(Thanks to Darden for allowing Health Rising to republish her blog – which was first published on her Fibrofriends website In September of 2017 I embarked on a healing program using Nutritional Balancing under the supervision of a licensed acupuncturist named...
Thanks once again to Darden for allowing Health Rising to republish an article (originally titled “Lifestyle Recommendations for Optimal Health” from her Fibrofriends blog As a person whose health has been compromised by chronic illness for many years I...
(Darden has looked high and low to find ways to understand and treat her ME/CFS/FM, and, if she’s not healthy now, she’s still been able to improve her health substantially. Recently a diagnosis of a Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome – a lesser known...
(Dr. Mady Hornig recently reported that preliminary results from the Chronic Fatigue Initiative’s microbiome study suggested a subset of people had low gut serotonin levels. She noted that serotonin is an important immune modulator, and proposed that...
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