It’s coming – the granddaddy of them all – the IACFS/ME’s International ME/CFS Conference. The ME/CFS field may have struggled for decades to get funding, it may still be derided by some (witness the reason for a recent NIH grant application...
The IACFS/ME International ME/CFS conferences features presentations on "New Frontiers", new treatment options, long COVID and ME/CFS studies, neuroinflammation and more.
The 2020 IACFS/ME Zoom conference found evidence of B-cell abnormalities that might be tied to autoimmunity, problems with mitochondrial energy production and a finding which suggested that having more uplifiting events may actually help.
We are truly in an era that, at least in one way, suits people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) very well. Two major conferences, the Emerge Conference in Australia and the NIH conference in the United States, are both going to be livestreamed over the next...
Italo Biaggioni, a respected Vanderbilt researcher in the field, has co-authored 100’s of studies on dysautonomia. He was an impressive speaker, at ease and relaxed in front of the room. I felt like I was sitting in his living room. He noted that the...
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