Some people with ME/CFS have been reporting for decades that vaccines have triggered or worsened their condition. The coronavirus pandemic is finally bringing attention to this issue.
For decades, some people in the ME/CFS community have been reporting that a vaccine triggered their condition – yet little work has been done – and the scientific community has been skeptical. Except for the HPV vaccination syndrome, the question of whether vaccines can trigger diseases like ME/CFS, POTS and fibromyalgia has been virtually ignored.
The coronavirus, though, presents something new. With the pandemic exposing millions and millions of people to vaccines at the same time, the idea that vaccines can trigger an ME/CFS-like condition is starting, not without reluctance, to catch on.
With vaccines dramatically reducing hospitalizations and deaths from COVID, and even being able to reduce the risk of coming down with long COVID, researchers have understandably been hesitant about touching the idea that vaccines actually be producing long COVID as well. The number of long-vax patients showing up in doctors’ offices, however, has made ignoring the issue increasingly difficult.
Anne Louise Oaklander, a Harvard neurologist and fibromyalgia researcher, told Science:
“You see one or two patients and you wonder if it’s a coincidence, but by the time you’ve seen 10, 20….Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”
Harlan Krumholz, a highly published cardiologist at Yale University, said he was reluctant to bring the subject up, but was “persuaded that there’s something going on”. Noting that the entire government would like this issue to go away, he stated, “It’s my obligation if I truly am a scientist, to have an open mind and learn if there’s something that can be done”.
He warned against lumping the long vaxxers in with anti-vaxxers – as the long vaxxers believed in the vaccines enough to take them. He and Akiko Iwasaki at Yale have begun a large vaccine-induced illness study.
Dr. Bernard Schieffer – a German cardiologist who has seen over 350 long-vax patients – fully endorses vaccine for long COVID but would have made changes in their rollout.
“I strongly believe that the Covid vaccination is the best thing that could have happened to us, but if we did it today, we would raise it very differently.” (Google translation).
The Mysterious Ups and Downs of Vaccines – Health Rising’s Vaccine Polls
Health Rising began tracking responses to the coronavirus in the ME/CFS/FM and related communities about a month and a half after the coronavirus vaccines were introduced. Our first coronavirus vaccine poll found that from 20% (Pfizer/Astra Zeneca) – 35% (Moderna) of poll respondents were still experiencing symptoms a month after the second shot of the vaccines. From 30 to 37% of people reported having severe symptoms.
Our improved November vaccine poll, which included longer time frames, found that between 7% and 10% of people reported symptoms up to 6 months, and after 6 months after the second Pfizer shot. The figures for Moderna were 3 and 8%.
On the other hand, our vaccine improvement poll found that 29% percent of the approximately 1,100 people answering the poll reported improving after the vaccine, almost 30% of them “dramatically”. Thirty-three percent reported their improvements lasted at least a month.
Multiple studies indicate that getting vaccinated actually reduces the risk of coming down with long COVID. A recent study found that long-COVID patients who had not been vaccinated were significantly more likely to experience headaches, joint pain, and problems with blood pressure than those who had been vaccinated.
We also know that other vaccines can be quite helpful when matched with the right immune system. Several of Health Rising’s recovery stories feature people who recovered after taking one vaccine or the other. For many years, Carl-Gerhard Gottfries treated ME/CFS patients with a staphylococcus vaccine.
All of which points to how complex the immune system is. The vaccines can apparently give or take depending on your immune status.
“Long Vax” Slowly Gaining Acceptance
“They are actually identical symptoms to those we know from post-Covid patients after an infection.” Professor Bernhard Schieffer University Hospital Marburg, Germany on Post Vax Syndrome.
Thus far, the symptoms appear identical to long COVID and ME/CFS. React19, a non-profit created by medical professionals who’d experienced vaccine injury, provided a long list of symptoms.
“nausea, weight loss, heartburn, diarrhea/constipation, sleep disturbances, chest pains, headaches, facial and sinus pressure, dizziness, severe weakness and fatigue, painful paresthesias, throughout the body, severe painful paresthesias focused on the face, tongue and scalp, internal vibrations and tremors, muscle twitching and muscle spasms, brain fog and mental status changes, memory loss, tinnitus, impaired/blurred vision, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, bulging veins, heart issues and weakness.”
Lawrence Purpura, an infectious disease specialist at Columbia University who is also a partner to someone with post-vaccination illness, could have been talking about ME/CFS or long COVID when he called it “a long, relentless disease”.
The condition – now called “long vax” – has only slowly been gaining acceptance in the medical profession. REACT19 put the matter plainly:
“The Covid-19 vaccine injured have often been abandoned by the current health care system. We have been ignored, misdiagnosed, and often censored. We have struggled to find adequate healthcare. While there have been some advances in research regarding long Covid and there are some similarities between long Covid and some Covid vaccine injury syndromes, there is little ongoing research regarding the Covid-19 vaccine events.”
React19, which represents over thirteen thousand COVID-19 vaccine-injured people, isn’t waiting for the feds to show up. Stating, “We have little faith that our governmental agencies such as the FDA, NIH, CDC, and HHS will prioritize and support the research that we need”, the group is creating its own research network and beginning to fund small pilot studies. It’s also created a doctor’s network and allows vaccine-induced illness patients to tell their stories.
- For decades, some people in the ME/CFS community have been reporting that a vaccine triggered their condition – yet little work has been done. Except for the HPV vaccination syndrome, the question of whether vaccines can trigger diseases like ME/CFS, POTS and fibromyalgia has been virtually ignored.
- With vaccines dramatically reducing hospitalizations and deaths from COVID and even being able to reduce the risk of coming down with long COVID, researchers have understandably been hesitant about touching the idea that vaccines actually be producing long COVID as well. The number of long-vax patients showing up in doctors’ offices, however, has made ignoring the issue increasingly difficult.
- Our first coronavirus vaccine poll found that from 20% (Pfizer/Astra Zeneca) – 35% (Moderna) of poll respondents were still experiencing symptoms a month after the second shot of the vaccines. From 30 to 37% of people reported having severe symptoms.
- Our improved November vaccine poll, which included longer time frames, found that between 7% and 10% of people reported symptoms up to 6 months, and after 6 months after the second Pfizer shot. The figures for Moderna were 3 and 8%.
- On the other hand, our vaccine improvement poll found that 29% percent of the approximately 1,100 people answering the poll reported improving after the vaccine, almost 30% of them “dramatically”. Thirty-three percent reported their improvements lasted at least a month.
- The condition – now called “long vax” – has only slowly been gaining acceptance in the medical profession. REACT19 – a non-profit created by medical professionals with vaccine injury – stated: “The Covid-19 vaccine injured have often been abandoned by the current health care system. We have been ignored, misdiagnosed, and often censored. We have struggled to find adequate healthcare.”
- React19 is creating its own research network and is beginning to fund small pilot studies. It’s also created a doctors’ network and allows vaccine-induced illness patients to tell their stories.
