
The second part of a 3-part series of blogs on the “Deep phenotyping of post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome” study looks at who was in the study and how they were selected, how severely the study was truncated by the pandemic (quite severely), the big missed opportunity of the study, the many immune, metabolic and other findings, the exercise and deconditioning issue raised by the study and then finally, in the appendix it takes yet another look at the “effort preference” issue (for those who dare to go down that tunnel again :))

The Nath ME/CFS Intramural Study Pt. I: “It’s a Brain Disease…”


Participants in the study

Questions have been raised regarding who was in the study, yet the participants were vetted by ME/CFS experts.

Not surprisingly given some of the results (no increases in small fiber neuropathy, orthostatic intolerance, cognitive and sleep problems), and the 4 people who recovered in the 4 years after the study (one reportedly because of a coronavirus infection (!)), some questions have been raised about the ME/CFS participants in the study. (Note, though, that this is a rare study that followed patients for a considerable amount of time afterwards.)

The study had in its favor a rigorous process vetted by ME/CFS experts to filter out people who did not have ME/CFS or any confounding factors. Some have argued that the criteria were so strict that they excluded some ME/CFS patients and that is surely true. The goal of the study, though, was to examine a certain slice of ME/CFS – people with a validated infection who had been ill for less than five years and had as few confounding factors as possible; i.e. the study was never intended to be representative of the ME/CFS population at large.

Most of the exclusionary factors were normal (other major diseases) but some were quite strict. For instance, the decision to exclude patients who were taking medications that could affect the immune system, the nervous system, or the metabolism may have removed many patients from consideration.

All 17 participants met the Institute of Medicine (IOM) criteria for ME/CFS created by an ME/CFS expert panel. Eighty-two percent met the Fukuda criteria and 53% met the Canadian Consensus criteria. After the first week-long study, all the participants were assessed by an ME/CFS panel of doctors (Lucinda Bateman, Andy Kogelnik, Anthony Komaroff, Benjamin Natelson, and Daniel Peterson) who unanimously agreed that they had ME/CFS and should be in the study.

The Pandemic Giveth and the Pandemic Taketh Away. 

People with ME/CFS and other post-infectious diseases have the coronavirus pandemic to thank for the increased attention to their diseases, but the pandemic took from this study as well, and more than we knew.

The study was truncated even more dramatically than we thought. Of the 17 ME/CFS and 21 healthy controls in the study, only 8 ME/CFS and 9 healthy controls completed the second weekend of the study. This was significant because while the first week of the study was designed to weed people with ME/CFS out of the study, the second weekend – which included the exercise test among others – was designed more to address pathophysiology.

This (and probably other factors) led to quite small sample sizes in many tests including small fiber neuropathy (n= 11/9/; ME-CFS/HC), exercise testing (n=8/9; ME-CFS/HC); muscle fiber testing (n=12/11 – ME/CFS/HC), actigraphy (steps/activity; n=11/11 ME-CFS/HC), etc.

The study, then, turned out to be severely inhibited by the pandemic.

Missed Opportunity

Missed opportunity - arrows missing target

A major aspect of ME/CFS – post exertional malaise – was hardly explored in this study.

The most surprising thing to me about the study was that the distinguishing symptom of ME/CFS – post-exertional malaise (PEM) – was virtually ignored. When I heard that the exercise stressor was going to be part of the study, I assumed they would measure everything they could before and after the exercise session and try to get at the heart of this exertion-challenged disorder. (Remember SEID? – the Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease?)

This study, though, used a traditional approach to study an untraditional disease. Only three factors (dietary energy intake or total body energy use, sleeping energy use, respiratory quotient) and a couple of cognitive tests were assessed before and after the exercise stressor. All the other tests were apparently done at rest.


Even with all the provisos – the small and truncated study, the less-than-representative sample of patients, and the lack of interest in PEM – the study nevertheless provided many interesting and, I think, potentially helpful findings. I would argue the fact that despite its shortcomings, the study still managed to produce a considerable number of findings, indicates that ME/CFS is very amenable to study if it is studied correctly – and this study provided an important clue on how to do that.

