Studies indicate that the nasal congestion and mid-facial pain found in the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is probably not due to inflammation or mast cell activation but instead is probably caused by small nerve fiber problems and dysautonomia.
Who better to write this piece “This college dropout was bedridden for 11 years. Then he invented a surgery and cured himself” than Ryan Prior – who himself recovered from a debilitating mysterious disease. Doug Lindsay’s story is so powerful...
In 2013, Michael VanElzakker produced one of the most intriguing hypotheses to date in ME/CFS. His Vagus Nerve Hypothesis proposed that an infection/inflammation near the vagus nerve was causing it to send an unending stream of messages to the brain, telling it to...
The post-infectious fatigue studies – those which follow healthy people as they come down with an infection and then develop ME/CFS – present the possibility of catching the disease in its tracks as it begins to wreak it’s havoc. Expensive and...
Thanks again to Veronique for providing her intriguing take on chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). This is one of a series of articles from Health Rising which feature hypotheses created by health care professionals with ME/CFS or who are associated with ME/CFS. (It is...
Despite the current lack of consensus as to the underlying biological basis of CFS, there is considerable evidence … to highlight an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system as a unifying pathological factor. Newton et. al. 2013 A fascinating case of research...
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