- Few studies have been done but the “LISTEN” (Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences) which was by respected researchers from Yale, currently contains over 750 people with post-vaccination illnesses. Its results will hopefully spur more research funding.
- Little data on treatment is available but Dr. Bernard Schieffer in German is trying an entirely new treatment – which he said helped in a small unpublished pilot trial – and could have relevance to both long COVID and ME/CFS.
- Schieffer’s novel treatment approach targets the RAS-bradykinin axis (ACE-2 dysregulation), cholesterol metabolism (to support the blood vessels and reduce inflammation), and the gut (histamine-reduced diet to tame the mast cells.)
- Schieffer spent much of his recent paper on treating long COVID explaining how he believes ACE-2 receptor dysregulation could result in cardiovascular (increased clotting), neurological, dermatological, gut, and autoimmune problems. Some interesting possible outcomes are chronic increased sympathetic hyperactivity, pain, anxiety, and cognitive problems.
- ACE-2 receptor problems have been found in long COVID, POTS, and ME/CFS. Until Wirth and Scheibenbogen integrated RAS system dysregulation into their ME/CFS hypothesis, this system was virtually completely ignored in ME/CFS research circles.
- For a while, it seemed like vaccine-induced ME/CFS-like illnesses were going to get swept under the rug in the same way that ME/CFS was for years. With at least one large study underway though by respected researchers, though, it appears it will get its day in the sun.
- Once again, long COVID is triggering research into areas that have long been of concern in ME/CFS but received little study.
The few long-vax studies that have been done have piqued some interest – and media coverage – but what’s really needed are large, rigorously done studies that grab researchers’ attention. At least one is underway.
Most of the focus thus far has been on vaccine-induced postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and small fiber neuropathy (SFN). Nath’s 2022 preprint study of 23 women experiencing new onset neurological symptoms after COVID-19 vaccination found a high incidence of dysautonomia, POTS, and small fiber neuropathy.
A much larger electronic health record (EHR) study (n=297,000 adults) found that the risk of being diagnosed with POTS increased by a third after vaccination. The same study, suggested, though, that a coronavirus infection increased the risk of coming down with POTS fivefold. Thus, while both vaccination and a coronavirus infection increased the risk of getting POTS, the authors initially interpreted the findings to mean that getting infected with the coronavirus was more dangerous.
Vijay noted that a correction was made to that interpretation and that it was actually impossible from the data to tell if that was so and better studies are needed to answer that question. Thankfully, they are underway.
Vijay also pointed out that because the study was done before a dedicated ICD-10 code was established for POTS it may have undercounted its prevalence. He noted that “from a medical (and pharmaceutical) point of view, ~1 in 1000 is far from a rare event or small subpopulation. It’s also noteworthy that POTS sign/symptom onset occurred 50-75x more often than myocarditis, given how much the latter has been discussed.”
The Iwasaki/Krumholtz study underway – aptly named “LISTEN” (Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences) – is the one to keep an eye on. Created by respected researchers from Yale, the study currently contains over 750 people with post-vaccination illnesses. Its results will hopefully spur more research funding. They hope to release results later this summer.
Check out Harlan Krumholz talking about his and Iwasaki’s long-COVID and long-vax study here.
The top explanations for long vax are familiar (immune overreaction, autoimmune reaction) but are more specific than we’ve seen in ME/CFS, with a focus on the ACE-2 receptor the virus uses to gain entry into the cell. Schiffer, the German cardiologist, proposes that an autoimmune reaction leads to immune exhaustion in both long COVID and long vax.
- An immune overreaction to the spike protein in the vaccines leads to blood vessel leakage, disruption to the blood-brain barrier, and others.
- An autobody/autoimmune reaction to the ACE-2 receptor that coronavirus uses to enter the cell. This receptor affects blood flows, blood pressure, heart rate, and even potentially the small fiber neuropathy and mitochondrial problems in ME/CFS. A few small studies suggest the ACE-2 receptor is messed up in POTS and ME/CFS. An autoantibody response could also activate inflammasomes.
Three patients who received IVIG 5-9 months after getting sick recovered fully. Plasma exchange dramatically helped one long-vax patient – for a time.
Schieffer in Germany, however, is trying an entirely new treatment – which he said helped in a small unpublished pilot trial – and could have relevance to both long COVID and ME/CFS.
Schieffer believes it will take more than one treatment to take on such a complex disease. His novel treatment approach includes AT1R-antagonists (AT1RB) to block angiotensin II and affect the RAS-bradykinin axis (ACE-2 dysregulation), statins to affect cholesterol metabolism (and support the blood vessels and reduce inflammation), and the gut (a histamine-reduced diet to tame the mast cells). He proposes using – a potent vasoconstrictor.
Since the ACE-2 receptor appears to be messed up in all three diseases (ME/CFS, long COVID, and POTS), Schieffer’s attempt is welcome and potentially helpful. Schieffer spent much of his recent paper on treating long COVID explaining how he believes ACE-2 receptor dysregulation could result in cardiovascular (increased clotting), neurological, dermatological, gut, and autoimmune problems. Some interesting possible outcomes are chronic increased sympathetic hyperactivity, pain, anxiety, and cognitive problems.
Until Wirth and Scheibenbogen integrated RAS system dysregulation into their hypothesis, this system was virtually completely ignored in ME/CFS research circles. Schieffer brings in the same bradykinin upregulation into long COVID that Wirth/Scheibenbogen did in ME/CFS.
He’s hoping to start a 500-person clinical trial.
Questions, Questions
The big question why this is immune response is happening to some people and others could tell us more than about the vaccines. Krumholz said he believes these studies will provide insights into other mysterious diseases.
Why, for instance, does long vax at least anecdotally appear to be more likely in ME/CFS, and what does it tell us about that disease? Why do some people – particularly people with ME/CFS – appear to be vulnerable to vaccines in general? How is it that vaccines modeled on one part of the coronavirus – the spike protein – essentially duplicate long COVID? Are some vaccines more or less likely to produce long vax or ME/CFS, and why?
For a while, it seemed like vaccine-induced ME/CFS-like illnesses were going to get swept under the rug in the same way that ME/CFS was for years. With at least one large study underway, though, by respected researchers, it appears it will get its day in the sun. Once again, long COVID is triggering research into areas that have long been of concern in ME/CFS but received little study. It’s another unintended and unforeseen gift from the coronavirus to the ME/CFS community.
Out of my clients this year so far 10% have been Covid vaccine induced ME/CFS. So that fits. I’m in no way anti vac but this has been undeniable. Thank you for putting this out!
Mighty mitochondria
Their DNA so insecure
Able to be damaged by toxins
As they roam and they explore
Dysfunction and a lack of energy
With complex secondary roles
Spike protein doesn’t like them
As studies now show
Long Covid
Gulf war syndrome
Chronic Lyme disease
Myalgic encephalitis
And now this post vaccine induced fatigue
Luckily they don’t include those people in the studies on Long Covid or we wouldn’t be able to continue to push the vaccine. 💉 Thank god for are deeply corrupt and incompetent medical professionals.
