Researchers and doctors get interested in ME/CFS in different ways. Many have a personal connection, but for David Systrom, a pulmonologist, it was all about demand. He didn’t seek chronic fatigue syndrome patients out – quite the contrary. When Systrom...
The short “Dysfunction Junction” article on the autonomic nervous system and ME/CFS by Dr. Pocinki first appeared on the SMCI website about ten years ago. Even a decade later its portrayal of those problems present in this fundamental system of the body is...
A Review of “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart” by Dr. Thomas Cowan The heart is rarely front and center currently when it comes to discussing the system failures and dysregulation in ME/CFS. Despite the focus some doctors (specialists such as the late Dr. Lerner...
Dr. Light has said that he wants to do for fatigue what researchers have done for pain; that is uncover the molecular pathways that cause fatigue. Some time ago Light presented one of the most spectacular graphs of ME/CFS ever done. I still remember the gasp that...
Dr. Barnden of the National Centre for NeuroImmnology and Emerging Diseases (NCNED) in Griffith University, Australia has been doing some fascinating brain imaging work in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Over the past six years Barnden has been publishing results...
Anxiety type symptoms are common in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, Gulf War Ilness (GWI), and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Dr. Baraniuk, an ME/CFS and GWI researcher, has long thought that researchers missed the boat by focusing...
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