Metrodora is bringing a high-tech approach to diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, dysautonomia, and fibromyalgia that the medical profession has largely ignored.
Patrick tells how he recovered from a case of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) which left him bedbound by employing strict pacing, brain retraining exercises, and a variety of other treatments.
Studies indicate that the risk of osteoporosis is increased in fibromyalgia - which suggests it may be increased in chronic fatigue syndrome and long COVID as well.
“These data demonstrate that neutrophils are fundamental for the development of chronic widespread pain through the infiltration of peripheral sensory ganglia.” The authors There isn’t a lot of fibromyalgia research going on and the field has gone...
Fibromyalgia (FM) is so weird. Exercise studies are just going gangbusters. If researchers devoted as much time and money to attempting to understand what’s going on in FM as they do on exercise studies we might have some real answers. The outcome has been that...
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