Basic Stuff

Actigraphy – Only 11 people with ME/CFS and 11 healthy controls wore ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometers to assess their activity levels. The activity assessment was important in the authors’ conclusion that the reduced maximum energy outputs found during the exercise test were at least partly the results of deconditioning. The study found that the healthy controls averaged 7,111 vs 3,618 steps per day of the ME/CFS patients. While no differences in sedentary, light movement, or vigorous activity were found, a very large difference in minutes of moderate physical activity was found (40.64 ± 37.4 versus 6.4 ± 7.0; p – 0.007).

Dysautonomia was common in the ME/CFS patients but not in the healthy controls. A nice, long 40-minute tilt test that assessed plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels did not find increased rates of POTS or altered levels of those neurotransmitters. It turns out that the problem was not a lack of orthostatic intolerance in ME/CFS. About half the ME/CFS patients exhibited significant drops in blood pressure and a third met the criteria for heart rate increases characteristic of POTS. The problem was that a smaller but still similar number of the healthy controls met those criteria as well.

While the sleep study results were reportedly not different in the ME/CFS patients, the supplemental results section stated “Sleep fragmentation was noted in 10 PI-ME/CFS participants (three mild, five moderate, two severe).

Immune System

The immune findings were given lots of attention in the press and agreed with two important prior findings in ME/CFS: immune activation and immune exhaustion are present. An increase in the percentage of naïve and a decrease in switched memory B-cells in the blood could suggest the body is trying to fight off an infection and/or has an immunodeficiency problem.

Increased levels of markers of T-cell activation, PD-1+ 723 CD8 T-cells in the cerebrospinal fluid are a marker of T-cell exhaustion and have been found in several neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease (PD), and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Given a few findings suggesting that amyloid proteins may be present in ME/CFS, it’s interesting that these T-cells are believed to be removing these symptoms from the brain in PD and AD. Note, though, that Nath was relieved not to find any evidence of the overt structural changes in the brains of ME/CFS found in these very difficult-to-treat diseases. That should make ME/CFS more amenable to treatment.

Detailed autoantibody testing did not reveal any evidence of autoimmunity.

A big male/female split is going to be a major takeaway from this study. We’ve seen this before in Hanson’s studies and others, but seeing it displayed across such a wide area of factors in this study emphasized how important it is to separate out males and females in future studies. One wonders how much of the inconsistency in study results could be the result of this split not being taken into account.

A gene expression study of immune cells in the blood found that only about 2% of the immune genes that were distinctive in ME/CFS were shared by both men and women!

Immune networks men and women with ME/CFS

Check out the dramatically different immune networks found in men (a) and women (b) with ME/CFS.

Males showed alterations in T-cell activation, proteasome, and NF-kB pathways, while women showed alterations in an entirely different part of the immune system – B-cells and leukocyte proliferation processes.

Perhaps similarly to the muscle gene expression results (see below), both men and women exhibited problems with their T-cells – just in different ways. Men’s cytotoxic T-cells in their spinal fluid had increased CXCR5 expression, while women had more CD8+ naïve T-cells in their blood.

Notice the very nice separation the principal components analysis found between the ME/CFS males and healthy control males and the ME/CFS females and healthy control females. Even with the low sample numbers, the ME/CFS patients were easily differentiated from the healthy controls.

PCA of immune genes

Even with a very small sample size, a principal components analysis finds a strikingly clear differentiation between male ME/CFS patients and healthy controls. (The same pattern was found with women).

The author proposed “persistent antigenic stimulation”; i.e. that a pathogen, or some other process, is constantly activating the immune system in both men and women. (Given its role in modulating the immune system, problems with the gut microbiome could also be contributing to this.)

Dr. Anthony Komaroff stated the immune findings were fully consistent with existing research and stated that the study provides compelling evidence that the immune system is chronically activated: “As if it’s engaged in a long war against a foreign microbe, a war it couldn’t completely win and therefore had to continue fighting.”

Despite the low sample sizes, the flow cytometry results found some striking differences between people with ME/CFS and the healthy controls.

Nath and his co-authors stated their findings suggest that something leftover from an infection — an antigen — continues to perturb the immune systems of ME/CFS patients. This “chronic antigenic stimulation” triggers a cascade of physiological events that eventually manifest as symptoms.

Cerebral Spinal Fluid

The cerebral spinal fluid findings had the potential to tell us something about what’s going on in the brain – and they delivered. Once again, despite the small sample sizes, look at the dramatic separation between patients and healthy controls that was achieved using cerebral spinal fluid metabolomics.

cerebral spinal fluid metabolomics

Once again, a very clear separation between ME/CFS patients (red) and healthy controls (blue) despite very low sample numbers. Men are on the left and women are on the right.


