Researchers propose that the renin-aldosterone system and damage to the endothelial and epithelial cells are at the core of the both long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome.
A hypothesis by two German researchers not only potentially explains the fatigue and exertion problems in ME/CFS but also the blood volume, cardiac and nanoneedle findings.
Systrom, Scheibenbogen and others have has found evidence of microcirculatory problems in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia, but what about the big blood vessels – the arteries? These muscular, but flexible, tubes transport oxygenated blood...
A graded exercise therapy or GET chronic fatigue syndrome study found that a substantial number of ME/CFS patients may have cardiovascular problems that interfer with blood flows to the muscles.
Low brain blood flows and orthostatic intolerance; e.g. increased symptoms when standing or standing were found in virtually all chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patients in this large study.
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