The NIH on the ME/CFS Intramural Study -“Effort Preference”, Exhausted Immune Systems and the Crucial Male/Female Divide

The NIH on the ME/CFS Intramural Study -“Effort Preference”, Exhausted Immune Systems and the Crucial Male/Female Divide

The findings from a seminal (and massive) NIH intramural study done on chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) were explained during a symposium.
Bad B-cells, Malfunctioning Mitochondria and “Could Happiness Help?” The IACFS/ME ME/CFS Zoom Conference Pt. III

Bad B-cells, Malfunctioning Mitochondria and “Could Happiness Help?” The IACFS/ME ME/CFS Zoom Conference Pt. III

The 2020 IACFS/ME Zoom conference found evidence of B-cell abnormalities that might be tied to autoimmunity, problems with mitochondrial energy production and a finding which suggested that having more uplifiting events may actually help.

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