A significant number of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, POTS, fibromyalgia or other similar disease may have an autoimmune disease which is attaching their autonomic nervous system (an autoimmune dsyautonomia) which may be treatable by IVIG or other therapies
Autoimmunity has become a huge issue in POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and is becoming a major one in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The autoimmunity revolution underway in POTS – few now believe the disease doesn’t have a...
Surprises Off all the cities I drove through on the Vegas to Florida to D.C. to Nashville to Birmingham to Tuscaloosa to St Louis, Kansas City and then on to Denver, Nashville was the biggest surprise. It’s not a big city, but cranes are everywhere lifting new,...
The autonomic nervous system rears its head in fibromyalgia – again. The pattern in fibromyalgia is now pretty clear; the fight/flight (sympathetic nervous system) system is activated even during rest, the heart rate response (chronotropic incompetence) to...
Poor sleep is synonymous with both ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. We know it produces fatigue, pain, irritation and mood issues but recent studies suggest that may just be the beginning of the problem. In fact, they suggest that poor sleep may have profound effects on our...
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