The ME/CFS group had reduced cerebrospinal levels of dopamine metabolites (DOPA, DOPA) as well as a serotonin precursor (DHPG) – two “feel good” brain chemicals. The authors called this evidence of “decreased central (brain) catecholamine biosynthesis” in PI-ME/CFS.

CSF metabolites

Dramatically altered levels of some cerebral spinal fluid metabolites were found.

Dopamine could almost be a “who’s who” concerning the neuropsychological issues that plague people with ME/CFS. If you’re lacking pleasure, don’t feel much “reward”, if you have trouble with movement or motivation, if you have trouble paying attention, being aroused (attentive – not the other), or having trouble with sleep, low levels of this brain chemical could play a role.

Dopamine abnormalities have quite a history in both ME/CFS and FM, with studies suggesting that dopamine is impaired in both. Dopamine is produced in the reward center of the brain – the basal ganglia – which has been implicated in both ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.

Andrew Miller found that inflammation reduces the levels of a cofactor called BH4 – which helps to produce tyrosine – the precursor to dopamine. Miller believes inflammation or oxidative stress may be whacking the BH4 co-enzyme in ME/CFS, thus reducing tyrosine and ultimately dopamine levels. Interestingly, Ron Davis is exploring the role BH4 plays in ME/CFS right now.

Miller believes that traditional methods of boosting dopamine by using amphetamines and dopamine reuptake inhibitors fail because dopamine production is being blocked by inflammation. Back in 2014, he proposed trying drugs like sapropterin (Kuvan – a synthetic form of BH4), supplements (folic acid, L-methylfolate, S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe), and taking drugs to block inflammation such as etanercept (Enbrel). Drugs that can stimulate dopamine receptors (e.g. pramipexole, levodopa) would fall into the highly experimental category but might be helpful as well.

Several possible treatments that have popped up recently in ME/CFS and long COVID (Abilify, nicotine patch, amantadine) can impact dopamine levels.

Dopamine, the Basal Ganglia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome #II – Treatments

A metabolomic analysis of the spinal fluid indicated altered levels of dopamine, tryptophan, and butyrate metabolites.  Researchers have proposed for years that the tryptophan/kynurenine pathway may have gone awry in ME/CFS. While not much was made of the tryptophan issue, the researcher found that when they stripped out people in the study using SSRIs, the reduction in tryptophan metabolites was able to predict ME/CFS. The butyrate findings jive with the low gut butyrate levels and could tie in with the fatty acid issues found in prior studies.

The catecholamine hypothesis

The catecholamine hypothesis.

The fact that reduced norepinephrine levels – an autonomic nervous system neurotransmitter – were correlated with both “Time to Failure” and “effort preference” in the hand grip test, ME/CFS was intriguing as well given the role that the autonomic nervous system plays in motor activities.

The authors believe the CSF findings suggest that the HPA axis may help produce the low TPJ activity and ultimately the motor cortex findings.

Gene Expression of the Muscles

Concerning gene expression of the muscles, both men and women showed evidence of increased rates of oxidative stress – a potentially important finding as several studies suggest that oxidative stress is wreaking havoc on the muscle membranes in ME/CFS.

The pathways associated with the increased oxidative stress in men showed an upregulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation genes (genes associated with breaking down fatty acids to produce energy) and downregulation of TRAF and MAP-kinase-regulated genes. They also showed a downregulation of the hexose genes associated with glycolysis – where energy is produced anaerobically outside of the mitochondria – and a downregulation of mitochondrial genes.


Muscle gene expression pathways in men and women

Dramatically different gene pathways expressed in the muscles of men (bottom) and women (top) with ME/CFS indicating different issues were present. None of the major pathways were shared by both.

The pathways in the women, on the other hand, showed an opposite finding – a downregulation of fatty acid metabolism genes – plus a downregulation of mitochondrial processes in muscle.

Muscle gene expression men vs women with ME/CFS

Dramatically altered muscle gene expression networks in women (a) and men (b).

With fatty acid problems linked with different energy production issues in men and women (glycolysis – men; mitochondrial genes – women), this may be a case of all roads leading to Rome, with women and men taking slightly different ones to ME/CFS. Note again that these findings showed up despite low sample numbers (15 ME/CFS vs 9 HCs).


