“Therefore, in this study, we hypothesize that understanding cortisol patterns in both these syndromes may be a crucial factor in characterizing FMS and CFS.” The authors More than any other substance, cortisol demonstrates how integral a role the stress...
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other functional pain disorders may triggered by an overactive fight/flight system which results in neuroinflammation.
Mackay and Tate propose that neuroinflammation in the hypothalamus disregulates the paraventricular nucleus causing the stress response in chronic fatigue syndrome to go bananas, producing all sorts of symptoms. They look forward to the day when brain scans will produce a diagnosable brain signature for both ME/CFS and FM.
Intranasal preparations could speed the delivery of drugs and supplements like glutathione and insulin to the brain in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia and reduced inflammation there.
The Loggia Lab at Harvard finds the same kind of widespread neuroinflammation in Gulf War illness that it did in fibromyalgia. Similar patterns of unusually widespread neuroinflammation have been found in chronic fatigue syndrome and migraine.
In a ISEAI presentation, Dr. Mary Ackerley talks about how environmental stressors such as mold, pathogens and toxins can trigger neuroinflammation and produce the symptoms found in ME/CFS, FM and similar diseases. Mary Ackerley MD is not your ordinary summa cum laude...
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