This is just not true. Enough with the conspiracy theories. If you have evidence to back up your ideas – present them – otherwise please refrain from grand conspiracy theories.
Present what? That they don’t include vaccine injuries outside of a few specific cases? They don’t. I’m one of them, you prove they do, I can’t prove a negative. Long Vax is being Ignored, so they can continue to push the vaccine.
Cort, So grateful for this report, offering validation of the long-vax experience and informing those of us impacted that it isn’t completely being swept under the rug. I am among those who’ve suffered damage from the Covid vaccination — worsened ME/CFS, worsened Fibro pain and triggering of Myasthenia Gravis. Happy to have this article to share with my doctors. Thank you Cort. Your work is always exceptional; you are always good medicine. 🙂
Thanks Tracey,
I’m so encouraged to see a researcher of Dr. Krumholz’s stature not only taking on long vax but long COVID as well – and his comment that these studies will tell us much about other “mystery diseases” as well.
Each study on each condition will surely help to illuminate the others.
Well they only have money to study the long covid patients, if you’re vaccine injured they have sent about a 100 of them an online survey once. That’s it. So it would presumably only ever be able to tell you about those other conditions because they aren’t actually researching the vaccine injured. I’m a participant in the Listen “study” Dr Krumholz works with Pfizer So you know he really cares and this is in no way a method of placating obvious concerns while doing nothing for any of the patients. No not at all. Make sure to get vaccinated! “Safe and effective”
My me/CFS was triggered by the Moderna vaccine. I enrolled in the Listen study, but have only filled out vague forms. It’s been two plus years since I had the vaccine and I haven’t had covid to my knowledge. There has been plenty of disbelief from doctors to members of the public that the vaccine in fact did this to me. I’m glad they are studying it …. But I also fear that as the vaccine injured get covid, the waters will be muddied ….
Hi Jen, I also am a long-vax person. I enrolled in the listen study, filled out the forms, and connected my medical records. I then was contacted by Yale, and they sent a nurse to my home (in Pennsylvania) to collect blood and saliva samples which were to sent to the Yale lab for analysis.
As the study is ongoing, I haven’t received any results yet. But the consent form did say that they would send me my individual blood analysis when possible.
All this to say, why not send them an email and ask why you are not enrolled in the actual study? I know the most important thing is to connect your medical records using Epic/MyChart (or upload them manually). If you haven’t yet done that, they cannot invite you to be in the studies.
Hope this helps!! Let me know if I can answer any further questions.
Thanks for this response! I have not connected my medical records (because I couldn’t figure it out) and it sounds like this is the problem. I will try and work on that today … I also see a number of private doctors now, so I have no idea how to get them those records …. Anyway, thanks again! Glad you are enrolled and they got your blood.
Hi Jen, it’s certainly a lot to figure out when you also have brain fog and exhaustion, and multiple doctors! If you email the coordinator they might be able to help you. Wishing you all the best in this challenging journey!
Four out of the five vaccines that I’ve had made me feel awful for 4-6 weeks afterward. But oddly, the third one made me feel significantly better for 4-6 weeks. Some people in some support groups that I’m in have had devastating reactions to their vaccine and are now permanently worse. It’s hard to tell what percentage though.
Wow! That third one 🙂 Human biology is too darn complex!
I had 4 vaccines in December, 2011 prior to a journey to Africa. I have never been the same. 100 doctors have gaslighted me. I suffer immense debilitating pain from SFPN, ME, FM, etc. I weighed 163 when I had the vaccines; my current weight is 97. Need I say more?
No, you don’t. Let’s hope these studies will tell us something.
I hope so. At 75, it may be too late for me, but I hope the younger people whose lives have been destroyed (some at such a young age) may have an answer so they can resume living. With ME, it is not living.
What studies? They aren’t doing anything with the listen study, it’s just performative. To protect the reputation of the vaccine by pretending to research the issue, while downplaying it. They themselves will tell you they aren’t funded for long vax patients. Because they are just paid for shills for the pharmaceutical companies.
I am so, so sorry. That is just awful that doctors refuse to listen to you. I hope you can find someone who will take these issues seriously.
Thanks, Christina. I am grateful for the 63 wonderful years I had prior to the vaccines. I had a great life. I pity the people who get ME when they are in their prime.
thank you Cort for the hope!
but allready verry severelly ill, progresive, (I reacted bad to the vaccines, would never take them againà , how do I know for 200% shure it was the vaccines. I know a friend of me said, bagged me to take not the “last” vaccine. but if your brain and boddy are so ill, I forget after a second, how do I know for shure?
if i was healthy and came down with long covid from vax, it would have been more clear for me.
but like my friend said, she saw me decline and is healhy (brain, boddy), the vaccines where not ok for me. wished i never took them as isolated as i live…
but so glad they are researching it!
I heard one of the MCAS experts say that mast cell diseases with uncontrolled symptoms don’t seem to recover from the Covid vax. But mast cell disease patients with controlled symptoms do well. I believe it was Dr. Afrin at the IAMECFS conference 2 yrs. ago. This would include those with MCAS, a disease increasingly associated with ME, especially severe ME.
I have uncontrolled symptoms of possibly MCAS and haven’t gotten the Covid vax because of this. This is the first vax I would get since having ME. I wish there were studies on what makes some ME patients tolerate vaccines and some get worsened ME.
I’m pro-vax, but since every infection makes me worse permanently, I worry that I will never recover from the vax.
Last thought, I’ve often wondered if those of us PWME who worsen after infections during our ME and have greater susceptibility to infections since getting ME are the same group who do worse with vaccines.
Your comment is interesting as I got the first vax and in hindsight shouldn’t have! 2 hours later I was struggling to stand and now 18 months later I’m at 70% of where I was pre vaccine re my ME. My doctors have advised I don not take any other vaccine and equally advised illness aka Covid would create chaos for me. I’d love to know how many of us fit this subset of ME.
Cort, what is Schieffer’s “new treatment?” It’s linked, but it’s in German. Thanks!
He’s using an AT1R-antagonists (AT1RB) to block angiotensin II statins – to effect cholesterol metabolism (to support the blood vessels and reduce inflammation), and the gut (histamine-reduced diet to tame the mast cells).
Long covid occurs in vaccinated- and unvaccinated people. Vaccination does not prevent long covid, according to research by RIVM (the Dutch CDC). More research is needed.
(…)One in 35 recipients (2.8%) had vaccine-associated myocardial injury after covid-19 mRNA booster vaccination.
I think this is very important for informed consent.
Also we still see excess deaths without any good explanation. This study (PREPRINT) Found a positive correlation between vaccination in 2021 and excess deaths in 2022 who want to investigate this are thwarted. Why? Example: this study will never be publicated peer review. And there is much more correlation found.Independent experts do not gain insight into the data to see if there is causation.