Lipid abnormalities look like they may be becoming a big deal in ME/CFS and were assessed in this study but were downplayed in the results section that was titled “Lack of differences in lipidomics between PI-ME/CFS and healthy volunteers”.

While the univariate analysis of the 856 lipids (apparently lipid vs lipid) did not identify statistically significant differences between ME/CFS patients and the healthy controls, the multivariate analysis (which assessed relationships between lipids) suggested that lipids could be used to predict who had ME/CFS and who didn’t – a potentially major finding, one would think.

When the researchers compared the lipid profiles by sex, they again found substantial differences, with 50 lipids able to differentiate men with ME/CFS from male healthy controls but only 20 lipids able to do so with women. The authors noted they were similar to a prior ME/CFS study which suggested that the different lipid abnormalities in men and women could be promoting immune dysfunction and inflammation, and affecting the fatigue, chronic pain, and cognitive difficulties found.

The Gut

Rather simple analyses of the gut were done, and we’ve seen much more detailed ME/CFS studies, but differences were found as well. Both alpha and beta diversity were reduced and here again, we saw major differences in male and female ME/CFS patients. Alpha and beta diversity were reduced in men but not in women.

Gut flora ME/CFS vs healthy controls

Dramatic differences were seen in the microbiomes of ME/CFS patients (red group) and healthy controls (blue group). (blue colors indicate less abundance; red colors indicate higher abundance)

The Elephant in the Room – the Male-Female Split

One thing this small but widespread study made clear – and which Nath emphasized in some interviews – when it gets down to these more detailed analyses – men and women differ in multiple ways in these diseases. Given the small sample sizes, it was rather remarkable that once men and women were separated, significant differences between them and healthy controls showed up consistently. One of the big takeaways from this study is that studying men and women separately could greatly quicken our understanding of ME/CFS.

Exercise Testing

Instead of the CPET test playing a major role in the study, it ended up playing quite a minor role. Even though less than half of the participants (8/9) ended up doing the exercise test, the study found that peak power, peak respiratory rate, peak heart rate, and peak VO2 (p = 0.004) were all significantly lower in the ME/CFS group. Plus, a lower heart rate reserve was found, and chronotropic incompetence was found in 5/8 ME/CFS patients. The fact that anaerobic threshold (AT) occurred at lower levels of oxygen consumption fit with the idea that the aerobic energy production system in ME/CFS is impaired.

Exercise Testing ME/CFS

The authors’ assertion that deconditioning is causing the cardiovascular abnormalities and reduced energy production during exercise is belied by other ME/CFS studies. (Image of an ME/CFS patient doing an exercise test at Workwell)


“Physical deconditioning over time is an important consequence.” the authors

Just when we thought the deconditioning argument was over, it reared its head again. There’s no question that deconditioning must be present, at least on some level, in many people with ME/CFS. The bigger question is whether it’s relevant in a pathophysiological sense; i.e. whether it’s causing the abnormalities in energy production found during an exercise, the low functionality found in the disease, and even the disability present.

The study asserted that it is relevant; i.e. that it is causing the low energy production, workload, etc. scores found during the exercise test, and is producing “the functional disability” found.

“With time, the reduction in physical activity leads to muscular and cardiovascular deconditioning, and functional disability.”

It’s important to note that the authors did not say that lazy ME/CFS patients were not exercising enough or that they had illness beliefs which resulted in them not engaging in enough activity. Instead, they laid the blame for deconditioning on biological factors (immune, metabolic, autonomic, endocrine) that are impairing people with ME/CFS from engaging in much activity.

The authors went out of their way to ensure that no one would miscontrue their results to endorse the idea that exercise or CBT could solve ME/CFS. They stated that practices like

“exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, or autonomic directed therapies, may have limited impact on symptom burden, as it would not address the root cause of PI-ME/CFS.”

Their assertion that deconditioning was responsible for the cardiovascular abnormalities found, though, seemed like a step backward. How important a step backward is unclear. Those cardiovascular abnormalities form the basis for the disability findings that many people with ME/CFS rely upon to survive. Since the authors argued that biological findings ultimately result in deconditioning, it’s not clear what effect they will have.

Because the low V02 max was correlated with an increased incidence of type II :1 muscle fiber ratio fast-twitch muscle in ME/CFS patients, the authors asserted it was evidence of deconditioning. They concluded this based on samples from 7 ME/CFS patients and 5 healthy controls.

