Suzanne Vernon’s interest in pathogens and post-infectious diseases goes back to when, as a 20-year-old, she landed a work-study job at the CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne Diseases while an undergraduate at Colorado State University. Ten years later with...
With its more remarkable funding, the NIH should be leading the hunt to solve long COVID. Thus far, though, it’s in the rear of the pack. The NIH’s history with post-infectious diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) carries so much baggage, and is...
It’s wild times, indeed. Sometimes it seems like the earth is shifting beneath our feet. Other times it feels like it’s standing still. It’s good times for long COVID, though, as the future just got a bit brighter. As many people with long COVID...
The NIH recently found a way to kick the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) community in the teeth again. Jack Reacher couldn’t have done it any better. You have to give it to the NIH: they’re nothing if not masters of disappointment. Almost five years ago...
The NIH launches a mammoth effort to quickly understand and find treatments for long COVID that will follow tens of thousands of patients and include hundreds of researchers.
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