The GIST is towards the bottom of the post Check out Geoff’s narration The GIST The Blog Highlights from the ME/CFS Roadmap Presentation at the Spring NANDSC Meeting VIcky Whittemore, Lucinda Bateman and Maureen Hanson presented recommendations produced...
Check out Geoff’s narration: The GIST The Blog THE GIST Check out Geoff’s narration of the GIST at the top of the blog. Major Takeaway – researchers find a circuit in the brain that turns on and off the inflammatory response that characterizes...
Monitoring blood lactate levels using available products could help people with chronic fatigue, long COVID and fibromyalgia avoid postexertional malaise.
A Stanford study finds that oxidative stress plays a major role in the immune problems in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID and suggests that long COVID is short-duration form of ME/CFS.
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