Their conclusion that deconditioning is causing the cardiovascular abnormalities found in ME/CFS also flies in the face of the findings of several ME/CFS studies.

Workwell asserts that it’s impossible to say anything about deconditioning in ME/CFS (or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome for that matter) without doing a two-day exercise test. Both ME/CFS and POTS are something of anomalies in the medical world: one-day tests that suggest that deconditioning plays a role may be accurate in other diseases but not this one.

Two-day exercise tests in ME/CFS indicate that something other than deconditioning is producing the cardiovascular abnormalities found in the disease. The fact that deconditioned people show similar results on both days of the two-day exercise test results, while ME/CFS patients show a significant drop on the second day, indicates that people with ME/CFS have a fundamental metabolic problem the deconditioned people do not. (They cannot produce energy without at the same time whacking their ability to produce energy.)

Other findings are at odds with the authors’ conclusions. David Systrom’s large, invasive exercise studies found two factors in ME/CFS (increased peak exercise cardiac output and low heart filling pressures) that are not only not found in deconditioning but are opposite to those found in deconditioning. The authors reported that their findings, “definitively eliminates (the) possibility” that deconditioning is causing the exercise abnormalities.

Damaged Small Nerve Fibers May be Causing Energy Problems in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

A Dutch study examining the electrical muscle activity concluded that the increased muscle fiber conduction they found in ME/CFS was opposite to the reduced muscle fiber conduction found in deconditioning.

Muscle Study Finds Key Differences in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

A large Dutch study found that the high heart rates and reduced stroke volumes during a TILT table test that could be interpreted as the result of deconditioning were not associated with fitness; i.e. both very low-functioning and higher-functioning patients had similar findings. Even the more fit ME/CFS patients – who could not be experiencing deconditioning – had significantly lower heart rates and stroke volumes than the healthy controls; i.e. deconditioning was not causing their cardiovascular abnormalities.

Deconditioning Denied: Could a Large ME/CFS Study Put an End to the Deconditioning Myth?

On a personal note, during an exercise test, my heart rate at the anaerobic threshold indicated that I had only a small window of healthy activity. My oxygen consumption at the anaerobic threshold indicated I probably wasn’t generating enough energy to comfortably do the normal tasks associated with daily living. Yet, my average daily step count over the past year (probably higher than it should be) – is 7,860 – or is a bit higher than the healthy controls in the study (!). My cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities cannot be due to deconditioning.

Anaerobic Thresholds, Fatty Acid Problems and Autophagy: Dr. Klimas’s Exercise Study


