
I wonder if there’s another website like How to Get On on the web. I highly doubt it.

How to get on disability image

One of the many striking images on How To Get On. (Art by Olivia Colleen Smith)

Sleepy Girl’s How to Get On, a website devoted to “How to Have a Great Disabled Life” is one of the most sheerly valuable sites I’ve ever come across.

Sleepy Girl has an unusual and much needed talent: she loves diving deep into federal and state bureaucracies and coming out the other end with clear, easy-to-understand guides for the rest of us.

If there’s some sort of aid program or innovative way to help people with ME/CFS, FM, POTS, etc. manage financially or just manage, she’s going to find it.


Getting disability is only part of her immense site but the Disability section provides a window into just how complete and comprehensive this site is. The Disability section is nicely organized into 4 parts:

  1. The Basics.
  2. Improve Your Chances.
  3. What in the World is Going On? (Navigating SS Disability).
  4. What else can I apply for?

Each section contains numerous subsections. The Basics section, for instance, contains 9 subsections. one of which provides a long list of tips on how to fill out the crucial and daunting “Adult Function / Activities of Daily Living Report (SSA-3373-BK) required for disability.

The Improve Your Chances section has a section on “Getting Great Documentation” (getting that right is critical), which itself has many sections including:

There’s the immensely important:

Plus, SleepyGirl provides dozens (yes, dozens!) of disability success stories to keep you inspired on the sometimes arduous and treacherous path to disability.

Housing, Caregivers, etc.

The Sleepy Girl Affordable Housing Survival Guide contains dozens of sections. The How to find a Caregiver or Home Aide, which itself many sections, including contains six sections on “How to Find a Great Aide”. (Did you know your spouse can sometimes qualify?)

How to Be Poor In America

My favorite section, though, is “How to Be Poor in America“. Check out a smattering of the pages in this section:

Where else can you find a “How to Be Broke and Medicated” section? (It contains 10 ways to get discounts on drugs, ways to escape co-pays, deductibles and premiums, and success stories from people who got meds real cheap and more.) Check out one person who was able to cut her medical bills by 80%.

Then, there’s Jane’s story. Jane is completely disabled and poor (income = $10,000 a year), yet she’s not living in some trashy, run-down care facility.  By using different programs to help out, she lives in an apartment with a full-time live-in aid. She’s found a way to get assistance with doctors, drugs, supplements, equipment, food, heating, internet, etc. It’s all out there. Find out how she did it here. 


Art by Robin Mead

It would take hours to go through this immense and beautifully done site. (The site is adorned with striking paintings by Robin Mead, Elizabeth D’Angelo and others.)

Devoted to finding any way possible to get people with ME/CFS/FM and similar diseases help, How To Get On is a unique treasure – definitely something to give thanks for this Thanksgiving day.


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