Carmen Scheibenbogen may have identified an autoimmune subset in ME/CFS – and a possible treatment. (Image from Invest in ME).
Carmen Scheibenbogen is unusual. Not only has she become one of the most prolific ME/CFS researchers of the past few years but she’s doing her research from a country – Germany – which hardly acknowledges the disease’s existence.
Plus, she’s identified an autoimmune subset in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and in her latest study found a treatment that might be able to help them.In short Dr. Scheibenbogen is a breath of fresh air in a field that desperately needs new researchers.
Find out more about her work, her autoimmune subset and a possible treatment in a Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog:
Hope for an ME/CFS Autoimmune Subset: A German Researcher Steps Forward
For some reason I can never post on the Simmaron website from my phone but in response to Frank‘s question the test for cfs and pots is available for doctors to order for their patients. See
I am just learning the difference between autoimmune and autoinflammatory. Think the autoinflammatory concept is important, too.