”With vaccines dramatically reducing hospitalizations and deaths from COVID”
Based on assumptions and models. Who and what people were saved? How many? How old were they? Which gender? Did they have other illnesses? Were they already weakened? Healthy young people did not die from covid (exceptionally with underlying diseases). Independent experts do not gain insight into the data and these models to verify it.
I do know one thing, there are many young men who had heart problems after vaccination with an mRNA vaccine against covid. While they had little to no risk of becoming seriously ill due to covid.
They paid the price to save whom?
You’re so right. They also lied to us saying it stopped transmission when they knew it didn’t.
I think the injuries are huge. I don’t know one person who died from COVID( I know the average age in this country of death from COVID was 82)
Why they insisted on giving this to children knowing the risk makes zero sense. Criminal really.
My child’s 25 year old previously healthy friend died from covid. It was the first wave, so pre-vaccination. I will NEVER see people claim healthy young people did not die from covid without pointing out it’s a lie.
I am very sorry for (your) their loss. Like i said it is exceptionally. Moslty with another disease together. But nevertheless very sad. Best wishes!
You said “Healthy young people did not die from covid (exceptionally with underlying diseases).” This is just not true. My child’s friend was heathy, no underlying disease, even a healthy weight – and after fighting for weeks died as there were no good treatments in the first wave. Friends were mostly unable to attend his funeral as numbers were limited and the online attempts to let others see failed. He was just a sociable young man who was enjoying life in a large city and like other young people being told he was not at risk.
They also say that young people don’t die from the flu. Yet there are exceptions. With regard to corona, there are more young people who have serious side effects due to vaccination or have even died than from corona itself. Very sad for all loved ones.
Neither you are I are equipped to assess these models but the fact is that every study indicates that the vaccines have been very helpful.
The U.S. COVID-19 vaccine program is now estimated to have prevented 2.2 million deaths, 17 million hospitalizations and 66.1 million additional infections through March 2022, according to updated modeling from the Commonwealth Fund, an organization advocating for improved healthcare for marginalized communities.
That was in April of last year
Based on the model, COVID-19 vaccines prevented more than 139,000 deaths during the first five months they were available. About 570,000 COVID-19 deaths had occurred in the U.S. by May 9; the model projected about 709,000 deaths would have occurred without the vaccines. The researchers estimated that the economic value of preventing these deaths was between $625 billion and $1.4 trillion.
that was in 2021
The study modeled the spread of the disease in 185 territories and countries and found that without Covid vaccines, 31.4 million people would have died of the disease between December 2020 and 2021. While the pandemic has taken a devastating toll around the globe, with more than 3.5 million deaths since the first vaccine was administered in December 2020, the study estimated that vaccinations also prevented 19.8 million deaths.
That was this year.
This is a good one
Yale University researchers found that registered Republicans had a higher rate of excess deaths than Democrats in the months following when vaccines became available for all adults in April 2021. Researchers found the excess death rate for Republicans and Democrats was about the same at the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
But after April 2021, the gap in excess death rates emerged, with the rate for Republicans 7.7 percentage points higher than the rate for Democrats. For Republicans, that translated into a 43 percent increase in excess deaths.
Researchers said the gap in excess death rates was larger in counties with lower vaccination rates
If more people had been getting creamed by the vaccines than the virus the trend would have been in other direction.
Sorry Cort, I am trained as a statistical analyst. I see right through the flaws. We can have a whole discussion in numbers, but as long as the assumptions and data of these models are not shared with independent experts, it will remain unclear. If you change 1 assumption in your model, you get completely different outcomes. And when that gets published, people like you will see this as the truth.
Anti scientists don’t want to know the truth about the cause of excess mortality. There is a statistical trend associated with the number of jabs taken and excess mortality in certain time periods. Very clear.
It is simply not true that every study has indicated that the vaccines have been helpful. Latest studies from Oxford show an increase in risk of Covid infection among the vaccinated.
While the risk/benefit for the elderly was probably in their favour, it most certainly was not for children. Heart damage from these vaccines is real, no matter what US health agencies would prefer we believe.
“Conclusions: There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.”
“Using CDC and sponsor-reported adverse event data, we find that booster mandates may cause a net expected harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities.”
A December study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found almost 40% of excess deaths among Americans between 25 to 44 years old from March to July were due to COVID-19. Almost 12,000 more people in that age group died during those five months than would be expected based on historical data. Of those, 4,535 deaths were directly caused by COVID-19.
Figure 1: There was no change in the risk of cardiac death in the risk period after vaccination among those aged 12 to 29 years
A study from Oxford University in June showed the infection risk increased by 44% in the double-vaccinated in England. An analysis in July by El Gato Malo showed that U.S. states with higher vaccination rates were experiencing higher Covid hospital admissions. By the end of 2022 the vast majority of Covid deaths in many countries were among the vaccinated and boosted
Since you don’t provide citations I don’t know where you are getting these reports from but if the vast majority of people get vaccinated because the vaccines aren’t perfect it stands to reason that more deaths would occur. Plus the coronavirus has already weeded out the most susceptible. Those who were able to handle and survive are more protected against it now.
The citations are contained in the links I’ve provided to the Daily Sceptic articles. All articles on the site related to Covid19 contain links to the published data they discuss.
Toby Young is the founder of the UK Free Speech Union, associate editor of the Spectator, and regular contributor to the Telegraph, Independent, and other publications. He has a PhD in political philosophy, an MA in ethics, and a diploma in theology. In 2018, he was appointed by Government to sit on the board of the Office for Students (OfS), an oversight body for universities and higher education.
He is well-qualified and well-researched, as are those who contribute to the blog – Claire Craig, and Ramesh Thakur are among them – however, feel free to critique the discussion or the data published there.
I provided links to the data on myocarditis in Chinese adolescent boys and other points I raised.
I would be wary about believing too much from the “Daily Skeptic”. If you have an axe to grind you will find a stone to grind it against. Take this.
“while the years of mass vaccination, 2021 and 2022, saw an anomalous 48,617 and 66,528 excess deaths respectively. This is roughly equal to the official Covid death tally for these years, but the analysis of Kuhbandner and Reitzner (recently published in Cureus) indicates that the virus cannot explain nearly all of them. Both the timing and the age-stratified data strongly suggest that a substantial number must be related to vaccination.”
Actually there are many better reasons to expect the death rates overall to rise. Many sick people didn’t have access to medical care during the pandemic – lots of people couldn’t get into ER’s or have their regular doctor appointments. The stress of the pandemic and the need to stay isolated caused suicide rates to increase. People didn’t get the exercise they used to. Alcoholism increased.
The vaccine studies carefully monitored deaths and they accounted for all this stuff. The “Daily Skeptic” did not.
Ah yes I’m sure they accounted for it just enough to claim the vaccines aren’t to blame. What gullible nonsense you’d buy anything they told you because it hasn’t happened to you. These sociopaths don’t care about the truth they care about protecting their reputation.
