year. It doesn’t need a lot to do its work. Health Rising is a very lean organization. It brought in about $40,000 last year, and my salary – my main source of income – was about $14,000.

HR could have a much larger impact. It has had a basketfull of unfinished projects which have languished. It’s never had the money to advertise. Consider that doing that — bringing in more people – more allies, more volunteers, more funders to these diseases — is probably how we will get these diseases solved in the shortest amount of time.

Health Rising is not a non-profit, but because almost all Health Rising’s funding comes from donations, it functions very much like one. HR, then, is going to act like a non-profit and open its books. Check out HR’s Financial Statements page to see how much money Health Rising brings in and where it goes.

Support Health Rising?

  • Get the Breaking News – When a major breakthrough in understanding or treating ME/CFS or FM takes place, it’ll be covered in depth on HR. Patients, caregivers, doctors, researchers and professionals all subscribe to the blog.
  • Applying What You Learn – HR’s blogs are a bit longer than most for a reason. HR strives to put research and treatment findings into context and provide you with the resources you can use to benefit from them.
  • Empowering the ME/CFS and FM Fields – By spreading the word on their work, Health Rising empowers the researchers and research foundations that are making vital discoveries in these diseases.
  • Forums, Resources, Recovery Stories and Soon More – Health Rising is more than a blog; it’s also a Forums; its Resource Center contains links to over 250 resources; and it has the largest database of ME/CFS/FM FM Recovery stories on the internet.

Next For Health Rising

Health Rising has been great at dreaming up projects, but quite frankly, not so good at bringing them to fruition. Starting now, that’s going to change, and that change is going to start with my favorite project – the “Lives Interrupted” project.

  • Lives Interrupted (LI) – This project strives to make crystal clear the costs ME/CFS imposes on those who have it. After many changes and an incredible amount of (impressive) work by Health Rising’s technical ace Stavya, Health Rising’s “Lives Interrupted” project will finally debut in the next week or two.
  • The “How To” Project – After Lives Interrupted comes the “How To” project. With the support of a sponsor, Health Rising’s long delayed (and ambitious) “How To” project will attempt to provide links to “How To’s” on virtually everything ME/CFS and FM related.
  • The “Get ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia “Project – Over the next month Health Rising will produce the “Get ME/CFS and FM” ProjectPeople new to these diseases and even those acquainted with them (including me) still often lack a basic understanding of these disease’ needs and how they can be supported. To this end, over the next month, Health Rising is going to develop a comprehensive information packet it will distribute to all its subscribers, Forum members and donors.
  • The ME/CFS and FM Experts Project – this, yes, long-delayed project (sigh) to make ME/CFS and FM experts available to answer your questions is basically done and will appear in the first half of next year.

My promise to you is that next year will be Health Rising’s year of producing projects that make a difference in ME/CFS/FM. Please support us in making a difference in ME/CFS and FM.

8 Ways to Support Health Rising

health rising donations

A little bit goes a long way at Health Rising.

Recurring Donor

(1) Become a Recurring PayPal Donor – Embedded in each fundraising drive is a recurring donation drive. Recurring donors are the financial bedrock for Health Rising. They provide mostly small amounts ($5/$10) of money – so small that they hardly notice them – to HR every month. Please consider becoming a recurring donor; you’ll never notice the small amounts of money being withdrawn, but I promise you that Health Rising will…

HR currently has 163 recurring donors. Our goal is have 215 by the time this drive is over.

To become a recurring donor, simply go to the right sidebar of any page, click the amount you would like to donate, and hit the Subscribe button.

(2) Already a Recurring PayPal Donor? Want to increase your donation? Simply send me an email stating that and I will stop your current donation and you can restart it.

(3) Recurring Donations with Online Banking (non-Paypal) – Don’t want to use Paypal? Use Bill Pay or similar programs at your bank to send checks to Health Rising monthly.

One-Time Donations

(4) Make a One-Time Donation — One-time donations provide important one-time cash infusions to Health Rising. Our fundraising goal is to $20,000. Please make a one-time donation by clicking on the Donate button in the right sidebar.

(5) One-Time Checks! We love checks! Please make out checks to Health Rising and send them here:

Cort Johnson
2555 Hampton Rd Unit 6308
Henderson NV, 89052

(6) Become a Corporate Sponsor – Our corporate sponsorships start at the low rate of $1,000 a year.  Find out more about them here. 

(7) Shopping on for HR – Earn money for Health Rising by shopping on This nets us a commission of 4% to 10%. U.S. residents can use the search bar on the right sidebar of the page. (Since items already in your cart don’t count, please remove them and re-add them using our search bar. Check out our ME/CFS and FM Holiday Gift Guide for ideas here.)

(8) Bothered by Currency Conversion Charges? Use Bitcoin and Avoid Them – Use Health Rising’s Coinbase Bitcoins account and save on currency conversion charges on your one-time donation. Our Bitcoin address is: 18D9JkiGxPcpx8RYNcG5p2Be1joU9J6v5D

Health Rising never provides your email address or personal information to outside parties.

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