Central Findings Only maximal (exercise to exhaustion) exercise tests reveal the problems with energy production in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Weakened muscles that move the lungs may, because of oxidative stress/mitochondrial problems, be stopping people with ME/CFS...
Dr. Komaroff’s summary of the IACFS/ME conference is always a highlight. Traditionally the last official presentation of the conference, Dr. Komaroff uses his decades of experience to put the findings of the conference into context. This is is the first time, to...
This was Dr. Montoya’s chance to highlight the ME/CFS work being done at Stanford and it was impressive. Most of the researchers presenting today are brand spanking new to the field and they are producing results and they are excited. The research being done at...
The Times They Are a Changing. In response to Dr. Unger’s request, the Simmaron Research Foundation is sponsoring a large workshop at the IACFS/ME Conference to recommend immune tests that will guide the diagnosis and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome....
Pre-Conference ‘Conference’ – Stanford ME/CFS Symposium, Wednesday, March 19th Stanford’s Chronic Fatigue Symposium bears notice for a couple of reasons. A) The fact that one of the top medical schools in the country is producing a symposium...
(The text is by Dr. Rosamund Vallings of New Zealand. I added the commentary (in brackets) and headings.) December 2013, Gold Coast, Australia. I felt privileged to be invited to attend this symposium, which was combined with the opening of the National Centre for...
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