Forty years ago, the Epstein-Barr virus was the hot topic in ME/CFS. Nobody was talking about neuroinflammation back then.
Now, though, the idea that neuroninflammation may be causing everything from increased pain sensitivity to fatigue to possibly even the movement problems in ME/CFS has moved to center stage.
Can the circle be completed, though? Is it possible that that “original gangster” in ME/CFS – EBV – could be causing the neuroinflammation? Some recent research suggests perhaps.
Find out more in the second of a series on the virus that refuses to go away in a Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog:
The Epstein-Barr Virus – Could it be Causing Neuroinflammation in ME/CFS?
CHENEY & Peterson already provided evidence that EBV is not the cause of CFS.
Where are the myriad scientific blueprints that would provide rapid exposure of the cause?
Oceans of scientific evidence proves bio markers coming out the ears on these illnesses – inquiries into likely causative suspects is so glaringly missing – or shot down (conspiracy mongering comment deleted).
Neither Paul Cheney or Dan Peterson run research labs; i.e. leave proving what is or is not the cause of ME/CFS to researchers.
dr. a. martin lerner did a lot as i heard he had to cure himself of this and said EBV, HHV1 and HHV2 all 3, something like this was the culprit but he definitely had EBV in his studies. sorry, bad weak day.