Senator Gerard Rennick (Queensland) in an open discussion about excess deaths and vaccine related issues in Australia.
Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance – Annual Report 2021
Western Australia had implemented a stringent lockdown of borders and there were virtually NO cases of Covid-19 in Western Australia during 2021. The vaccine role out began February 2021. So that demonstrates the adverse reactions resulted directly from the Covid-19 vaccines and NOT the Covid-19 virus.
On your weblink: ”Deaths in people aged 15 to 29 years are relatively rare”
Like i said before.
12000 excess deaths of those 4535 directly caused by covid. That means almost 7500! people was not caused by covid.
The period march to july was that in 2021? If so, before and in that period the the vaccination programs were rolled out (correlation?(. The vaccinations are then less effective in preventing mortality than you might think. Or they have something to do with it. More data is needed for that.
COVID-19 vaccination-related myocarditis
Males aged 12 to 17, 5.29 cases per 100 000 persons
Severe cases of myocarditis.
Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, so it arises in a fairly high percentage as mentioned above due to vaccination. This can have major consequences in the short and longer term. Within a few weeks after the ‘fever’ (if you get a fever) complaints of heart failure or arrhythmias arise.
If the heart is slightly damaged, these complaints sometimes only occur much later. Myocarditis can sometimes lead to the heart muscle disease cardiomyopathy.
So the period of figure 1 doesn’t rule this out.
5 cases of myocarditis per 100,000….5 cases per 100,000….5 cases per 100,000; i.e. very, very, very rare.
Not much to hang a “don’t take vaccines” warning given the mountain of evidence that vaccines help against hospitalization and death and reduce the risk of long COVID.
“. The vaccinations are then less effective in preventing mortality than you might think. Or they have something to do with it. More data is needed for that.”
Why give you more data? I’ve probably posted a dozen studies on vaccine effectiveness on this blog. There’s no point in giving you data that you ignore. Just know that it’s basically you against the science.
Of course, I agree that the vaccines are triggering some severe relapses in some people with ME/CFS and it sure looks like they’re causing long COVID in people. (It also looks like they’re preventing long COVID in some people.) There’s no doubt about preventing hospitalizations and deaths, though. The scientific consensus is clear.
Right now, you’re pretty much in the “there’s no global warming” category…
I see a lot of Argumentum AD Hominem. The familiar tactic for anti-scientists to silence critical thinkers. If I followed your line of thinking then CBT/GET would still be an effective treatment for ME/CFS and the earth would still be flat. Fortunately, there are skeptical people who have debunked this. (Pace Trial). I don’t need more data from you. Maybe you misunderstand. Independent experts should be given the data that is used in the studies that you propose. Especially the models with assumptions. Until that happens, more speculation will arise about the cause of the excess mortality and side effects of the mRNA vaccines.
A statistical analyst is not a statistician, nor self-proclaimed, but simply an education. And consensus is not necessarily the objective truth as suggested.
The Pfizer study only look at safety over a median of 2 months. I wonder how many people need to be vaccinated to save or protect 1 person from hospitalization? With a classification according to age category with or without underlying diseases. The results could then be compared to the short- and long-term side effects.
Previously, it was also stated that vaccination would prevent transmission of the virus. There were hard statements that you wouldn’t get sick anymore if you were vaccinated. Neither turned out to be true.
To be clear, my critical eye is on mRNA vaccines, not on other vaccines! I
I also believe there is a temporary protection against getting seriously ill from corona if you are vaccinated. And everyone has to decide for themselves based on good, honest and transparent information to get a jab. Maybe the truth lies in the middle -:)
The PACE trial didn’t get anything close to the scrutiny that these vaccine trials did. It would never have gotten off the ground if it had.
(My memory is that we were always told the vaccines wouldn’t be completely effective. How could they be? No vaccines are.)
51 studies Gijs!
Epub 2021 Nov 17.
Real-world effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines: a literature review and meta-analysis
Objective: To estimate the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine effectiveness (VE) against concerned outcomes in real-world settings.
Methods: Studies reporting COVID-19 VE from August 6, 2020 to October 6, 2021 were included. The summary VE (with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)) against disease related to COVID-19 was estimated. The results were presented in forest plots. Predefined subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses were also performed.
Results: A total of 51 records were included in this meta-analysis. In fully vaccinated populations, the VE against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, COVID-19-related hospitalization, admission to the intensive care unit, and death was 89.1% (95% CI 85.6-92.6%), 97.2% (95% CI 96.1-98.3%), 97.4% (95% CI 96.0-98.8%), and 99.0% (95% CI 98.5-99.6%), respectively.
The VE against infection in the general population aged ≥16 years, the elderly, and healthcare workers was 86.1% (95% CI 77.8-94.4%), 83.8% (95% CI 77.1-90.6%), and 95.3% (95% CI 92.0-98.6%), respectively.
For those fully vaccinated against infection, the observed effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 91.2% and of the Moderna vaccine was 98.1%, while the effectiveness of the CoronaVac vaccine was found to be 65.7%.
Conclusions: The COVID-19 vaccines are highly protective against SARS-CoV-2-related diseases in real-world settings.
I must admit that this is a big meta analysis. Karl Popper would say: it has become a bit more true 🙂 When I have energy and access to the whole article I will have a look at it. Nevertheless, excess mortality and the long term effects are still a mystery.
Your memory is selective. To protect the pharmaceutical companies.
And it may be much more common than previously thought.
Furthermore, vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a thing here in Japan among the boosted. There’s an epidemic of shingles infections and surgeons are now having to deal with uncontrollable bacterial infections post-cardiac surgery among boosted patients.
“In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.”
So there is much to be concerned about with these experimental vaccines, including injury to ME patients as noted in NZ. I’ll leave it at that
Three people died of heart problems, after an inflammation of the heart muscle or the pericardium after vaccination with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.,hartaandoeningen%20een%20rol%20hebben%20gespeeld.
This recent peer-reviewed study from Switzerland found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all vaccinated people, with 2.8% showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.
mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-λ1(IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies”
And this from Hong Kong early on
Conclusions: There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.
As far as I am aware, there is no ‘safe’ level of heart damage, transient or otherwise. I’m trying to think of another FDA approved drug found to causes myocardial injury that wasn’t withdrawn from the market.
Another vax-injured here. Having received my 5th mRNA COVID shot (the first 4 gave no trouble), my already severe ME/CFS became much worse, as has the awful “brain poisoning” of PEM, with my allowed “energy envelope” much reduced. Ten months later, I see no sign of improvement. Being well isolated, I haven’t, to my knowledge, had COVID-19.
There is some evidence of herpes virus reactivation caused by the vaccine, could this be part of the mechanism of long-vax? I am not qualified to comment.
Im still generally pro vaccine, but I too had a severe permanent reaction. but was told it was coincidence with a crash.
