How close are we to understanding chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) when we can accurately predict how the greatest stressor of all – exercise – affects ME/CFS patients’ physiology? Nothing, after all, whacks a person with ME/CFS like exercise....
The failure of the BACE drugs has some drug companies looking for ways to reduce neuroinflammation - which appears to be present in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
Tony Komaroff's wildly popular chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) unifying model paper published in JAMA - the top medical journal in the world - suggests ME/CFS is hypometabolic state brought on by neuroinflammation or is a hibernation-like state.
Jeff’s amazing craniocervical instability story indicated that a damaged brainstem can produce all the symptoms of ME/CFS/FM/POTS. He’s not the first to believe that. Michael VanElzakker, the author of the Vagus Nerve Hypothesis, has believed that for...
A Molecular Revolution We are in the midst of a molecular revolution. Instead of plucking out individual factors and studying them, researchers are ploughing through immense amounts of data to try and get at the molecular roots of illness. They’re using genetic,...
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