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Oxaloacetate was quite the ticket for some people.


  • Oxaloacetate became a thing in ME/CFS after Dr. David Kaufman saw it was low in a metabolomic study and began trying the supplement on his patients.
  • Because oxaloacetate starts the Krebs cycle – which makes up the first part of the aerobic energy production process – energy production gets hit very early in the energy production process.
  • An earlier proof of concept, open-label trial reported that 33% of the patients with ME/CFS, and up to 46.8% of long-COVID patients, received more than 25% reduction in fatigue. This trial, though, was the first placebo-controlled, randomized oxaloacetate trial.
  • Eight-two people (ME/CFS-42; HC-40) took 1,000 mg/2xs a day dose in a 3-month trial at the Bateman Horne Center. Fatigue was reduced in the oxaloacetate group by 32% (Chalder Fatigue Score) and 35% (RAND 36). The placebo group improved somewhat (but not significantly).
  • Concerning functionality, the group that received oxaloacetate went from 9.1 (moderate to severe fatigue) to 6.6 (moderate fatigue) on the Chalder fatigue scale. Regarding their ability to carry out daily activities, they went from having “significant fatigue that may affect their daily activities and overall well-being” to “noticeable fatigue that could impact their daily life”.
  • About 40% of the oxaloacetate group, however, were considered “enhanced responders” (>25% improvement). The paper did not provide their Chalder Fatigue data, but a doubling of their fatigue scores would have left them, if my numbers are right, with an average Chalder Fatigue score of 3.7 or “mild to moderate” fatigue – a big jump from the severe fatigue the entire group started with.
  • The Harvard dataverse data showed that the response to the supplement was very heterogeneous. Half the participants (21/42) either had no or very moderate (0 to +2 point) improvements in their fatigue or got a bit worse (-1 to -4). Approximately 40% of the group (n=16) received a score of +3 or higher received at least a 25% improvement in fatigue. Twenty percent of the group with scores of  +6 or higher surely received major benefits. Finally, 7% of the group (n=3) with scores of +9 to +11 must have hit the ball out of the park.
  • When oxaloacetate helped, it really helped – which brings up the question why and how it helped those it did. The authors outlined several ways oxaloacetate may be helping (lactate reduction, antioxidant protection, reduced inflammation, restoring NAD+/NADH levels, and increased glucose uptake).
  • Happily, this is not a one-and-done study that simply tells us whether a substance helps or not. The authors reported that metabolic analyses “underway at several facilities” are attempting to learn how oxaloacetate helped the ME/CFS patients it did. Those data should then help us understand what’s going on in ME/CFS, and identify which patients it might help.
  • In the end, given oxaloacetate’s cost ($4-500/month), these analyses could be the most significant thing to come out of this study, as they’re looking at what is potentially a sizeable subset of ME/CFS patients.
  • With one other oxaloacetate study and two Rapamycin studies – all of which will be digging into the biology of the participants – we should be learning much more about the role the mitochondria are playing in ME/CFS/FM and long COVID.

Here we are back at the mitochondria. How we got here is quite the story. Oxaloacetate showed up in a table of dozens of dysregulated metabolites in an ME/CFS metabolomic study by the Hanson group. It’s not mentioned in the paper’s result or discussion section. Nevertheless, an alert physician, Dr. David Kaufman, jumped on the finding and began trying the supplement in his patients.

Looking at what oxaloacetate does, it’s easy to see why Kaufman did that. Without oxaloacetate, the whole energy production process stops. More accurately, it never really gets started.

missing piece

Dr. Kaufman zeroed in on one of dozens of dysregulated metabolites.

There are two parts to aerobic energy (oxygen-derived) metabolism: the first – called the Krebs, citric acid, or TCA cycle (take your pick of names) – produces the two electron carriers (NADH, FADH2) which transport electrons in the second part of the cycle – the OXPHOS cycle – where the bulk of the ATP is produced. Oxaloacetate begins the Krebs cycle and at the end of it, is regenerated. Low oxaloacetate levels inevitably result in low levels of the two-electron transporters – NADH and FADH2 – an inhibited electron transport chain and low ATP production.

That process, the authors proposed, triggered ME/CFS patients’ cells to compensate by using the “Warburg Effect”, a means by which cells create energy using glycolysis instead of aerobic energy production. Glycolysis occurs outside the mitochondria, produces a toxic substance called lactate, and produces much, (much), less energy. Oxaloacetate, it turns out, regulates the Warburg Effect. While we don’t know if the Warburg Effect is alive and well in ME/CFS, some studies suggest it is.

Kaufman called oxaloacetate’s effects in some of his patients “extraordinary” and said he’d rarely seen such dramatic effects on fatigue. In 2021, he reported that at 1,000 mg/2x a day, fatigue dropped about 35% on average in 52 patients he had been tracking.

In 2022, a proof of concept, open-label trial in 76 people with ME/CFS and 43 people with long COVID reported that 33% of the patients with ME/CFS, and up to 46.8% of long-COVID fatigue patients, received more than 25% reduction in fatigue.

The Study

What we really needed was a randomized, placebo-controlled trial – and now we have it in “RESTORE ME: an RCT of oxaloacetate for improving fatigue in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome“.