  • The recoveries of several people in the 4 years after the study, plus the lack of orthostatic intolerance, small fiber neuropathy, cognitive differences, etc., between the ME/CFS patients and the healthy controls have raised questions about patient selection. The patients underwent a rigorous selection process which required that they meet the IOM criteria or ME/CFS, did not have any confounding factors, and were vetted by a group of well-known ME/CFS experts.
  • The coronavirus pandemic impacted the study more than we knew. Only 8 ME/CFS patients and 9 healthy controls completed the second week of the study which focused on pathophysiology.
  • In what can only be described as a major missed opportunity, the study employed an exercise test but did not use it to explore the cause of post-exertional malaise by comparing results before and after exercise.
  • Even with these shortcomings – the small and truncated study, the less than a representative sample of patients, and the lack of interest in PEM – the study nevertheless provided many interesting and, I think, potentially helpful findings. The fact that it was able to do so with so few patients was encouraging.
  • Two important prior findings in ME/CFS – that immune activation and immune exhaustion are present – were validated by the study. An increase in the percentage of naïve and a decrease in switched memory B-cells in the blood could suggest the body is trying to fight off an infection and/or has an immunodeficiency problem.
  • A major takeaway from this study is going to be the huge split between the results of the males and females in virtually every category including the immune system, metabolomic, muscle, and gut fundings. The study indicates that separating men and women in studies could lead to far more valuable results.
  • Dr. Anthony Komaroff stated the immune findings were fully consistent with existing research and that the study provides compelling evidence that the immune system is chronically activated: “As if it’s engaged in a long war against a foreign microbe, a war it couldn’t completely win and therefore had to continue fighting.”
  • The ME/CFS group had reduced cerebrospinal levels of dopamine metabolites (DOPA, DOPA) as well as a serotonin precursor (DHPG) – two “feel good” brain chemicals. The authors called this evidence of “decreased central (brain) catecholamine biosynthesis” in ME/CFS. A metabolomic analysis of the spinal fluid indicated altered levels of dopamine, tryptophan, and butyrate metabolites. Problems with dopamine, in particular, could affect many symptoms in ME/CFS including movement, attention, sleep, and cognition. Ron Davis at Stanford is currently exploring the role BH4 may play in the dopamine pathway. Women and men had different CSF metabolic results.
  • The gene expression of the muscles in both men and women showed evidence of increased rates of oxidative stress – a potentially important finding, as several studies suggest that oxidative stress is wreaking havoc on the muscle membranes in ME/CFS. Once again, once separated, women and men, however, showed different abnormalities. The same was true of the lipid and gut findings.
  • Importantly, though, even with the small samples, the researchers were again and again able to easily differentiate ME/CFS patients from the healthy controls – a sign they were on the right track.
  • Even though less than half of the participants (8/9) ended up doing the exercise test, the study found that peak power, peak respiratory rate, peak heart rate, and peak VO2 (p = 0.004) were all significantly lower in the ME/CFS group. Plus, a lower heart rate reserve was found and chronotropic incompetence was found. The fact that anaerobic threshold (AT) occurred at lower levels of oxygen consumption fit with the idea that the aerobic energy production system in ME/CFS is impaired.
  • The authors, though, asserted that while they believed that biological factors led to the deconditioning, the deconditioning was responsible for the cardiovascular abnormalities and the disability found in ME/CFS. That conclusion flies in the face of numerous ME/CFS studies, some of which have found directly opposite findings than those seen in deconditioning.
  • Avindra Nath, the lead author of the study, concurred that deconditioning was not causing ME/CFS, stating, “The findings underscore that the symptoms cannot be explained by physical deconditioning or psychological factors. We can very emphatically say that we don’t think that’s the case” he says, “There are true biological differences.”
  • Conclusion – The small size, the missed focus on PEM, the easily misinterpreted “effort preference” finding, the deconditioning interpretation, and the conclusion that the muscles were operating normally in ME/CFS (see the first blog) raised questions about the study.
  • Coming up – Part III: the big picture, potential treatments, and the future.
  • Appendix – if you want to dig even deeper into the “effort preference” issue – check out the appendix to the blog
Plus, even though one of the muscle study results convinced the authors that deconditioning was in play, the supplementary results section stated that muscle histology was “unrevealing”, and that, “A measure of muscular deconditioning was not different between the PI-ME/CFS and HV groups“. The fact that these studies are assessing different factors and different patient groups and are coming to the same conclusion bolsters the conclusion that deconditioning is not playing a determinative role in ME/CFS functioning or the cardiovascular abnormalities found.

Avindra Nath has publicly stated that did not think deconditioning was causing (and for that matter neither do the other authors).  was determinative. Nath told Oregon Public Radio:

“The findings underscore that the symptoms cannot be explained by physical deconditioning or psychological factors”, says senior author Dr. Avindra Nath, clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. “We can very emphatically say that we don’t think that’s the case” he says, “There are true biological differences.”


key factor

The studies intention was to illuminate key factors that can be followed up on. While it wasn’t perfect it did achieve that goal

The small size, the missed focus on PEM, the easily misinterpreted “effort preference” finding, the deconditioning interpretation, and the conclusion that the muscles were operating normally in ME/CFS (see the first blog) raised questions about the study.

It was remarkable, though, given the small sample sizes, to see the study again and again easily differentiate ME/CFS patients from healthy controls. It was equally remarkable to see the impact that separating the sexes had. While the study had several problematic features, the goal of the study – to provide avenues for further exploration – seemed to have been abundantly met.

The NIH will also be hosting a symposium on the study where the public will be able to answer questions.

  • Next up – Part III – the Big Picture, potential treatments, and the future.

Appendix: More on Effort Preference  

I’ve been obsessed with the thorny “effort preference” finding. Here are some more thoughts on it for those who want to dig deeper:

“Their brain is telling them, ‘no, don’t do it,'” says Nath, “It’s not a voluntary phenomenon.”

A lot of the rest of the blog comes from the supplemental notes from the study where the authors thoughtfully provided ME/CFS patients’ experiences to help explain the findings.

