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Thanks to the over 320 people who made Health Rising’s summer donation drive a success.

Thanks to everyone who made Health Rising’s Summer Donation drive a success! We exceeded our goal of $20,000 ($21,204) – and I still have some checks to pick up when I get back to Vegas. We had more people contribute during the drive (320+) than ever before. Whether you contributed $5 or $500, thank you so much – it all adds up.

A Community-Supported Website

Health Rising has two paid employees: myself and Stavya,  our website guru, but Health Rising wouldn’t be what it is without the support it gets from the ME/CFS/FM/Long-COVID and chronic complex illness communities.

The donors, of course, keep Health Rising going. As Health Rising is my sole source of support, without your support I would have to try to find another way to survive – so a personal thank you for allowing me to work in an area that means so much to me.Thanks for your support

There are our volunteers – all of whom have ME/CFS/FM and/or long COVID – and contribute their precious energy to HR.

Our editor – who wishes to remain anonymous – devotes a significant part of her short “upright” time to check over every one of the hundred-plus posts that go out every year. There’s Geoff and his narrations (often matcha green tea energized) that have made it possible to listen to almost all the blogs we put out. There’s Yvette, who helps keep me up to date by regularly sending me links to new studies, and there are the many people who, through the Contact page, alert me to studies and findings that I otherwise never would have come across.

Thanks also to our guest bloggers, people who have contributed their Lives Interrupted or Recovery/Recovering stories, our beta testers (you’ll be hearing from us soon), and the many people whose comments have so enriched the discussions on Health Rising.


I’m going to spend the next couple of days sending out thank you’s , and then Health Rising will be back. Coming up, the patient part of the Big Map should be up soon, we’ll be continuing our “What’s Up Doc?” series and there are many blogs on tap (Janet Mullington’s new ME/CFS sleep study, Dr. Clauw on fibromyalgia and nociplastic pain, “Stimulants – Can They Help?”, A New ME/CFS/Long COVID Moment, etc.).

Thanks again for your help!

Yours truly,


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