Why Do More Women Get ME/CFS? Study Suggests it May be the Mitochondria…
THE GIST A recent Australian study from the Open Medicine Foundation used metabolomic data from over 1,000 ME/CFS patients in the UK Biobank to look for biomarkers. The 168 biomarkers associated with ME/CFS were dominated by … guess what? Lipid (fats)! Seeing...Better Breathing for Better Health? ME/CFS and Long COVID Inspiratory Breathing Study Shows Promise
That was pretty quick! Health Rising reported on Heather Edgell’s Ramsay Award from the Solve M.E. Initiative in Aug 2022 and now she’s not only finished the study but has already published a paper…
A Different Metabolic Breakdown: Metabolic Syndrome, ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Long COVID
Are people with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and long COVID at risk for major metabolic problems? We hear a lot about metabolic problems (impaired fatty acid synthesis, preferential amino acid utilization, altered lipid metabolism) in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) but surprisingly little…
RESTORE ME? Oxaloacetate Scores in Randomized Controlled ME/CFS Trial
Oxaloacetate was quite the ticket for some people. Here we are back at the mitochondria. How we got here is quite the story. Oxaloacetate showed up in a table of dozens of dysregulated metabolites in an ME/CFS metabolomic study by the Hanson group…