This trial dispensed with the lower doses explored in the earlier study and went straight to the 1,000 mg/2xs a day dose. Eight-two people (ME/CFS-42; HC-40) participated in the 3-month trial which took place at the Bateman Horne Center. The participants were described as having mild-moderate ME/CFS. Thirty-five percent were still working.

The Chalder Fatigue Scale was the primary endpoint – the endpoint by which studies are judged a failure or success. Fatigue was reduced in the oxaloacetate group by 32% (Chalder Fatigue Score) and 35% (RAND 36). The placebo group improved somewhat (but not significantly).

Concerning functionality, the group that received oxaloacetate went from 9.1 (moderate to severe fatigue) to 6.6 (moderate fatigue) on the Chalder fatigue scale. Regarding their ability to carry out daily activities, they went from having “significant fatigue that may affect their daily activities and overall well-being” to “noticeable fatigue that could impact their daily life”.

The dataset shelved at a Harvard dataverse shows that the fatigue reductions held firm over time; that is, similar fatigue reductions were found at the end of month 3 as were found in months 1 and 2.

Who You Are Matters

About 40% of the oxaloacetate group, however, were considered “enhanced responders” (>25% improvement). The paper did not provide their Chalder Fatigue data, but a doubling of their fatigue scores would have left them, if my numbers are right, with an average Chalder Fatigue score of 3.7 or “mild to moderate” fatigue – a big jump from the severe fatigue the entire group started off with.

Hit the bullseye

Oxaloacetate hit the mark in one group of patients.

The Harvard dataverse data showed that the response to the supplement was very heterogeneous. Half the participants (21/42) either had no or very moderate (0 to +2 point) improvements in their fatigue or got a bit worse (-1 to -4). Approximately 40% of the group (n=16) which received a score of +3 or higher reported at least a 25% improvement in fatigue. Twenty percent of the group with scores of  +6 or higher surely received major benefits. Finally, 7% of the group (n=3) with scores of +9 to +11 must have hit the ball out of the park.

ME/CFS, then, is as tricky as ever, and heterogeneous responses to treatments remain the norm. Researchers are catching on, though, and are now more often looking to pluck out subsets of patients who respond well. Oxaloacetate is so expensive (@$400-$500/month) that, depending on how much money you have, it might only be worth it if you were in the enhanced response group.

The oxaloacetate was well tolerated. The only two side effects noted were headaches (in only 3/42 participants) and nausea (3/42 participants) (which disappeared when they took the supplement with meals).

But Why?

When oxaloacetate helped, it really helped – which brings up the question why and how it helped those it did.The authors outlined several ways oxaloacetate may be helping (lactate reduction, antioxidant protection, reduced inflammation, restoring NAD+/NADH levels, and increased glucose uptake).

Happily, this is not a one-and-done study that simply tells us whether a substance helps or not. The authors reported that metabolic analyses “underway at several facilities” are attempting to learn how oxaloacetate helped the ME/CFS patients it did. Those data should then help us understand what’s going on in ME/CFS, and identify which patients it might help.

subset looking glass

The researchers are digging into what happened in the enhanced response group.

In the end, given oxaloacetate’s cost, these analyses could be the most significant thing to come out of this study, as they’re looking at what is potentially a sizeable subset of ME/CFS patients.

Asking AI ChatGPT what might have caused the low oxaloacetate levels brought up (unfortunately) a wide variety of possibilities. They included:

  • low carbohydrate availability (a possibility given the increased breakdown of amino acids in ME/CFS?),
  • low biotin/B3-niacin (a group focused on niacin supplementation in ME/CFS has emerged),
  • mitochondrial dysfunction,
  • low acetyl-CoA levels,
  • hypoxia (low oxygen conditions),
  • starvation (interesting, given findings suggesting that, metabolically, ME/CFS resembles a state of starvation).

The low oxaloacetate levels, then, could be due to general problems (mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, low oxygen levels) or to something more specialized (genetic mutation pyruvate carboxylase, problems with malate and/or citrate synthase).

Mitochondrial Enhancers Getting Attention

Another oxaloacetate trial appears to be underway at Dr. Natelson’s center. Instead of metabolomics, it will use brain imaging to determine if oxaloacetate improves antioxidant levels in the brain.

Pair the two oxaloacetate studies with the two Rapamycin trials underway – each will also investigate different biological aspects – and we suddenly have a nice set of ME/CFS/long-COVID mitochondria trials.

A Search for Treatments Pervades New Efforts on Long COVID and ME/CFS

Plus let’s not forget David Systrom’s mitochondrial enhancer trial – which ultimately failed – but provided potentially valuable biological data.  We stand to learn much more about the mitochondria’s role in these diseases.

Systrom at the CDC: The ME/CFS Mitochondrial Drug Trial Fails Plus More

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This blog demonstrates what we love to do in Health RIsing – dig into the data. For instance, the paper did not report on the day-to-day impacts of oxaloacetate – we had to dive into the meaning of the Chalder Fatigue scores to get that. Likewise, it took checking out a separate dataset to uncover the range of oxaloacetate’s effects.

Digging into that stuff is what makes blogs fun. If that supports you – please support us!


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