I had ME/CFS mildly for 25 years but it suddenly and permanently worsened after a flu vaccination. It wasn’t a coincidence though as was the 3rd year in a row of worsening. But I thought it was due to the autumn season change making me unwell.
It wasn’t until my friend checked the dates of a holiday, and I checked phone messages from the other year around the time of the vaccination, that I saw each time I severely worsened was 7 days after the flu shot. The first 2 times I eventually recovered to my mild baseline after a few months. But unfortunately the last flu shot (8 years ago) utterly destroyed my life. I’m now mostly bedridden and couch-bound, suffering daily.
Interestingly I’ve had influenza itself since and that didn’t worsen me further.
I believe it’s the adjuvant being too strong, aggravating the immune response too much in some individuals, as their unique immune system are more susceptible to vaccines and other immune hits.
The problem is the medical profession first proclaimed the vaccines were safe, then eventually admitted the instances of problems were rare. However with the Covid Vaccine when you vaccinate as many people in the world as possible, rare became much more noticeable. Yet still ignored
The appalling thing is the medical community down played such life altering vaccine reactions (like ME/CFS symptoms), and didn’t offer any help, instead they played the “it’s anxiety” card, and ignored any biological cause. And then they wonder why people don’t trust the medical community!?
All the medical community had to do was show a genuine interest and concern. Show that they were helping those that were suffering after vaccination. Because if everyone knew there was a safety net at the bottom, there wouldn’t be an Anti Vax movement.
But when medical professionals denied people get sick from the Covid vaccine, canceled peers with concerns, censored others, and did nothing to help those that did get sick, its no wonder they ended up with a lot of resistance to vaccines.
What is needed is research into how to reverse the problems caused by vaccines especially as early as possible when patients first get unwell.
I think suppressing the immune system as soon as the patient presents with ME/CFS like symptoms could possibly prevent a person from ending up with a life long disability.
As for those like me already long locked into the disease, research is desperately needed here too.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Here in the uk there is a big community of those stigmatised by me/cfs symptoms post vaccine, especially the Astra Zeneca.
I became ill with ME/CFS after a flu vaccine in 2013. I had regularly had a flu vaccine for several years before that with no problems. I was repeatedly told that it could not be due to the vaccine but always felt that it was a very unusual coincidence to become ill two days after getting that one and never recover so was convinced that there was a connection. I am not anti-vax, had always had what I was offered plus always made sure my children were vaccinated for childhood illnesses. When Covid started and the vaccines were offered I thought long and hard but decided that it would be the sensible route to go down to take them. After the first AZ one I had a bad reaction for about four weeks but seemed to more or less recover, the second AZ one the reaction was not quite as bad but never completely diminished. Then it was time for a booster, it was the Pfizer mRNA. There seemed to be great worry about new variants of the virus so I went ahead and had the booster, I now wish I never had it. I have been so much worse since having that booster. I am severe and bedbound and at 81 years old don’t see much hope of a recovery. It is certainly encouraging to see that someone is at last acknowledging that there is a problem here and it would be wonderful if treatments were to be found to be helpful. Thank you Cort for your tireless efforts to bring us hope.
I have ME/CFS for > 10yrs plus new onset of Covid PostVac: Covid vaccine brought on distinct new syptoms: shortness of breath (which femained with me), an increase of orthostatic intolerance (which also remained) and very strong and lumpy periods (an officially known Covid vaccine side effect – quantity went back to normal over time while quality change remained). I also have slightly mottled hands nowadays which may or may not relate to vaccine.
It was in particular the first of two Covid vaccines that hit hard where I could feel a strong reaction throughout my body (I find the hypothesis of one German postVac researcher interesting who speculates there might be some cases where the vaccination accidentally hit a blood vessel instead of muscle tissue).
A tetanus shot a couple of months later was no problem at all, so I suppose the Covid vaccine was of its own kind.
On the one hand, cases of developing ME/CFS after vaccinations fits in the with long range of other known ME/CFS triggers that have strong activation of the immune system in common (like infection, operation, accidents, high stress), which could mean that in some predisposed people the immune reaction following a vaccine might trigger ME/CFS per se.
On the other hand I believe there to be Covid-specific effects to aftereffects of the Covid vaccine as it could present the same possible issues of virus protein remaining in the body in LongCovid as the Covid virus.
I plan on participating in #TheNicotineTest which among other effects is assumed to liberate spike protein from receptors in the body where it accidentally still hangs out and will be curious to see if it has an effect on the PostVac symptoms.
I did not report my PostVac symptoms due to being too sick to expend energy on that, and as far as I remember due to initial reporting procedures not favouring self-reporting.
In the wider family, there is another case of presumed CovidPostVac with continuous leg pain; the rest of people I know did well on the vaccine.
I am not anti-vaccination. My take on this is that it presumably helped to prevent deaths in particular in the older age population and may have decreased a risk of LongCovid, but that PostVac cases are possibly underreported based on my own experience of not reporting and the possibility of doctors being unbelieving if reporting lines went through doctors. Then there’s the problem of a certain % of Covid deniers of the population who (like my neighbour) are anti-vac on a basis of also falsely believing that “Covid was a lie/harmless”, thus tainting the credibility of PostVac. It seems it’s difficult for some to wrap their head around the fact that both can be true at the same time (Covid not being harmless at all based on tons of research and occurances of PostVac in some cases).
By now, there is also a report of Covid vaccine side effects to the EU parliament I think.
Persons with PostVac took vaccination also to protect others, they must receive care and attention now.
We forget one important thing: vaccines can also be contaminated with substances, partly due to a problem during production, for example. Like, for example, a shipment of mRNA vaccines to Japan. This one was intercepted. But also a contaminated batch in Denmark was found with a certain serial number. It turned out that people who were vaccinated from this serial number had more side effects than other batches.
Also, the full ingredients of vaccines were not disclosed.
Many package inserts that were supposed to list all ingredients possible side effects, etc. were left completely blank.
There’s a way bigger story here, unfortunately
Yes, Gijs – out of how many hundred million vaccines you found some batches that were contaminated. Is that really a surprise? As a self-proclaimed statistician you must know that the effects of that are negligible overall.
Thanks again Cort. I took the first Pfizer vaccine in January 2022 and 2 hours later was struggling to stand and my HR was elevated. I spent 2022 in and out of doctors and in Sept was treated with LDN and melatonin for inflammation. The thought process in my case was that the swine flu had been my initial immune trigger leading to ME/CFS – but 2 years later, having thought I’d recovered fine from the flu, it was when another virus invaded my system ME appeared and the belief is the swine flu left my immune system damaged and that second virus sent things haywire. Then when I took up the Covid vaccine things went even more haywire – it was my first vaccine since ME to take – I have been told vaccines are out, period. And also told an illness would set me back even further. As it stands, over 18 months post vaccine, I’m at about 70% of where I was pre vaccine re my ME and my saga continues with further appointments on the horizon
Cort, just have to say thank you for this blog. I enjoy them all, but this one really hit home. Have had ME/CFS for 20+ years. Have developed other autoimmune issues, and due to may meds and ME/CFS, I chose to get all 3 covid vaccines. I would do it again. BUT, I am suffering now with a huge increase of Mast Cell Activation, Angina – which is soon to be checked, and new underskin bleeding with any small amount of rubbing – sometimes opening into a sore. This is all new since the vaccine. Will be speaking to my specialist about this blog. I thank you for all this scientific info and the the researchers taking this seriously. I hope and pray for answers for all those newly diagnosed and generations to come.