The “effort preference” issue – that it rather than muscle fatigue is driving the “motor behavior” in ME/CFS – has understandably produced a lot of upset in the ME/CFS community. My reading of the paper, and Nath’s comments after its publication, indicate to me that the authors do not intend for the “effort preference” issue to be considered primarily in psychological terms. Nor has psychology been a focus in the media reports that I’ve read. Some of the wording did leave open the door to let some psychology in though, In this section I want to point out some possible issues with “effort preference” in the paper.

It does not appear, to me, at least, to be a particularly robust finding. For one, if I’m reading it correctly, the authors went through five different models before they found one that could fit. The study found that average button press rates declined significantly over time in the ME/CFS participants, but only for the easy tasks. Button press rates were the same in the hard tasks for the ME/CFS patients and HCs. 

While the ME/CFS patients punched the buttons as quickly as the healthy controls during the hard task, however, they were less likely to complete hard tasksby an immense magnitude”.  Instead of concluding that the ME/CFS patients suddenly “hit the wall”, the authors concluded that ME/CFS participants “reduced their mechanical effort” by pacing during the hard tasks. This conclusion seems belied by the fact that ME/CFS patients were working as hard as the healthy controls; i.e. they were punching the buttons as quickly as the healthy controls – they simply didn’t complete nearly as many hard tasks.

Hitting the wall

Did the ME/CFS patients suddenly hit the wall during the effort test, or were they pacing?

The authors referred to a patient report to back up their pacing interpretation.

 “You have to make a conscious choice of how much energy [to use and] whether or not something is worth crashing for. It’s hard because no sane person would ever (choose) to suffer and … that’s what you’re doing [by choosing] an activity that …  will make you crash. You are going to suffer… You have to decide what gives you meaning and what is worth it to you.”

I would argue, though, that that assertion has been misapplied. If anything gave the ME/CFS patients “meaning”, it was the opportunity to be in a study committed to solving their disease. One would think they would be more committed to pushing through their symptoms than the healthy controls.

The authors discarded that idea, though, by asserting that it was the lack of encouragement during the cognitive test that made the difference. When encouraged during the exercise test, the patients pushed themselves (and did not exhibit a difference in “effort preference”), but lacking that encouragement, they held back during the cognitive test. To suggest that both the ME/CFS patients and the HCs responded to encouragement during the exercise test but, left on their own, the ME/CFS quickly pooped out was quite a judgment call and rather demeaning.

My guess is that the ME/CFS patients were probably so invested in finding out what was wrong with them that they pushed themselves to the limit. I know I would have. If the authors had looked more deeply, they might have understood that crashes in ME/CFS can occur very quickly and without warning.

The paper asserted that both “conscious and unconscious behavioral alterations to pace and avoid discomfort may underlie the differential performance observed” and, of course, that must be true. People with ME/CFS consciously (and smartly) avoid activities that experience has taught them are going to make them worse.

The study the paper linked to in this section, however, indicates what treacherous territory we’re in with “effort preference”. It’s a Dutch study that found an activated motor cortex (and reduced prefrontal cortex activity) in ME/CFS but appeared to hang those findings on “prior beliefs about physical activities”.

“These findings link fatigue symptoms to alterations in behavioral choices on effort investment, prefrontal functioning, and supplementary motor area connectivity, with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex being associated with prior beliefs about physical abilities.”

Effort preference is clearly a slippery slope.

On the other hand, the authors couched the last part of the effort preference/motor cortex/TPJ finding in a way that makes sense to me (if I’m reading it correctly). “TPJ activity is inversely correlated with the match between willed action and the produced movement”; i.e. High levels of TPJ activity are associated with the ability to willfully carry out movement. Low levels of the TPJ activity – the kind found in ME/CFS – make it difficult to willfully carry out movement. Bingo.

For his part, Nath doesn’t seem to endorse the “voluntary pacing” interpretation. He stated that the brain is producing the effort problem.

A region of the brain that’s involved in perceiving fatigue and generating effort was not as active in those with ME/CFS. “Their brain is telling them, ‘no, don’t do it,'” says Nath, “It’s not a voluntary phenomenon.”

Likewise, Tony Komaroff believes the paper shows that a brain abnormality is making it harder for those with ME/CFS to exert themselves physically or mentally. “It’s like they’re trying to swim against a current” – the most accurate description I’ve seen of ME/CFS in quite some time.


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