Alertness, the ability to carry out tasks, sleep and others in chronic fatigue syndrome are impacted by activation of the default mode network in the brain.
In Pt. II of our 4-part interview on how people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM) recover, we cover the following topics. I ask what did CFS Unravelled bring that was new – a single explanation 0:00:22 Dan challenges the model of...
Cort talks about hot topics in fibromyalgia research, future treatment possibilities, diagnosis, the difference between chronic fatigue syndrome and FM and more to the Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Association in the UK.
Fibromyalgia studies suggests that just about part of the pain production system has gone awry in the disease. From neurotransmitters, to twitchy small nerves, to broken gating mechanisms, to burgeoning pain centers of the brain, problems abound.
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