Covid vaxxes of any sort have a ‘spike protein’ and activate the Epstein Barr Virus and other types of Herpes viruses.
We with CFS have active or dormant EBV and other viruses, fungi or bacteria.
Why would anyone take these? You couldn’t pay me 1M to take even 1 of these. I am sensitive ~ what would this do to us CFS-ers ? I almost lost my job due to not getting the vaxxes, and i still feel strongly about NOT getting any covid vaxxers or boosters. They are poison.
I know 3 people who died in 3 weeks of blood clots. Oh yes, they also Cause blood clots!!!
That’s the problem. People are not investigating links to these deaths. So anti science
I’ve gone from believing the medical world is amazing to being extremely wary of them.
I know I’m not alone.
What if we are actually all victims of vaccine injury?
Maybe we are the collateral.
Bob naviaux, who I respect, notes that vaccines are part of the cell danger response activation.
You can’t even ask this question without ferocious takedowns by left wing zealots so sure if the science.
None of this science is settled. We have no idea how much of the immune system works.
As a youngster, I didn’t take my TB vaccine. I just felt it wasn’t right even tho I ” needed” it.
I later developed immunity after exposure. Didn’t even know I’d been exposed. Same with COVID.
Nearly all my circle of friends have been some way vaccine Injured. Some very seriously ( stroke , loss of vision in one eye and a six week paralysis).
I felt it was suicidal for me to take that vax.
I understand people’s fears tho.
People who were previously fine seen to have developed MCAS after the vaccines. Quite a few. Others bulging veins, and all the other stuff listed.
We’re constantly told vaccines are great
Maybe they are…or maybe it’s a real mixed bag. I don’t know how I feel about being collateral damage.
I’m glad there’s further research going into this. I don’t gink we will get to a point where its acknowledged these vaccines are inherently dangerous even tho the evidence is staring at us
They wanted to give the USA public hope that SOMETHING will prevent them from getting covid and dying.
Remember they said those that get vaxxed will NOT get Covid and NOT spread Covid?!? So people listened (I didn’t). And there was then NO need to wear a mask to protect yourself and others if you got your 2 initial vaxxes plus the 2-3-4 “boosters”.
Those that got vaxxed did NOT wear a mask, and got Covid. Some I know got Covid 3-4 times!!
I got exposed by a co-worker in my office, “sick” but was tested negative for covid on a Wednesday/that day, and 4 days later he became positive. He did NOT have a mask on. I put on my mask while he was in there, and when he left 10 minutes later, i naively took my mask off. 4 days after he was tested positive–I tested positive—i tested positive and sick as all H-ll. It was a 9-day incubation period. I had a fever for 13 days and was positive for 13 days.
I believe masks can help you NOT get Covid, but once you take them off, what is in your office or home or store air WILL get you exposed and sick.
I went to a concert t his week, actually several times this month, and with about 3000 to 5000 people at each concert, if i saw 3 people at each show with a mask on, that was it. I was one of them, despite hating wearing these face coverings!!
My opinion is if you are CFS with any type of virus, fungi or bacteria in your system, dormant or not, getting the “spike protein” vaccine can only harm you. Who wants to go through active EBV or any thing else another time, t hat can last 5 long years if you are “lucky”!
It’s killed about 10 people that i know after they got the v accine and suddenly died of a blood clot, heart attack, or got permanently sick, enough to retire and disable all of them for life.
That makes at least three of us in this miserable state shaking our heads in disgust here, comforting to know. The shots are bad but the masks really aren’t good for ya either.
Now if you’ll excuse me I gotta spend this next spoon getting back to pleading with my LTD company for a claim approval so I can finally subscribe to that illustrious $350/yr Gupta program, gotta stick with it for at least a year, no PEM no gain that’s what I read
Best to have a balanced discussion. Start with this.
Thanks Dr. Pridgen!
Very interesting. I have FM since many years and got very severe LongCovid after vaccination. 2021. overactive immune response, HLAB 27 +. Blood pressure rised very much, lung affection nearly killed me. Recently found out why my bp. goes up in night. FM pax have a go go autonomic nerve system that never relaxes, i have the science about this. Now taking triple anticoagulation therapy + Hydrogen/oxygen inhalation. After 6 months I am so much better, but anticoagulation therapy is not enough. Due to different reasons I have had to stop with one of them and become worse. I was diagnosed with microclots in Stellenbosch in February.
Did you get my comment about triple anticoagulant therapy and H2/O2 inhalation – might be interesting for you. Did something, do not know if I cleared it or sent it. We will have a conference on Zanzibar i February 24 about treatment for Long COVID.
Another outstanding blog! The comments do not disappoint. I developed a slow progression of now moderate MECFS after travel vaccines, fibromyalgia and MCAS after MMR and Hep vaccines, and vascular/heart issues after 1 Covid vaccines. MY 56 year-old healthy and athletic husband died suddenly of heart failure myocarditis/clots (while exercising) 2 months after his 3rd Covid booster. Coincidence!?! I will never support vaccines in any form anymore.
I don’t think claims that mRNA vaccines prevented hospitalisations and deaths hold much water do they? Where is the evidence? The Daily Sceptic articles contain links to the data
“A study from Oxford University in June showed the infection risk increased by 44% in the double-vaccinated in England. An analysis in July by El Gato Malo showed that U.S. states with higher vaccination rates were experiencing higher Covid hospital admissions. By the end of 2022 the vast majority of Covid deaths in many countries were among the vaccinated and boosted”
Florida provides the latest proof of this
Data In NZ also data showed 96 percent of those hospitalised with severe Covid at one point were fully vaccinated. That was also the case in Israel where fully vaccinated patients tended to be more seriously ill. “Vaccine has “no significance regarding severe illness,” says Prof. Jacob Giris”
We also know these vaccines caused myocarditis, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes on a scale never before seen after a vaccine rollout, particularly in young males. Some of the earliest data come from Hong Kong
“Conclusions: There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.”
ME experts in NZ made government aware of vaccine injuries being suffered by ME patients in 2021 and asked that they be made exempt from the draconian vaccine mandates imposed there.
Cardiologists in Japan noted serious untreatable infections in vaccinated cardiac patients post surgery.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.
Most recently a young 14 year old girl was the latest in a serious of young healthy individuals to die at home following the booster shot here in Japan Her autopsy showed all her vital organs had basically been obliterated within 24-48 hours of having the shot.,BNT1262b2%20mRNA%20COVID%2D19%20vaccine.
Perhaps most concerning though is the number of excess deaths following the vaccine rollout. This recent study of excess deaths in Germany and Japan showed more people have died here post vaccine rollout than died in the tsunami.
On and on the serious harms go, so it really isn’t a stretch at all to imagine they’ve triggered ME in susceptible individuals.I never had these shots. One of my symptoms has always been drug sensitivity, so it made no sense at all for me to offer my arm for a medical intervention that was rushed through in 18 months. Interestingly, 90 percent of Japanese Ministry of Health officials declined to have it we recently found out. That should tell us something
You can’t trust this guy. He’s apparently just a blogger with no checks on what he writes. Just check the studies he’s basing his conclusions on. The conclusion of the first citation he cites is below. Does that look like what he’s written? The paper actually calls for more vaccines not less.
The study you cite took place between the beginning of the vaccine roll out and nov 2021 – so before Omicron changed the picture – and is not typical for the entire period of the pandemic.
The paper is Written by Scientists who receive funding from pharmaceutical companies and or governments who pushed the vaccines. This study could say anything and they would still have to push the vaccine.
Cort, 24 hours after I got the covid vaccine April 2021 I woke up feeling awful. I figured I’d feel better in a few days, not. A week later I went to emergency room. They did a full workup & tested for covid & flu, negative. I followed up with my pcp, who I continue to see. I’ve been tested for everything, with normal results. The only thing I can pinpoint is the vaccine. I have/had no other previous medical conditions, until now. I hope that the medical community will recognize that the covid vaccine can & has injured some people. Thanks for your research.
That the medical community even recognizes and uses the term Long Vax is a step in the right direction. Acknowledge ment makes sufferers “visible.”
However, as someone with a long list of drug allergies & sensitivities, I have to wonder what the potential risk vs benefit analysis of solutions will prove to be. The last thing we need is yet another “cascade” effect.
I’d be curious to know how the Long COVID/Long Vax compares to similar after effects of the Spanish Flu. Some had post illness life disrupting symptoms. Like LC/LV, the duration was sometimes short, but also longer term. Sadly, some had the symptoms their entire life.
Please note that I knew the potential risk for myself before I chose to be vaccinated. In the past I had active fibromyalgia and during that time I was required to have a hepatitis vaccination to work in a healthcare setting. Post vaccination the fibromyalgia pain symptoms increased to an unbearable degree for years.
Ultimately, the risks of not being vaccinated outweighed the real possibility of death by COVID. The reality is, that while Long Vax is a hard life, post-covid life could have proved to be much worse and, of course, I could have died. Therefore I choose to move forward and be at peace with my choice.
In spite of how things have turned out for me, I encourage all to examine their own circumstances and do their own risk vs benefit analysis before deciding on COVID or any other vaccine.
If you didn’t get affected by the vaccine, I wonder if you really have me/cfs. It’s a problem when people are self reporting the condition when it comes to polls. They could just have burn out. I was surprised that some of the top experts recommended it as vaccines are known to be triggers. And this was no ordinary vaccine… it has been proven to cause mitochondrial damage and I believe more widespread damage than the actual disease if you got it injected directly into your bloodstream, especially with Moderna’s whopping dose, which is 3 times that of Pfizer. I had just made it to 2 years in recovery for me/cfs. I was able to go on long hikes, but within 15 minutes my life has never been the same. It has been progressive to where I have spent most of the past 29 month bedridden with horrific symptoms.
I sorry the vaccine hit you so hard. You know ME/CFS is a very heterogeneous illness. Health Rising’s polls suggest that most people tolerate it just fine, some people get hit really hard by it, and a good number actually get better. I guess it really depends on the status of your immune system.
At least long vax is getting some recognition.
Recognition would imply actual research, none of which has been funded. They take blood and don’t have the funding to actually do anything with it. I’ve been told this by the studies themselves, but it is left out of every article on them, deliberately.
Extremely interesting. I have been dismissive of the “anti-vaxxers” and even angry at them for conspiracy-type theories. Have had ME/CFS since l995 and never had an issue with a vaccine, before or after. My doctor has told me, though, that some patients feel the vaccines are bad for them.
I really, really appreciate having your review here, with links to further reading. Thanks, Cort!
It’s always funny to me that people injured by a vaccine they took, is equated with being anti vax.
Those people feel that way because it’s the reality they are, those people were injured and now are being neglected by that doctor, while he covers for the pharmaceutical companies.
They also need to consider CARPA complement activation which research papers from at least 2010 showed that Nanotech + PEG used in MedTech for the development of medicines severely triggered or exacerbated the cytokine inflammatory response in some, seemingly genetically susceptible patients. Not only were they left worse off, the body rejected the medicine completely. It also created cross-reactivity with Polysorbate 80 (flu vaxx). Knowing these not inconsiderable issues and the ongoing impact on a patient’s health, they used this tech for the first time ever for vaccines which were rolled out globally.
A lot of the Biomarkers and comorbidities for severe Covid and LHC very much align with CIRS – Biotoxin Illness. Even the success of the use of vasoconstrictors for LHC patients is no surprise, in the same way Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) has for it’s off label use advocated by Dr Ritchie Shoemaker for CIRS, as a neuropeptide that functions as a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter.
I was already a CIRS long hauler and had extremely elevated C4a… so was cautious about the vaccine. My ‘anaphylaxis like’ symptoms due to the CARPA activation started within 2 hours (well outside of the typical 20 mins for anaphylaxis). It started with severe bronchial spasms 24/7 for at least a month and a half which not even the ER diagnosed. My already ‘crushing fatigue’ and brain fog was amplified 1000 fold, the gut dysbiosis has been debilitating and I have now have full blown MCAS (was previously very mild), POTS, Dysautonomia, brain stem dysfunction.
I have been mainly bedbound for 2 years and spent a fortune (that I can’t afford) on any treatments I can and which are limited due to being gaslit by the medical and mental health practitioners. I don’t qualify for LHC treatment even though I tick almost every LHC symptom box and which it can be directly attributable ONLY to that single dose of the vaccine. AND I am NOVID and had zero immunity even from the single dose. True to CARPA form.
A subcutaneous skin test with the vaxx resulted in an immediate drop in blood pressure and I almost fell to the floor and vomited. Even with a small drop of the vaccine all ‘anaphylaxis like’ symptoms started again within 2 hours. The immunologist noted on my file that I was vasovagal and was insistent I have a second dose and also boosters and the flu vaxx. Big NO from me. Life is pretty miserable as it is now. I often wonder how much worse it would be if I had subsequent doses.
I’m the Vijay referenced in the updated text. For completeness, here’s my full synopsis of the key (and recently corrected!) Kwan et al 2022 publication:
I definitely had symptoms begin after my vaccine. My symptoms started with Myocarditis but once I got out of bed to go home from the hospital the first crash started so by the time I got home I could rarely could leave my bed and hardly left the house.